1 Corinthians  6_ 9-11      Adam and Steve?

Rev. David Holwick   Z

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

July 27, 2003  

1 Corinthians 6:9-11


  I. It's not a joke anymore.

      A. Sermon title is an allusion to a dusty old joke:

            "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."

          1) Fifty years ago, this was a non-issue.

          2) Today, it is most contentious issue in the American church.

          3) This morning's paper:

                Episcopalians are threatening to split because of

                   election of homosexual bishop in New Hampshire.

                Baptists split at the drop of a Bible, but this is

                   almost unheard of for Episcopalians.

      B. Generational divide.

          1) Recent Barna poll:

             On issue of homosexual marriage, only 22% of those over age

                65 support it.

             For those who are 18-29, 61 percent - a strong majority -

                think it should be legalized.

             For all age groups it is becoming increasingly acceptable.

          2) Conversation I had Monday night with two older people -

              a) "Some of my best friends are homosexual."

              b) "I've been to two homosexual weddings.  They were

                    actually a lot of fun."

              c) "I don't see anything wrong with it - live and let


      C. Reasons for divide.

          1) Influence of tolerance in schools.

          2) Decline of Bible as moral authority.

              a) It may have personal application, but not societal.

          3) Biggie - influence of media.

              a) Current TV lineup.

                  1> 5 homosexual guys help out a fashion-challenged

                        straight guy.

                  2> On Bravo channel, a homosexual marriage ceremony.

                  3> "Guy Meets Guy" - room full of men, don't know

                        which is homosexual and which is heterosexual.

      D. My experience of the transition.

          1) Psychology class in high school - substitute teacher

                discusses homosexual friends and thinks it's a shame

                   they are so ostracized.

             She agrees homosexuality is wrong, but they are her friends.

                None of us students has ever known a homosexual.

          2) Wheaton College - I do a term paper on "Christians" who

                believe the Bible does not condemn homosexuality.

             Jesus himself was probably homosexual (note 12 men...)

          3) 1990's - our denomination debates accepting homosexuals.

              a) Some churches are expelled.

              b) Other associations and regions split apart.

          4) 2003 - Supreme Court ruling reverses precedent.

              a) Previous law was little-used.

              b) Sweeping interpretation - right to privacy is primary.

      E. Christians need to know where they stand on the issue.

          1) Are you a pick-and-choose Christian, or a consistent one?

          2) Do you know why it matters?

II. Why are Christians so hung up on sex?

      A. Many feel it makes no difference.  Live and let live.

          1) People will do what they want to do, law or no law.

              a) They always have.

          2) People will do what they are biologically programmed to do.

              a) Genetic destiny.  (A fallacy, however - if it was truly

                    biologically determined, 100% of identical twins who

                    are homosexual would have a homosexual twin.  This is

                    not the case, though it is a higher rate than random)

              b) Poor track record on change of sexual orientation.

      B. Liberal Christians endorse the acceptance of homosexuality.

          1) It has become a litmus issue for them.

          2) Society has made it the next civil rights issue and comes

                down hard on those who are against it.

             Christian beliefs about sin and especially homosexuality

                have been declared by a California court "public safety

                   issues" that the government has a "duty to condemn."

             As such the court ruled that condemning sin was "hateful

                rhetoric" and the government must "exercise its duty..."

             What was this hateful and unacceptable rhetoric?

             It was an ad campaign that said former homosexuals can

                celebrate a new life because someone cared enough to

                   share with them the truth of God's healing love ...

                the truth that God abhors any form of sexual sin.


      C. Are traditional sexual standards a thing of the past?

III. Homosexuality is nothing new.

      A. It has always existed in nature.

      B. It was more prevalent in ancient times than today.

          1) The Greeks had almost institutionalized it.

          2) 1 Corinthians 6 shows it existed even in the church.

              a) Verse 9 includes homosexuality in a list of sins.

                  1> (much discussion on exact meaning of word used)

              b) Verse 11 claims some of them had been involved in it.

      C. The Bible claims homosexuals - indeed everyone - can change.

          1) Notice the "but" in verse 11 - they are washed, justified.

          2) They are different now that they have encountered Jesus.

          3) ALL of us must change because of Jesus, not just gays.

IV. The critical issue - the authority of the Bible.

      A. If the Bible is true, follow it.

          1) Authority of Scripture should be paramount for Christians.

      B. Sex and marriage in Genesis 2.

          1) God designed humans to need companionship.              2:18

          2) Marriage is God's provision to meet this need.

          3) Sex is two complementary beings becoming one.           2:24

              a) Procreation - having kids - is secondary.

              b) Other versions of marriage (ie, polygamy) are portrayed

                    in Bible but ultimately rejected.

                  1> Kings are warned about taking multiple wives.

                  2> Biblical experience suggests a man can only handle

                        one woman at a time.

                      A> Look at problems Abraham and David had!

      C. Jesus Christ endorsed this view of marriage.      Matthew 19:4-6

          1) His ideal is one man, one woman.

          2) Sex outside of marriage is condemned throughout the Bible.

  V. The tension between religion and law.

      A. Christian values cannot always be imposed on a secular society.

          1) Adultery is no longer illegal.  Why not homosexuality?

              a) That fact that something is a sin does not necessarily

                    mean it should be illegal.  (example of apostasy)

          2) But basic level of morality is important for nation.

              a) Plenty of legal things - alcohol - have devastating


              b) Homosexual marriage will diminish all marriage.

                 Researcher Thomas Schmidt has documented that of ten

                    randomly selected homosexual men in their thirties,

                       only one is faithful to his partner.

                 Within a year even he will not be faithful.

                 Four have never had a relationship that lasted a year,

                    and only one has had a relationship that lasted more

                       than three years.

                 Drug use and depression are widespread.


                 Even if some of their problems stem from being rejected

                    by society, most of the problems are their own doing.

                 Observe a homosexual "gay pride" parade to see what

                    they really stand for.

              c) "Live and let live" reflects moral relativism.

      B. At the same time, legal system should not be our focus.

          1) We cannot legislate people into being Christian.

          2) Genuine Christian values can only be exhibited by


          3) All Americans, even "sinners," have freedoms and rights.

                This includes homosexuals.

VI. We are a big part of the problem.

      A. Sexual sins of Christians have paved the way.

          1) Living in sin, adultery, etc.

          2) If we can't honor the Bible's teachings, why should others?

      B. We need to be compassionate.

          1) Not all Christians are like Rev. Phelps.

              a) His group carries signs at homosexual funerals saying

                    "God hates gays."

              b) Phelps hates Evangelical Christians, too.  (He even

                    pickets Southern Baptists!)

              c) His is not a true church, but weird cult-like group.

                  1> The media portrays him as a typical Evangelical

                        Christian for their own purposes.

          2) Homosexuals are real people.

              a) Many are friends and family members.

              b) We should accept them as people, sinners like us.

              c) But we should genuinely love them, enough to tell them

                    the truth about what God teaches about it.

      C. We need to have a positive message.

          1) We are not just against stuff.

          2) We must lift up fulfilling monogamy, and personally portray


          3) We must love those who struggle with sexuality.

VII. It's about lordship more than change.

      A. "Exodus" conference was held this week.

          1) It is a controversial ministry that believes God can deliver

                homosexuals from that lifestyle.

              a) One thousand attendees, many of them former homosexuals.

              b) They were picketed by opponents who don't like message.

          2) Main speaker Sy Rogers, a recovered homosexual, said:

             "Our message to you is not about change.

                 That's putting the cart before the horse.

                 This isn't self-improvement.

              This is about establishing the lordship of Christ in

                  your life."

      B. Who is your Lord?

          1) Does he control your relationships?

          2) Is he in charge of your passions?

          3) Have you given him your whole life?



# 3554  "The Post-closet Era (book reviews)," by Tim Stafford, Online

           Christianity Today, November 13, 1995.

#25189  "The Gospel is Hateful Rhetoric," American Family Association

           Journal, September 2000.  Submitted to the Yahoo Illustration

           Exchange by by Rev. Craig Watters, Senior Pastor, First

           Baptist Church of Louisville, Colorado.

These and 25,000 others are part of a database that can be downloaded,

absolutely free, at http://www.holwick.com/database.html


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