1 Peter 2:9-17      Are YOU Independent?

Rev. David Holwick  X                                      Independence Day

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

July 3, 1994

1 Peter 2:9-17


  I. Progression of American Independence.

      A. Revolutionary War - bow to no KING.

          1) Free to make own choices.

          2) But freedom limited to white male property owners.

      B. Civil War - bow to no PERSON.

          1) Trip to Gettysburg, most famous American battle.

          2) War began to preserve Union, period.

              a) No intent to free slaves of South.

              b) As war intensified, Lincoln saw a larger picture.

          3) New birth of freedom.

              a) Freedom is broader, extends to all people.

              b) Beyond reality of 13 colonies - bow to no PERSON.

II. Dependencies in our culture that kill freedom.

      A. Dependent on letting others lead us by nose.

          1) Mormons - people don't want freedom.

             Utah was Brigham Young's community.

                He was absolute master of its every detail.

             He knew every Mormon in Salt Lake City, his name and family,

                his assets and problems.

             When he visited St. George, the Mormon settlement near the

                southern Nevada border, he entered every home, embraced

                   every Mormon.

             When he ordered a thing to be done, it was done:  Tabernacle,

                temple towns, schools, roads, library....

             Plays appearing in the theater had to have his approval.

                Marriages required his consent, and courtships as well.

             If a man wanted to enter a business or trade, Brigham Young

                had to approve.

             When he told a man to enter into plural marriage, that man

                took another wife.

             Whatever Brigham Young said was the religion of the Mormons.

             When he said that a man or group was apostate that man or

                 group was excommunicated.

             Heber Kimball, Young's first in command, told the


             "If Brother Brigham tells me to do a thing, it is the same

                as though the Lord told me to do it."

             Mormons were not overburdened with personal decisions.

             Sir Richard Burton, who visited Salt Lake in 1860, said

                that Brigham Young explained his policy this way:

             "Liberty is to mankind in general, is a burden far heavier

                 than slavery."


          2) Many still depend slavishly on leaders, especially religious


      B. Dependent on blaming others.

          1) Letter from Roy Medley - too many are "victims," when we

                are the ones responsible.

          2) Families, environment, gov't blamed for our problems.

          3) Even God blamed - he could change things, why doesn't he?

          4) Situations can be bad, but we can rise above them.

      C. Dependent on handouts.

          1) Gov't welfare creates dependency.  (Manahan village, 4 gen.s)

          2) Not just inner city anymore.

          3) Bible:  Provide for your own family with work of your hands.

III. Christians should be free.

      A. Dead-end of rigid predestination theology.

          1) Sounds holy:  God is in control, I am just an empty vessel.

              a) Result is fatalism.

                    "I can't do anything about my destiny.

              b) (recent visit)

          2) Belief leads to living anyway you want, no responsibility.

      B. Bible is clear, Christians are free.              John 3:16

          1) We are free to make real choices.

          2) We are free to choose God.          "Whosoever will..."

          3) We are free to turn our lives around.

              a) Not just God's doing.  Mystery, in that we cooperate.

      C. Freedom is not "license."

          1) Peter - not free to sin.                               2:16

          2) We are free to do what is right.  Do wrong, and God punishes.

              a) "Choose life."  (clerk in Penn. Arby's)      Deut 30:19

              b) Do wrong, and God punishes.

IV. Declare your independence!

      A. Independent in responsibility.                            2:15

          1) We can make real choices, and need to.

          2) Only we can make them, not passed on to others.

          3) Abstain from sin.  (Jesus is more powerful than any addiction.)

          4) Not given credit?  Good living will silence critics.   2:15

      B. Independent in love.

          1) We choose to love, even if we are not loved back.

          2) Our greatest freedom is giving love for hate.

                A Christian construction contractor was almost wiped out

                   by an embezzling employee.

                He prosecuted the guy, but gave aid to his family, visited

                   him prison, and found him a job upon release.

                Others thought he was nuts, but he said, "I knew God had

                   given me loving grace and forgiveness for my sins.

                But here I was harboring hatred and vengeance for a man

                   who sinned against me.

                I was trapped in a worse prison than my ex-employee."


      C. Independent in faith.

          1) Only we can decide how close we'll be to God.

          2) God is not a dependency for Christians, but a dynamic


             Jeris Bragan was convicted of first degree murder and

                sentenced to 99 years in prison.

             He is a strong Christian, and claims he is innocent.

             Instead of becoming bitter, he has grown in his faith.

             He finds the story of Joseph in pharaoh's prison to be

                especially meaningful.

             Joseph's faith freed him in the midst of painful

                circumstances because he knew by faith that God held

                   his future securely in His hands.

             Bragan discovered that he was a free man.

                  -Free to accept his circumstances.

                  -Free to choose how he would respond.

                  -Free to act.    (College degree)


  V. Expanding your freedom.

      A. Freedom is an evolving concept in America.

      B. Christian freedom is also dynamic.

          1) Many believers are still slaves of sin and hatred.

          2) They have "blessings," but not the big picture of God.

      C. Grow in your faith.

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