1 Peter 5:1-4      Geezers For God

Rev. David Holwick    F

Boothbay Baptist Church

Boothbay, Maine

May 29, 2022

                                                      1 Peter 5:1-4, NIV

                          GEEZERS FOR GOD

  I. Who is an elder?

      A. Geezers are too slow.

          1) I have been known to make rude comments about older drivers

                in front of me who drive too slowly or timidly.

          2) Celeste now retorts - but you are one of them!

      B. The elderly hold an honored place in God's world.

          1) Leviticus 19:32 says:

               "Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for

                   the elderly and revere your God.  I am the Lord."

              a) When I was young and living in Europe, my mom would

                    always tell me to give up my seat to an elderly

                       German if they were standing on a train or bus.

          2) I now qualify as an elder myself.

              a) In more ways than one, because I am now an elder in

                    this church.

      C. Our understanding of being an elder must come from the Bible.

          1) It is more than a biological stage in life.

          2) Eldership is an important issue in Biblical leadership.

II. Elders began in the Old Testament.

      A. The origin of elders is lost in the mists of time.

          1) Exodus 3:16 assumes they already exist.

              a) Moses tries to enlist their support to go tell Pharaoh

                    to let the Israelites go.

              b) God tells him the elders will listen to him and

                    support him.  They do.                   Exod 4:29-31

              c) Elders select lambs for their family's Passover. Ex12:21

                  1> Elders appear to be family and clan leaders.

          2) Later, elders became more of an office.      Exodus 18:12-24

              a) When Moses got worn out from judging personal disputes,

                    it was suggested he delegate this authority to

                       qualified judges.

              b) Note the qualifications needed by these judges, which

                    parallels the qualities of NT elders:      Exod 18:21

                  1> They must fear God (i.e., be spiritual men).

                  2> They must be trustworthy.

                  3> They must hate dishonest gain.

               c) Jews credit this as the beginning of the office of


                   1> In later years there were 70 of them and they were

                         called the Sanhedrin.

                   2> Also in later years, they lost their spiritual


      B. Elders were synonymous with national leaders.

          1) They were not necessarily spiritual, and could be evil.

              a) Ezekiel 8:11 - elders worshipped idols and mocked God.

                 [In a vision, he goes through a wall in the temple.]

                 So I went in and saw.

                 And there, engraved on the wall all around, was every

                    form of creeping things and loathsome beasts, and

                       all the idols of the house of Israel.

                 And before them stood seventy men of the elders of the

                    house of Israel....

          2) Old Testament prophets said leaders should be shepherds.

              a) But often they were not.

III. The New Testament's view of elders.

      A. Elders were not invented by Jesus.

          1) They just pop into the church, much like in the O.T.

          2) In Acts 11:29, due to a famine in Israel, Paul and Barnabas

                are sent there with a gift, to be given to the elders.

      B. Two offices are reflected in Paul's letters: elders and deacons.

          1) Apostles were a special, one-time role.

              a) Even so, Peter, who was an apostle, addresses elders as

                    being one himself.

                  1> It shows his humility.

              b) But on a local level, elder was the highest position

                   in a church.

          2) Elders were also called overseers.

              a) The word bishop is derived from the Greek for "overseer."

                  1> It was not a separate office like it is today for

                        Catholics and Methodists.

                  2> Elders are old and wise (character), bishop means

                        shepherd (role).

                  3> In 1 Peter 5:2, elders are shepherds who exercise

                        oversight.  (The terms are interchangeable)

              b) The qualifications of elders are laid out in 1 Timothy

                    and Titus.  For example, look at 1 Timothy 3:1-7.

                  1> Upstanding moral character and reputation.

                  2> Able to teach God's Word. (v. 2)

                  3> Have families that are under control. (vv. 4-5)

                  4> They must have an established faith rather than

                        being new converts.  (v. 6)

                      A> Some, like Timothy, were probably rather young.

IV. Elders are new to Baptists.

      A. Traditionally, we have had just pastors and deacons.

          1) Pastors were ordained and deacons were laymen.

              a) Only Presbyterians had elders.

              b) Among the 34,000 Southern Baptist churches today,

                    less than 1% have elders.

          2) Baptists applied the NT passages on elders to pastors.

              a) Most churches had just one pastor.

              b) Deacons were a group who overlooked the spiritual

                    affairs of the church.  (my first 2 churches)

          3) Today, especially in the northeast, elders are more common.

      B. What kind of authority should elders exercise?

          1) Some churches practice Elder-rule.

              a) The elders make all the key decisions for a church.

                  1> Sometimes churches give final approval, sometimes

                        elders do it on their own.

              b) Celeste and I have a friend who attends a Bible church

                    that has elder-rule.

                  1> She loves it that they don't have tedious business


                  2> Things seem to run smoothly.

                  3> This is wonderful - until you get some rotten elders.

                      A> (Think of the bliss of living in Russia under


          2) Our church is not Elder-ruled but Elder-led.

              a) The congregation still makes major decisions at business

                    meetings where all adult members have a vote.

              b) Elders guide the spiritual direction of the church

                    but cannot dictate.

      C. Giving decision-making power to the congregation is Biblical.

          1) The book of Acts has several examples.

          2) Let's look at Acts 15.

              a) It begins with a crisis over how to become a Christian.

                  1> Jewish Christians thought you had to follow the Old

                        Testament law.

                  2> Paul and Barnabas said you don't have to become a

                        Jew before becoming a Christian.

              b) In verse 6, the apostles and elders meet.

                  1> There is a debate from both sides.

                  2> Peter makes an appeal to all of them.

                  3> In verse 13, James offers a compromise.

                      A> Note that James, the brother of Jesus, was not

                            an apostle so he would be classed as an elder.

                      B> His compromise was that Gentiles don't have to

                            become Jews first, but they should follow

                            some Jewish rules so as to not cause offense.

              c) Verse 22 is key.

                  1> The proposal was accepted by the apostles, the

                        elders, and the WHOLE CHURCH.

                  2> Church leaders framed the issue but everyone agreed

                        to it.

                      A> Verse 25 says they came "to one accord."

                      B> This reflects consensus decision-making.

                  3> This is the essence of congregational rule which

                        Baptists believe in, and is worth defending.

  V. Peter gives words of admonition to elders.

      A. Elders are to act as shepherds.

          1) It is an image of someone who cares for others.

              a) And, sometimes, they have to whack them.  (rod)

              b) But mostly they should protect and guide their flock.

              c) Perhaps most important - they should feed them.

                 What happened to Peter after Good Friday?

                    He had denied Jesus and the rooster crowed.

                 Peter repented in tears.

                 John 21:15 tells us the resurrected Jesus appeared to

                    Peter in Galilee.

                 Jesus asked him if he loved him.

                    Of course, Peter said.  You know I love you.

                 Then feed my lambs, Jesus replied.

                 He repeated this another two times.

                   It was important to Jesus.

                 And, obviously, it became important to Peter.

                 God's people need to be fed God's Word.

                    Elders should make sure this happens.

          2) Jesus is our ideal.

              a) Earliest depiction of Jesus in catacomb - young man

                    holding a sheep across his shoulders.

              b) Also draws upon image of King David, the ideal Jewish

                    King, who began as a young shepherd.

      B. God's people are the flock.

          1) Their flock is entrusted to them by God.          5:2

          2) They are to care for them.                        5:2

          3) They are to be overseers.

              a) Some see in "overseer" the idea of exercising authority.

                   Hebrews 13:17 says,

                   "Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are

                       keeping watch over your souls..."

              b) Overseeing would also include the idea of gentle

                    and compassionate service.

VI. Peter gives three traits of good elders - and three dangers.

      A. They should serve not from forced obligation, but willingly.

          1) Motivation matters.

              a) People can tell when it is forced, when it is just duty.

              b) True service should come from the heart.

              c) It comes with love and joy.

          2) Although even if you don't feel like it, do it anyway.

             On his way out of the church late one afternoon,

                Rev. William Willimon was chagrined to see, coming

                   towards him, a rather forlorn looking man.

             He was obviously a vagabond, a drifter, and obviously coming

                toward the church seeking a handout.

             This is what you get for having a church situated near a

                busy highway.

             These drifters drifted through about twice a week, seeking

                a tank of gas, a meal, a gift -- preferably in cash --

                   for their journey to who knows where.

             They always have some sad story of woe to tell but the end

                is always the same -- can you spare about $25 in cash.

             Willimon sighed as he watched the man approach.

                It had been a long day.

             "What can I do for you?" he asked with some annoyance in

                his voice.

             "I wondered if you might be able to help a fella' on the

                way South," he said.  "I was headed down to...."

             "Well, I'm in a bit of a rush," Willimon said.

                "So here is all I have.  A five and a ten.  15 bucks."

             The man took the money as the pastor offered it.

                He looked at it.

             And without a word, he turned, and headed out toward the


             Then he stopped, and turned toward the pastor as he locked

                the church door.

             "I guess you think I'm supposed to thank you, to be

                grateful," he said with a surprising tone of defiance.

             "Well," Willimon said, "now that you mention it, a little

                gratitude wouldn't hurt."

             "Well, I'm not going to thank you.  You want to know why?"

                he sneered.

             "Why?" the pastor asked.

             "Because you are a Christian.

                You don't help me because you want to.

              You have to help me because He [now thrusting his finger

                 up into the air] told you to help me!"

             And then he left.

             Willimon stood there, stunned, angry.

                The nerve of these people!

             On his drive home it finally hit him.

                The man was right.                                  #5515

      B. They are not greedy, but eager to serve.

          1) Money trips up many Christian leaders.

              a) Billy Graham was photographed holding bags of cash after

                    an early crusade and it was terrible publicity.

                 He decided to have the finances handled completely

                    by others so he would not be tarnished or doubted.

                 Accountability with finances is always wise.

              b) Sometimes it is not just appearances, but reality.

                 In New Jersey we knew a small church that met in a

                    commercial building, which they owned.

                 Their church dwindled so they sold their building to

                    another congregation.

                 The leaders pocketed the cash.

                 One built a mansion and said it was "for ministry."

                    Another bought a yacht and gave the same reason.

                 The IRS (and the local community) came to a different


          2) Church leaders need money like anyone else.

              a) They must be careful not to let money become an idol.

              b) Instead, they should become rich in serving.

          3) How you serve shows what you are really about.

       I want to share a true account of an American who was imprisoned

          in Soviet Russia's concentration camps for 45 years.

       It is told by Victor Herman in his autobiography,

          "Coming Out of the Ice."

       His first imprisonment was in Cell 39, five-and-a-half feet wide

          and ten feet long with a boarded up window at the far end.

       Along each wall were two benches on which 16 men sat.

       Closest to the door was a latrine that was emptied once every

          ten days.

       Existence in Cell 39 was nothing but torture.

          The stench from the latrine was choking.

       The men were forbidden to talk or move.

       From dawn to darkness they were forced to sit silent and

          motionless and stare at a hole in the cell door.

       At night they lay on the cold stone floor like eggs in a carton.

       Every inch of space was occupied; the slightest movement to

           relieve an ache was purchased at a cellmate's expense.

       After only 24 hours there, Herman was on the verge of madness.

       He doubtless would have gone mad had he not sensed that one of

          the cellmates was looking out for the others.

       The cellmate was known simply as "the Elder".

          He sat closest to the latrine, where the stench was strongest.

       And he sat nearest to the door, which exposed him to the

          senseless blows of the guards.

       The Elder did two things every day.

       He counted out 16 bowls of soup as they came through the feeding

          hole in the cell door to insure that no one received less

             than his share.

       He also allowed no one to begin eating until all had been served.

       His second task was to give a signal twice each night for the

          men to change sleeping positions.

       This prevented unbearable cramping when morning arrived.

       Herman knew nothing more about the Elder, but his role in

          Cell 39 restrained 16 men from erupting in a mad dogfight

             for food, space, and air.

       Cell 39 is a model of Christian leadership.

       It tells us that in every situation in life, no matter how

          plain or grim, there is need for a servant-leader.

       But it tells something more:

          Only the person who sits closest to the latrine, as it were,

            and who is most exposed to the blows of the system,

                can claim authority to lead and serve.

        The authority of a servant stands in inverse proportion to

           his claims for himself.

        Humility produces richer dividends than a fat pay check.       #30

       C. Not a tyrant, but an example.

           1) Jesus knew all about tyrants.  In Luke 22:24 he says:

              "A dispute also arose among them, as to which of them was

                  to be regarded as the greatest.

              "And he said to them, "The kings of the Gentiles exercise

                  lordship over them, and those in authority over them

                     are called benefactors.

              "But not so with you.

              "Rather, let the greatest among you become as the youngest,

                  and the leader as one who serves."

           2) Baptists have had their fair share of tyrannical leaders.

               a) My first church in Ohio went through several splits

                     after I left, almost always due to harsh leaders.

               b) People want to see someone who acts like Jesus would

                     act, rather than like General Patton.

           3) Leaders you want to emulate are much better.

               a) We have some in this church.

                  Consider Al Roberts.

                  (He drops my name, I'll drop his.)

                  This week he is preaching at a community Memorial Day


                  He is doing several funeral sermons.

                  He preaches at the Fellowship each Sunday night and

                     often right here on Sunday morning.

                  Al is not a young guy and hasn't been for a very long

                     time.  I want his energy and spiritual passion!

              b) Aim to be the kind of person others would want to

                    be like.

VII. Elders can be wrong.

      A. The wisdom of the aged can become fossilized tradition.

          1) Jesus confronted this all the time - "the tradition of the


          2) The approach of Jesus to God was new, fresh and exciting -

                and the Jewish leadership hated it.

              a) They wanted to do things the way they had always

                    been done.

              b) Jesus responded that when human tradition goes against

                    God's Word, God's Word must win.          Matt 15:2-9

      B. The temptations of being an older person.

          1) We can be afraid to rock the boat - but Jesus rocked the

                boat a lot.

          2) We can be afraid of new things.

          3) Older is not necessarily wiser.                       #63931

              a) I read an internet blog with this challenging title:

                    "Why So Many Old People Are Stupid."

                 The writer believes that few 60-year-old people are

                    twice as smart as 30-year-olds.

                 He notes older people often stop learning and growing.

                 (He wrote this 20 years ago and he is now 57 himself.

                     I wonder how he stacks up to his younger self...)

                 He does make a valid point, however.

                    Some people have 60 years' worth of experience.

                 Others have one year's experience 60 times over.

                    Which kind are you?

              b) Don't trust older believers because they are older -

                    trust them based on their wisdom and caring.

VIII. Good shepherds will receive a reward.

      A. The ultimate shepherd is of course Jesus.

          1) Everything we do should honor him.

          2) And if we honor him, he will honor us when he returns

                in glory.

      B. Five crowns are mentioned in the New Testament.

          1) Each of them signifies a reward at the Second Coming.

          2) For faithful and caring leaders, their crown is one of glory.

              a) Serving God will always pay rich dividends.

          3) The crown of glory is for elders, but not limited to them.

              a) Will you receive one?

              b) You can't just believe that God exists, or Jesus once


              c) You have to trust in him for your salvation, and then

                    serve him with all your heart.


   #30  “Cell 39, A Model of Christian Service,” by James R. Edwards,

           Christianity Today magazine, February 5, 1988, page 66.

#5515  “Christians Have To Help,” by Rev. Dr. William Willimon,

           Rev. Brett Blair's Illustrations by Email,

           www.sermonillustrations.com, May 27, 2000.

           Original source is Professor William Willimon (Duke University),

           Sermons: “Commanded to Love,” May 4, 1997, Sixth Sunday of

           Easter, John 15:9-17.

#63931  “Older Is Not Necessarily Wiser,” by George Packer, in The New

           Yorker, February 7, 2013; < https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/loose-thoughts-on-youth-and-age>.

#66558  "Why So Many Old People Are Stupid," by Dyske Suematsu,

           June 6, 2004; <https://dyske.com/paper/825>.

These and 35,000 others are part of the Kerux database that can be

downloaded, absolutely free, at http://www.holwick.com/database.html


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