1 Peter 5:8-11      He Is On the Prowl

Rev. David Holwick  G

Boothbay Baptist Church

Boothbay, Maine

June 12, 2022

                                                   1 Peter 5:8-11

                         HE IS ON THE PROWL

  I. Fearsome predators.

     In 1898 the British built a railroad from Kenya to Uganda.

        They hired thousands of Indians and Africans to do the work.

     Just days after LTC John Patterson arrived to lead the project,

        two male lions began stalking the campsite at Tsavo.

     They dragged workers from their tents and devoured them.

        After a lull, the attacks happened on an almost daily basis.

     Workers built thorn fences around their huts but the lions jumped

        over or crawled through.

     Work on the railroad stopped as hundreds of workers fled.

     Colonel Patterson set traps and tried to ambush the lions but

        they were very crafty.

     It wasn't until December that he finally killed one.

        The lion was almost 10 feet long and required 8 men to carry him.

     Twenty days later, the second lion took 6 direct bullets to kill.

     The exact number of humans killed is uncertain.

        Colonel Patterson estimated it was 135.

     A scientific study of the skins of the lions tested their isotopes

        and figured the toll was less than half that.

     But this study assumed the lions ate all their victims; some experts

        think the lions killed just for the sake of killing, not hunger.

     I saw the lions last year at the Field Museum in Chicago, where

        they are mounted.

     However, you don't have to go to Chicago to encounter a deadly lion.

        A very dangerous lion is prowling right here in Boothbay...


II. Who exactly is Satan?

      A. He doesn't get much credit these days.

          1) In America, 89% say they believe in God yet only

                61% believe Satan exists.                             [1]

          2) Satan seems rather old-fashioned, maybe a little hokey.

              a) Many Christians in the Middle Ages had personal

                    encounters with Satan.

                 Martin Luther even threw his ink well at him.

                 If you did that today, you would be put on

                    anti-psychotic medication.

              b) While Satan is a real personality according to the Bible

                    he is a supernatural being and normally invisible.

          3) What you can't see can still be very dangerous.

              a) I have read several books on the battle of Iwo Jima.

              b) It was a dense battle on an 8-square-mile island.

                  1> 70,000 U.S. Marines versus 22,000 Japanese.

                  2> Maine has a density of 43 people per square mile;

                        Lincoln County is a little more at 50.

                  3> Iwo Jima had 10,000 soldiers per square mile.

              c) American pilots flying overhead saw U.S. Marines

                    crawling around like ants, but no sign of Japanese.

                  1> The enemy seemed to be invisible.

                  2> Americans were unnerved to see many of their buddies

                        picked off, and yet they never saw who did it.

              d) Our struggle with Satan is like this.

                  1> Bad things happen and we have nothing to pin it on.

                  2> All we know is that we are getting beat up.

      B. Satan is real and has great power.

          1) He appears in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

              a) However, some of the passages about him are ambiguous.

              b) We cannot be certain about his origin, but here are

                    some widely held beliefs among Evangelicals.

          2) Satan is a fallen angel, perhaps on the level of archangel.

              a) Satan is called the prince of this world.

                  1> Jesus was in active conflict with Satan during his

                        ministry and at his crucifixion.

                  2> Paul and the other New Testament writers refer to

                        personal attacks by Satan.

              b) Satan has a definite beginning and a determined end

                    - he is not equivalent to God in any way.

          3) Supernatural evil is real but not all-powerful.

             Rev. Dave Wilkinson alludes to C.S. Lewis, who in the

                preface to "The Screwtape Letters," warns that there are

                   "two equal and opposite errors."

             One is to ignore Satan, and the other is to fixate on him.

             Satan should be taken seriously because he is powerful,

                subtle and evil -- but not too seriously because he has

                   been defeated and will ultimately perish.

             But until that battle is concluded, to underestimate the

                power of an opponent is one of the worst mistakes a

                   soldier, or a Christian, can make.

                                                            Sermon #21543

III. What Satan does.

      A. Accuse.

          1) The original meaning of the word "Satan" is "accuser."

              a) He plays this role in the book of Job.

          2) Satan accuses us of sin to discourage and defeat us.

              a) He tells us there is no forgiveness or hope for change.

              b) God accuses us of sin and points us to the cross.

      B. Tempt.

          1) All temptation, of us and Jesus, is Satan's attempt to get

                us to do what Satan wants us to do, rather than what

                   God wants us to do.

              a) Satan uses our doubts.  The temptation of Jesus is

                    filled with "if"s to make him doubt God.

              b) Satan uses our physical needs.  Jesus was hungry, and

                    we are susceptible to Satan's influence when we are

                       stressed or physically weak.

          2) God allows Satan to tempt us (which also makes it a test)

                but he always provides a way for us to resist and

                   overcome the temptation.

             1 Corinthians 10:13

             "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.

              God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond

                 your ability, but with the temptation he will also

                    provide the way of escape, that you may be able to

                       endure it."

              a) This is why we pray in the Lord's Prayer, "Lead us not

                    into temptation but deliver us from evil."

      C. Deceive.

          1) Jesus said that falsehood is Satan's main characteristic

                and Paul says Satan can create false miracles.

          2) Deception is dangerous, because if we are tempted we can

                resist, but if we are deceived then we don't even know

                   anything is wrong.

          3) Satan deceives by offering us power to deal with the

                problems in our lives.

              a) Good luck charms, horoscopes, psychics and palm readers

                    have long been popular - even with some Christians.

              b) In Dubai in 1995, an African told a bank manager he

                    could use black magic to double a sum of money.

                 The bank ended up losing $242 million.

      D. Use our weaknesses.

          1) Satan will intensify our weaknesses until they are


              a) Your weakness might be drugs or alcohol, or a

                    dysfunctional family, or a trauma you experience.

              b) Physical ailment can be used as well.

          2) Satan will use these things to make you doubt God's power

                and his love for you.

              a) This is why Peter tells us in verse 8 that we need to

                    be self-controlled and firm.

IV. We all have the ability to do what Satan does.

      A. Satan rebelled against God, and so can we.

          1) Jesus said most evil comes from within us, not from outside.

             In Mark 7:20-23 Jesus says,

             "What comes out of a person is what defiles them.

              For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil

                thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery,

                  coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander,

                    pride, foolishness.

              All these evil things come from within, and they defile a


          2) The Apostle Paul talks about war against Satan, but he also

                tells us to wage war against the sin in ourselves.  Rom 7

             Romans 7:18-20 says,

             "For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my


              For I have the desire to do what is right, but not the

                ability to carry it out.

              For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want

                is what I keep on doing.

              Now if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it,

                but sin that dwells within me."

      B. Our habits build up over time and are very powerful.

          1) When we walk, we don't have to consciously think about

                moving one leg, then another - we just do it.

              a) If we had to think about every muscle movement, our

                    brains would be overwhelmed.

              b) (Cross arms - then cross them the other way.  You had

                    to think about it the second time.)

          2) When evil actions are repeated, they implant as habits.

              a) Much of bad things we do are not Satan, but bad habits

                    we have developed over time.

                  1> Eating, drinking, drugs.

                  2> Alcoholics Anonymous, Weight Watchers, and other

                        groups all operate by trying to change habits.

              b) Good habits can also be developed by us.

                  1> Do the right thing often enough and you will do it


                  2> Driving a car, washing your hands, worshipping God.

      C. It is dangerous to blame Satan for what we have done ourselves.

          1) Chemical imbalance can give you a feeling of oppression.

              a) There is much mental illness that is not caused by


              b) Therapy and medication should never be discounted.

              c) I have noticed that Christians will often mention that

                    a person is getting therapy or counseling, as if

                       that is a sign they are unspiritual or fakes.

                 Instead, we should praise them for admitting they need

                    help, and are seeking it.

          2) Blaming Satan is often a shirking of our personal


              a) Comedian Skip Wilson - the devil made me do it!

          3) Realistically, evil events are often a combination of Satan

                and us.

              a) Ephesians 4:26-27 says that harboring anger can give the

                    devil a foothold.  (Harboring means over 24 hours!)

              b) Any habitual sin that is not dealt with can give Satan

                    power over you.

          4) Start practicing positive and godly daily habits that will

                diminish the negativity and defeat in your life.

              a) One believer's most vivid memory of his high school

                    years was seeing his mom in the kitchen every

                       morning, praying and reading her Bible.

              b) Don't blame Satan for you being a lazy Christian!

  V. Discerning when it is Satanic instead of self-inflicted.

      A. You are in a spiritually critical period in your life.

          1) When you are newly saved.

             Southern Baptist preacher Adrian Rogers once said that if

                you've never met the devil, it's because you and he have

                   been going the same direction.

             You just change direction by turning to Jesus and start

                obeying him in life and you will meet the forces of Hell

                   head on!


          2) When you have been used by God in a mighty way.

              a) (That's when Paul got that Satanic thorn...)  2 Cor 12:7

      B. The troubles are not tied to anything you have done wrong.

          1) Overly sensitive Christians can ALWAYS find something wrong.

          2) Perhaps seek an assessment from a Christian you respect.

      C. It responds to spiritual remedies.

          1) If prayer and a focus on God make you feel better, then it

                your troubles may have been due to spiritual warfare.

          2) Conversely, if medicine or regular counseling make you

                feel better, it may not have been a spiritual attack.

          3) Ultimately, God will have to give you a sense of where

                the struggle has originated.

VI. Join the Resistance.

      A. Be sober-minded - know and use your best weapons against Satan.

          1) Learn to control your mind.

              a) Squelch thoughts of doubt and fear, unworthiness.

              b) Satan also wants us to focus on the negative and ignore

                    the positive.

                  1> Do the opposite - follow Philippians 4:8 -

                     "Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever

                        is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,

                          whatever is commendable,

                      if there is any excellence, if there is anything

                        worthy of praise, think about these things."

          2) Deal with revenge and retaliation fantasies.

              a) Anger is a great tool of the devil.

              b) Learn to love, even when it is hard.

          3) Be sober in general.

              a) Don't let your life be controlled by substances, legal

                    or otherwise.

              b) Christian writer Tom White says Satan "looks for hooks."

                  1> Any area of your life that has not been yielded

                        to the Holy Spirit makes you vulnerable.

      B. Be watchful - recognize where Satan has infiltrated your life.

          1) Unhealthy relationships and poor choices in entertainment

                can open you up to evil influence.

              a) Stay away from areas you know he has influence over you.

              b) An old TV show called "Hee Haw" had this joke:

                 Man shows up at doctor's office gingerly holding his arm.

                    "Doc, I broke my arm in two places."

                 Doc: "You'd better stop going to those places."

          2) Watch to where Satan has infiltrated our culture, too.

              a) Develop a discerning heart that assesses the

                    philosophies behind new trends and movements.

              b) Many of them have an agenda to break people away from

                    a godly perspective on life.

      C. Stand firm in your faith.

          1) Accept God's forgiveness.

              a) Satan wants you to be bound by false guilt.

                  1> Satan specializes in being an accuser and abuser.

              b) Satan also wants you to be ignorant of God's truth.

                  1> Dig deeper into what it means to be a Christian.

                  2> Build your life brick upon brick from that.

          2) Have a closer walk with God through prayer and study.

              a) When Jesus was tempted by Satan, he quoted Scripture.

              b) Remind yourself that, with all your shortcomings, you

                    are still a child of the Great God and loved by him.

          3) Join with other Christians who will make you stronger.

              a) Some Christians may be no good to you at all.

              b) Find those who will build you up, who seek a strong

                    relationship with God, and get into fellowship

                       with them.

          4) Be aware that Satan loves churches.

              a) Satan can infiltrate and use churches and pastors.

              b) Make sure your church - this church - is building you

                    up and giving you sharp spiritual weapons.

              c) In Peter's situation, Satan's impact was primarily

                    through persecution.

                  1> He points to the suffering that Christians around

                        the world were experiencing.

                  2> Peter also says the suffering will last a while,

                        but not forever.

                      A> God doesn't promise us a life free from pain.

                      B> He only promises you can overcome the pain.

VII. There are different ways to fight Satan.

      A. Some take the hands-on approach.

         The town of Leadville, Colorado, had a gold rush in 1877.

         Prime property was snatched up all over town by people eager

            to make a fortune.

         Lots were so valuable people tried to steal them by hook or


         Even the clergy had their church properties jumped.

         The Reverend T. A. Uzzell arrived in town, bought a lot and

            started the first church in the area.

         A few days later a group of strange men unloaded lumber on his

            lot and were about to put up their own building.

         The minister explained that he was building a church there.

            The strangers told him to fold his church and fade away.

         So the Reverend Uzzell took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves

            and beat the tar out of them.

         His church was built.                                      #1595

      B. There is a more Christian way.

         The shock-rocker and self-proclaimed priest of the church of

            Satan, Marilyn Manson, was scheduled for a concert in

               Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1999.

         (Marilyn Manson is actually a man, not a woman.  His mom sent

             him to a Christian school but it didn't stick - at all.)

         The concert brought produced a great uproar in the community

            because some had linked Manson's music to the Columbine High

                  School massacre which had happened only a week before.

         Law enforcement prepared for an ugly scene.

         Then a group of pastors, youth workers and other believers got

            together and organized prayer and praise services before and

               during the concert.

         Through the power of worship, these Christians decided to bless,

            not curse the concert-goers.

         They passed out over 100 pizzas and 1,200 soft drinks in the

            parking lot.

         They paid for the parking for many.

         Many Manson fans had a bewildered look as they took all this in.

         The results?

         News reports said at the very beginning of the concert, Manson

            went into an absolute rage.

         He saw that a large smiley face had been put over the Nazi/

            antichrist symbol on his stage prop pulpit.

         One of his own crew members had done it as a prank.

         Mansion destroyed the set and stormed off the stage, vowing

            never to return.

         The fans chanted Manson's name but he didn't come back.

         He never got to rip up a Bible like he does in many of his


         Instead, at least three people came to faith in Christ and

            numerous attenders said their image of Christians had been


                                                            Sermon #10533

VIII. Jesus is more powerful than Satan.

      A. His death on the cross broke the devil's power.

          1) The cross does more than wash away your sins - it drove

                a nail into Satan's heart.

          2) 1 Corinthians 2:8 says none of the rulers of this age

                (which would be spiritual forces as well as human rulers)

                   understood God's plan, because if they had, they would

                      not have crucified Jesus.

      B. Jesus gives that same power to us.

          1) When Jesus trained his disciples, he gave them power over

                evil forces.  We are not defenseless!            Luke 9:1

          2) People must see that there is real power in the gospel.

              a) Power to change lives, not just a list of

                    do's-and-don't's (mostly don't's).

          3) But it is more important that our names are in heaven.

                                                               Luke 10:20

              a) The book of Revelation says Satan ends up in the Lake

                    of Fire.  His followers go there, too.      Rev 20:10

              b) Where will you go?  Whose side will you be on?



"Percentage of Americans Who Believe In God," Gallop Poll, June 14-23, 2016;




Material in Section III is adapted from the article “Satan Hates You and

Has a Terrible Plan For Your Life,” by Timothy Warner, Discipleship

Journal, issue 81, May/June 1994, page 26.

[1] "Percentage of Americans Who Believe In God," Gallop Poll, June 14-23,

       2016; <http://news.gallup.com/poll/193271/americans-believe-god.aspx>.

#1595  “Fighting For His Church,” from the book “Men To Match My Mountains”

           by Irving Stone, 1956, page 439.

#5947  “Meeting the Devil,” by Rev. Adrian Rogers, Roddy Chestnut

           Illustration collection.

#66563  “The Lions of Tsavo,” adapted by Rev. David Holwick from the

           Wikipedia article; <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsavo_Man-Eaters>.

Kerux Sermon #10533  “Worship and Spiritual Warfare,” based on

           2 Chronicles 20:1-22, by Rev. Coy Wylie, Cornerstone Baptist

           Church of Amarillo, Texas, <http://www.cornerstonebc.com/sermon.htm>.

           Abe Kudra sermon collection.

Kerux Sermon #21543  “Spiritual Warfare<” based on Ephesians 6:10-12, by

           Rev. Dave Wilkinson, Moorpark Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) of

           Moorpark, California, preached January 16, 2000;


These and 35,000 others are part of the Kerux database that can be

downloaded, absolutely free, at http://www.holwick.com/database.html


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