1 Corinthians 15_50      Rapture and Tribulation

Rev. David Holwick  V

First Baptist Church

West Lafayette, Ohio

June 12, 1988

Matthew 24


I. Basic idea of Rapture - 1 Cor 15:50.

     A. Happens in the Last Days of the earth.

     B. A trumpet will sound.

     C. Our bodies will be changed.

     D. It will happen in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye.

     E. Death will finally be defeated for us.

II. Great topic, but not an easy sermon for me.

     A. My views are controversial.

     B. They are in minority, at least among laypeople.

     C. Issue is important, if we are last generation.

III. I believe Rapture will happen, but at the end of the Tribulation.

     A. If we are the last generation, we will enter the Tribulation.

     B. We will see the Antichrist...

     C. We will be persecuted, and perhaps killed...

         1) Ever seen the movie, "A Thief In The Night"?

         2) It won't be just a dream.

IV. Why do I believe it?

     A. I used to believe Rapture was before Tribulation, like you.

     B. I studied it further, and came to this conclusion.

     C. Don't be led by emotions, or what you want to believe,

           but by what you honestly believe the Bible teaches.

V. Key Passages:

     A. Daniel 7:9-14 and 12:1-3

     B. Matthew 24

     C. 1 Corinthians 15:50-57

     D. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

     E. 2 Thessalonians 1:4-10 and 2:1-12

     F. Revelation 3:10; 4:1; 14:14-20; and 19:6-21

VI. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

     A. Rapture is a hope for believers.

         1) Especially applies to departed loved ones.

         2) Reunited.

     B. Order of events:

         1) Jesus comes down from heaven

         2) A loud command

         3) Voice of the archangel (only Michael)

         4) Trumpet call

         5) Dead in Christ rise first

         6) Those left - survivors - join them

         7) We meet Jesus in clouds, remain with him forever.

     C. When?

         1) 5:1 - day unknown

         2) 5:2 - like a thief in the night

         3) 5:4 - but believers are not surprised!

             a) Godly people will be aware

             b) Wicked will not

         4) 5:9 - Christians do not suffer wrath.

VII. Matthew 24

     A. Paul referred to "the Lord's own word".  This passage in view.

     B. Details:

         1) 24:7  - Birthpains

         2) 24:14 - Gospel preached to whole world

         3) 24:15 - Abomination of Desolation - Antichrist

         4) 24:21 - Great Tribulation

         5) 24:29 - Immediately after:

             a) Sun darkened (heavenly signs)

             b) Jesus comes on clouds with great glory

             c) Loud trumpet

             d) Angels gather elect

     C. Apart from this, there is no Rapture in Matthew 24.

         1) Note similarities -

              Jesus on clouds, trumpet, gathering of elect.

         2) No other rapture, because this is rapture.

VIII. 2 Thessalonians 1:4-10

     A. Details:

         1) 1:4 - Church is already in persecution and tribulation

         2) 1:6 - God will pay back persecutors

         3) 1:7 - And will give rest to Christians

             a) When?

                 1> When Jesus is revealed from heaven

                 2> With angels

                 3> In flaming fire

             b) Wicked are punished, righteous are glorified.

     B. "Rest" of believers is at end of tribulation, not at beginning.

           Happens same time wicked are wiped out.

IX. 2 Thessalonians 2:1

     A. "Coming" and "gathering" are tied together.

     B. Day is not at hand yet

         1) First must be apostasy

         2) Antichrist (Man of sin)

X. Revelation 3:10

     A. Promise to Philadelphia - "I will keep thee from the hour..."

         1) Require rapture before tribulation?

         2) Same phrase in John 17:15 -

              "...not that thou shouldest take them out of the world,

               but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil one."

             a) Not removal, but preservation in view.

     B. Not clear-cut.

XI. Revelation 4:1

     A. Rapture of John?

         1) Voice like trumpet - "Come up here."

         2) "Church" not mentioned again until chapter 22.

     B. Problems:

         1) John is mentioned alone - if it refers to rapture, it is

              figurative at best.

         2) The language is typical of a prophets encounter with an

              angel - compare Ezekiel 3:12.

         3) The word "church" is only used of local congregations in


             a) The "Great Multitude" in Revelation 7:9 is obviously

                 the church, but is called another name.

             b) If Christians are only affected by chapters which use

                 the word "church," they also miss out on the Wedding

                 Feast of the Lamb, the Millennium and the Age to Come.

XII. Revelation 14:14-20      Harvest of the earth

     A. Occurs after sixth trumpet, just before climax

     B. "Son of Man" comes on a cloud

     C. The earth is harvested

         1) 14:16 - Jesus reaps Christians.

         2) 14:19 - An angel reaps the wicked.

     D. Just before passage, in 14:13, a blessing and promise of

          rest are given to Christians (especially martyrs).

XIII. Problems brought against Post-Tribulation Rapture theory:

     A. The Bible seems to describe two comings - one sudden and

          unexpected, the other obvious and predictable.

         1) Incorrect - no one passage unambiguously teaches a

              two-stage coming.

         2) It is unexpected for those who are morally unprepared

              (Matthew 24:48-50; 1 Thessalonians 5:4)

         3) Even the "predictable" coming in glory will be

              unpredictable, because "the days [of tribulation] will

              be cut short"   (Matthew 24:22)

     B. The Rapture is supposed to be "at any second."

         1) Incorrect - the Bible says it could be "soon" or "sudden"

              but none of the words used require an "any second"


         2) Other passages require a delay before Christ can return:

             a) John 21:18 - Jesus says Peter will live to an old age.

             b) Luke 19:11-27 - Jesus gives a parable that refers to a

                  delay in the return of a king.  (Note verse 12 -

                  because the people thought the Kingdom was going to

                  appear at once.)

             c) Acts 15:19 - The risen Jesus gives a long-range goal

                  for the Apostle Paul.

             d) See also Matthew 24:45-51; 25:5,19; Acts 22:21; 23:11.

     C. Christians are saved from Wrath (1 Thess. 5:9).  The

          Tribulation is God's wrath on the wicked world.

         1) It is true that Christians do not suffer wrath.

         2) It is also true that there will be (new) Christians in the

              Tribulation.  Do they suffer wrath?

         3) Many verses in Revelation speak of God's protection and

              "keeping" of his saints.  They do not suffer wrath like

              the world.

     D. The Holy Spirit (in the Church) must be taken out of the world

          so the Antichrist can be revealed (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7).

         1) Problem with this view:

             a) The Holy Spirit is required for salvation (Rom. 8:9)

             b) People will be saved in the Tribulation (Rev. 13:7)

         2) If the Holy Spirit is the "restrainer" of the Antichrist,

              this is not his only function.  His removal cannot

              require a rapture of the church.  (And in any case many

              doubt the Holy Spirit is meant by this passage anyway.)

XIV. Application - What does it all matter?

     A. Christians need to have a realistic view of suffering.

          It is a natural part of this life.

         Acts 14:22 - "We must through much tribulation enter

           into the kingdom of God."

     B. Jesus does not abandon us when we suffer.

         John 16:33 - "In the world you shall have tribulation;

           but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

     C. The Christian duty is not to look for the easy way out, but for

          the way of faithfulness.

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