2 Corinthians  8_ 1-15      Gold Medal Giving

Rev. David Holwick  P                          2 Corinthians sermon series

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

May 2, 1999

2 Corinthians 8:1-15


SERMON SUMMARY:  This is an important passage on Christian giving.

     Giving should not be seen as a burden but an expression of our

     spirituality.  We give because we trust in God's power to provide.

  I. The dumbest question.

      A. Who has too much money?

          1) Have you ever had too much money?

          2) Do you think Bill Gates thinks he has too much money?

      B. Financial freedom is highly valued by us.

          1) Newspaper - only exceeded by value we put on families.

              a) (Higher than religion and romance.)

          2) A generous spirit requires a miracle.

              a) When you are truly saved, it can happen.

II. A pressing need.

      A. Early church grew rapidly, but felt connected.

          1) Believers travelled back and forth.

          2) Church in Israel was impoverished and news of need spread.

              a) (due to famine most likely)

      B. Paul decided to collect an offering.

          1) From Gentile Christians for Jewish-Christians.

          2) The Corinthian church was first on bandwagon.

              a) First to have desire.                               8:10

              b) First to act on it.

          3) Corinth quickly dropped the ball.

      C. Why it fell apart.

          1) Problems in Corinth cropped up.

              a) Stifles generosity.

          2) Unfairness - we'll trade places and become poor!

III. Why Christians should give.

      A. We believe God has done something worthwhile for us.

          1) We recognize God's goodness to us, so we should be able to

                extend it to others.

              a) Note that God gave Macedonians "grace."             8:1

              b) Value of our salvation puts all else in perspective.

                  1> All other reasons pale in comparison.

          2) Our circumstances don't define us, our faith does.      8:2

              a) Macedonians gave, though poor and persecuted.

          3) Other Christians set example.

              a) Macedonians blew Paul away.                       8:1-5

              b) Modern examples.

                  1> Korean farmers.

   Dr. Roy L. Laurin wrote a book in which he tells about a Christian

      business man who had gone out to Korea on a visit.

   As he was traveling about he noticed in a field beside the road a

      very strange scene.

   He saw a boy about eighteen years old pulling a plow, and holding

      the handles of the plow was an older man, evidently the boy's father.

   This tourist took a snapshot of it and said to his guide, "What a

      strange thing that is.

   I suppose they must be very poor people."

   The guide, who was a Christian, said, "Yes, they are poor.

      I know the story behind this.

   A number of months ago, when the church to which these people belong

      was erecting a new building.

   All the members were asked to contribute something.

   This father and his boy wanted to give but they felt they had

      nothing to give.

   Then it dawned upon them that they could give their only ox.

   So they killed the ox, cut it up, sold the meat in the market and

      gave all the proceeds of it to the building fund of the church.

   This spring they have had to pull the plow themselves."

   The businessman said, "That must have been a most remarkable

      sacrifice for them."

   The guide said, "They did not think so.

      They thought they were rather fortunate to have an ox to give."

   The businessman came back to his own pastor in this country, took

      the picture to him and told him the story.

   He said, "Pastor, I want to double my giving to this church this


   I have never given anything that cost me something.

      I want to do some plow work for the Lord Jesus Christ!"


                                                Rev. Ray Stedman

                                                "That You Might Be Rich"

                                                June 7, 1964

                  2> Kansas church gave its building fund to churches

                        destroyed in Nicaraguan earthquake back in 1970's.

              c) How does your generosity stack up?                  8:8

      B. Giving is a sign of our own spirituality.                   8:7

          1) Macedonians gave themselves "first to the Lord."        8:5

              a) Please him, not people.

          2) Genuine believers are generous people.

          3) Put your money where your faith is.

              a) "Excel" in giving.

              b) If God had an Olympics for giving, would YOU get

                    a medal?

      C. We look to Jesus as our example in all things.              8:9

          1) He was generous with poor and outcasts.

          2) He gave up God's glory to stoop and become one of us.

      D. According to what you have.                                 8:12

          1) Principle of proportional giving.

              a) God doesn't want what you don't have.

          2) Importance of tithing.

              a) Taught in Old Testament.

                  1> Assumed by Jesus himself.

              b) But never taught as a law in New Testament.

      E. Give with a good attitude.

          1) Paul knows he can't command it.                         8:8

              a) Unlike government (taxes).

          2) Ultimately our own decision.

              a) Voluntary giving has had huge impact in America.

              b) Yet most Americans pay out more for sporting events.

          3) Not size of giving, but attitude matters most.

              a) Widow's mite.

IV. Your God can provide.                                           8:14

      A. Manna in wilderness.                                Exodus 16:16

          1) God provided food, but only on daily basis.

          2) Everyone had enough.

          3) Hoarding didn't work - it turned to mush.

      B. What the Jews had to do, Christians choose to do.

          1) God's way of evening things out.                        8:13

              a) Not "soak the rich.".

              b) Corinthians themselves harbored this grudge.

          2) Instead, helping hand - I help you, you'll help me.

          3) Paul is saying that if we fail to give in prosperity,

                God will curse what we have and make it a foul mass.

      C. God can provide for you.

          1) Give generously for human need, church's need.

          2) Put God to the test.


     Expositor's Commentary

  I. Paul uses tact and begins with an example, not a plea.

      A. Their poverty no more impeded their generosity than their

           tribulation diminished their joy.

      B. Paul attributes their generosity to God's grace.

          1) They appreciate what God has done for them.

      C. Size of gift not as important as attitude of the givers.

      D. The Macedonians exceeded expectations.

II. Some of Paul's observations:

      A. They were more generous than their means and circumstances


      B. They pleaded for privilege of fellowship in the collection.

      C. Beyond Paul's expectations, they did not restrict their

            contribution to financial aid.

          1) Dedicated selves first and foremost to Christ.

          2) Also to Paul.

              a) Dedication to Christ requires cooperation with others.

          3) Giving is an important characteristic of mature believers.

III. Paul's methods.

      A. Instead of directives, he requests, suggests, encourages and


      B. Comparisons with others have their merits for motivation.

      C. He appeals by:

          1) Comparing them to the Macedonians.

              a) Their own promising beginning.

              b) Their desire for spiritual excellence.

          2) More comparison to the Macedonians.

          3) Ultimate comparison to Jesus.

              a) Note "gar," ="for."

              b) Paul sees in Jesus the finest example of one who

                    showed eagerness and generosity in giving.

              c) Jesus became poor at incarnation.

                  1> Stress not on indigence but surrender of glory.

IV. Admonition.

      A. Imperative: finish!

          1) Considerable time has elasped since their commitment.

          2) They've already had partial action and shouldn't quit


          3) The Macedonians started late but finished earlier.

          4) The Macedonians gave beyond their ability (v.3) but the

                Corinthians only have to give according to their

                   ability (v. 11).

      B. They don't have to give what they don't have.

  V. Equality.

      A. Their (potential?) argument - we will become poor so they

            can be rich.

      B. Paul - aim is not reversal, but equality.

          1) Giving is a demonstration of God's grace.

          2) Someday the Jerusalem churches may return the favor.

      C. Example of the Manna in the Wilderness.

          1) Hoarding was ruled out.

          2) A contrast: Israelites had no choice, Christians do.

              a) The equality we can bring to world is voluntary.

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