1 Peter 1:1-9      A Living Hope (2022)

David Holwick  G                                          Thanksgiving

Boothbay Baptist Church

Boothbay, Maine

November 21, 2021

                                                        Deuteronomy 28:1-8

                                                         1 Timothy 6:17-19

                        PROVISIONING THE PILGRIMS

    I. There would be no Thanksgiving without Boothbay.

         Most of us are familiar with the story.

         The Pilgrims left England and arrived in Massachusetts in 1620.

            Maybe you've been to the rock that they alleged stepped on.

         They had plenty of religious zeal, but no fishing gear, terrible

            hunting ability, and not much skill at farming.

         By the next autumn, half of them had starved to death.

         But local Indians taught them some basic farming skills and helped

            them with food so the survivors celebrated a big thanksgiving

               feast with the Indians in 1621.

         The rarely-told story is that a few months later they were

            starving again.

         They sent out a boat to look for food and found a small fishing

            community on Damariscove Island.

         Those fishermen provided them with enough salted cod to survive,

            and they did it for free.

         That is why the sign on Route 27 at the boundary of our town

            proclaims, "Pelegrinis cibum dedimus," or, "We provisioned the


         It's a good thing we did, too - my wife Celeste is a Mayflower


         If they had all starved to death, I would be eating Thanksgiving

            dinner all by myself!                                       [1]

   II. The other side of the Thanksgiving coin.

        A. The Pilgrims thanked God because he had first provided for them.

            1) Experiencing hardship and starvation made their thanksgiving

                  much more pointed.

            2) They recognized they couldn't do it on their own and needed

                  God's help.

        B. This has been God's promise to believers since the beginning.

            1) When God provided Abraham with a ram so he wouldn't have

                  to sacrifice his son, Abraham called the place Jehovah-

                     Jireh - "The Lord will provide."             Gen 22:14

            2) When the Jews wandered in the wilderness with Moses, God

                  supernaturally provided them with manna.

            3) When the Jews entered the land of Israel, God promised them

                  abundant crops and livestock - as long as they were

                     obedient to him.

            4) In the New Testament, Paul reminds even the pagan Lyconians

                  that God has provided them with abundant food and joy.

                                                                 Acts 14:17

  III. How God provides.

        A. He can provide materially.

            1) This is the idea behind Deuteronomy 28, which lists the

                  blessings Israel will receive when they obey God.

            2) They are practical things like childbirth and livestock

                  and victory over enemies.

            3) God can give you the things you need, in ways that you

                  can't anticipate.

            Years ago I received a letter from Nancy Bartolec, a Campus

               Crusade missionary at Indiana University.

            She entitled the letter, "God is just so ... Nice!!!!"

            A week before Valentine's Day, some of her friends called from

               Kentucky and asked Nancy to come down for the weekend.

            They told Nancy if she'd drive down they'd pay for everything

               once she got there.

            When Nancy got off the phone and began to figure out how much

               it would cost in gas to get there and back, it came to $40.

            Then she began to realize not only did she not have money to

               spend when she got there but she didn't even know where

                  the money would come from to get down there at all.

            Nancy began to pray and ask God to provide the money.

            After a while she just decided that she'd have to swallow her

               pride and tell her friends she couldn't afford to come.

            That night Nancy got a phone call from Visa.

            They called to tell her they wanted to communicate to her that

               she was a VALUED customer...

            (Immediately her cynical side figured they just wanted to coax

               her to use the card more often!)

            But then they made their appreciation a little more concrete.

            To show their sincerity they were sending her gift certificates

               to a gas station of her choice for the amount of $40!!!!

            Not just plain gift certificates to be used anywhere, but

               specifically for gasoline.

            And not for $25 dollars or $50 ... but $40!!!

            Nancy was so thrilled she told the Visa guy he was part of a



            Have you ever had God provide for you like this - an EXACT

               amount just when you needed it?

            It is not an every-day thing but praise God when it happens!

            As Ephesians 3:20 says, God is able to do far more abundantly

               than all we ask or think.

        B. God can provide abundantly.

            1) Abraham started out with nothing but a promise from God.

               In Genesis 24:35 his servant sums up Abraham's situation

                  this way:

               "The LORD has greatly blessed my master, and he has become


                He has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, male

                  servants and female servants, camels and donkeys."

               All this didn't happen overnight but built up steadily.

               I am convinced if you commit your way to God, he can do

                  the same to you.

            2) Jesus teaches about God's generosity in Luke 6:38, and it

                  interesting how he hinges it on our own generosity:

               "Give, and it will be given to you.

                Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over,

                   will be put in your lap.

                For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you."

                                                                  Luke 6:38

               The image is of a man sitting in a market and having a

                  bushel of grain poured into his lap.

            3) God's abundance is not a magic formula.

                a) TV evangelists who tell you to send in $50 and God will

                      multiply it by Friday are teaching a twisted gospel.

                b) But God does want us to have good things, materially

                      and spiritually.  He wants to bless you.

        C. God can provide spiritually.

            1) Jesus taught that people don't live by bread alone.

                a) We all have a spiritual component whether we

                     acknowledge it or not.

                b) If you truly seek God, he can put a joy in your heart

                      that is beyond anything the world can provide.

                c) Our earthly possessions will rust and decay but your

                      spiritual treasure will last forever.

            2) God's material provision to us should awaken our gratitude

                  for all he offers, and draw us closer to him.

                a) Are you grateful for what God has given you?

   IV. God's provision requires our trust.

        A. God provided manna, but withheld it on the Sabbath.

            1) Friday's amount was sufficient for two days but they

                  had to have faith in that.                     Exod 16:26

            2) Those who didn't have faith found that the excess they

                  gathered would turn rotten right away.

        B. How much do you really trust God?

            1) Our Thanksgiving meal can be taken for granted.

                a) Many of us could have a Thanksgiving feast every day,

                      if we wanted to.

                b) We expect it to be a great meal because we are a

                      prosperous country.

                    1> Even poor families have a big meal that day.

            2) Other parts of the world don't have this luxury, and

                  perhaps treasure what God gives them a little more.

               Haiti has been in the news a lot lately, from earthquakes

                  to immigrants rounded up at our borders to American

                     missionaries being kidnapped and held for ransom.

               It is a desperately poor country.

                  But it has produced a special faith there.

               Stephen Sorenson asked a visiting missionary from Haiti

                  how American Christians differed from Haitian Christians.

               The missionary told him, "Most American Christians don't

                  need God.

               American Christians have everything they need.

               If they don't pray or read the Bible for weeks, it makes

                  little difference in their daily lives.

               They still have food to eat, a place to sleep, regular


               They don't need to practice their faith every day."

               For most Christians in America, this is absolutely true.

               This missionary lived among some of the most impoverished

                  people in our hemisphere.

               It seemed to give her a deeper understanding of how God


               Sorenson was impressed with this missionary's firm trust in

                  God to supply what she and her villagers needed for

                     daily living.                                    #3854

        C. Our trust must be ongoing.

            1) In effect, when we are thanking God for his provision, we

                  are also saying, "Do it again!"

            2) And God keeps saying, keep trusting and obeying me.

    V. God's provision should enlist our cooperation.

        A. Our obedience is a pre-condition.

            1) You don't HAVE to be obedient.

                a) As Jesus himself noted, God sends his rain on the just

                      and the unjust.                             Matt 5:45

                b) God can be nice to anybody if he wants to be.

            2) Even so, he can also withdraw that niceness if he chooses.

                a) Our disobedience can make him choose this.

                b) Many of the Bible's promises of God's blessing are

                      hinged on whether we are obeying God, or not.

        B. God's provision is not magical - our effort matters.

            1) Note that the Pilgrims were blessed enough to have a

                  thanksgiving feast but almost starved again months later.

            2) Martin Luther: "God wants nothing to do with lazy,

                  gluttonous bellies who are neither concerned nor busy;

                     they act as if they just have to sit and wait for God

                        to drop a roasted goose into their mouth."     #945

            3) He's done that before - when the Israelites complained about

                  a lack of meat, God provided quail that inundated them

                     until it came out of their noses.

                                                               Num 11:18-20

        C. You cannot force God's material blessing.

            1) A check from the Almighty.

               Kevin Russell went to his bank in Hobart, Indiana, and

                  tried to cash a check.

               It was made out for $50,000.

               It was signed, "King Savior, King of Kings, Lord of Lords,


               For some reason, they wouldn't cash it.

                  Instead, they arrested him.

               The police officer said, "I've heard about God giving out

                  eternal life, but this is the first time I've heard of

                     him giving out cash."


            2) I personally think God CAN give out cash.  Just ask Nancy

                  Bartolec.  But don't try forging his name.

        D. Don't presume upon God's provision.

            1) You should do more than nothing.

               Estelle Walker told the Times Square Church in New York

                  that she needed to escape an alcoholic husband.

               The church moved her and her five children out of New York

                  to an idyllic cabin on a lake in northern New Jersey.

               They gave her financial support that ranged from $700 to

                  $1,000 every month.

               A year later she refused to leave so the church cut off

                  her support and began eviction proceedings.

               Three of her children testified that their mother never

                  looked for work or provided for them.

               Estelle had told them God would provide for them.

               As they grew weaker and hungrier, she made no effort to

                  feed them.

               At one point they went 11 days without food.

               By the time a neighbor called police, an 8-year-old daughter

                  was down to 34 pounds.

               At the trial, her defense lawyer claimed Estelle was not

                  responsible for her actions because of her strict belief

                     in an extreme dependence on God.

               The prosecutor said the woman was a cunning, evil person

                  who used her religion as excuse to get a rent-free cabin

                     at the expense of her children's health.

               She had never asked family or friends to help.

                  The prosecutor concluded, "Instead, she did nothing."

               The jury convicted Estelle Walker of child endangerment.

                  She displayed no emotion when the sentence was read.


            2) The Apostle Paul taught that if we want to eat, we should

                  work and earn enough to buy food.            2 Thess 3:10

            3) Do what you can do, and God will do what he chooses to do.

                a) We can trust him to do right for us.

   VI. You may be God's provision for someone else.

        A. Tony Campolo's awkward challenge.

           Tony Campolo was once invited to speak at a ladies meeting.

              There were 300 women there.

           Before he spoke the president of the organization read a letter

              from a missionary.

           It was a very moving letter.

           In the letter the missionary expressed a need for $4,000 to take

              care of an emergency that had cropped up.

           So the president of the organization said, "We need to pray that

              God will provide the resources to meet the need of this


           Brother Campolo, will you please pray for us?"

           Tony Campolo said, "No."

              He has always been rather outspoken.

           Startled, she said, "I beg your pardon?"

              He said, "No, I won't pray for that."

           He went on: "I believe that God has already provided the

              resources and that all we need to do is give.

           Tell you what I'm going to do.

           I'm going to step up to this table and give every bit of cash I

              have in my pocket.

           And if all of you will do the same thing, I think God has

              already provided the resources."

           The president of the organization chuckled a little bit and

              said, "Well, I guess we get the point.

           He is trying to teach us that we all need to give


           Campolo said, "No, that is not what I am trying to teach you.

           I'm trying to teach you that God has already provided for this


           All we need to do is give it.

              Here, I'm going to put down all of my money I have with me."

           Campolo wasn't too worried because he knew he had only $15 in

              his pocket, but he put it in the plate and looked at the

                 president of the organization.

           Reluctantly, she opened her purse and took out all of her money,

              which was about $40, and put it on the table.

           One by one the rest of the ladies filed by and put their money

              on the table, too.

           When the money was counted they had collected more than $4,000.

           Tony Campolo said, "Now, here's the lesson.

           God always supplies for our needs, and he supplied for this

              missionary, too.

           The only problem was we were keeping it for ourselves.

              NOW let's pray and thank God for His provision."


        B. This is the principle behind 1 Timothy 6:17-19.

            1) Put your hope in God, and he will provide for you.

            2) If he gives you a lot, share it with others.

                a) Like the Damariscove fishermen shared with the Pilgrims.

                b) Who is God going to bless through YOU?

        C. We all have much to be thankful for.

            1) We have enough to eat.

            2) We are blessed to live in a land of abundance and


            3) We have a God who loves us and wants to give us good things.

                a) Have you accepted his BEST thing?

                b) He wants to save you, turn your life around and give

                      you eternity.  Will you accept it?



[1] Boothbays motto was coined in the 1990s by Latin teacher and First

      Baptist Church member Becky Roberts.  The island of Damariscove is

      now an uninhabited nature preserve.

#  945  “Wait For God To Drop a Roasted Goose,” by Martin Luther, taken

           from my 1985 sermon on Worry.

# 3854  “Give Us Today Our Daily Bread,” by Stephen W. Sorenson,

           Discipleship Journal, #62, March 1991, page 29.

# 4342  “God Is Just So ... Nice!” by Nancy Bartolec, Campus Crusade

            missionary to Indiana University newsletter, March 1998.

#30410  “He Wouldn't Pray, But He Would Give,” attributed To Melvin

           Newland in Kerux Sermon #22082, “Can You Give Too Much?” by

           Rev. Mark Hensley.

#34223  “Cashing A Check From God,” Associated Press, February 28, 2007.

#36112  “An Extreme Dependence On God,” by Joe Moszczynski (edited by

           Rev. David Holwick), Star Ledger Newspaper of Newark, New

           Jersey, January 22, 2010, page 16.

These and 35,000 others are part of the Kerux database that can be

downloaded, absolutely free, at http://www.holwick.com/database.html


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