2 Peter 1_ 5-12      Make Your Election Sure

Rev. David Holwick  ZK                       Excellent article: #16814-15

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey                              

November 12, 2000

2 Peter 1:5-12


  I. Unnerving election.

      A. Close count, see-saw, charges and counter-charges, uncertainty.

          1) Very depressing, even for a politics junkie like me.

          2) The unclear outcome will haunt whoever becomes President.

      B. God's election.

          1) It is an election you don't want to lose.

          2) God does the voting.

              a) Election is a predestination term in the New Testament.

              b) In Old Testament, God elected (chose) Israel.

          3) God may be voting for you.

              a) How can you tell if he has elected you?

              b) What can you do about it?

II. Principles of election in Bible.

      A. Election is God's gracious choice.

          1) God does it out of his omnipotent love.

              a) When he decides to love, you are loved.

          2) Israel was not most qualified, they just "were."

              a) They started to THINK they were most qualified.

              b) The Canaanites were worse sinners but the Israelites

                    were not very holy.                          Deut 9:5

              c) The Canaanites were judged for their sin but the Jews

                    were accepted only by God's grace.

              d) Same with us - God saves us while we are still sinners.

      B. Election is God's sovereign choice.

          1) It is God's doing from beginning to end.

              a) He even does his voting at the very beginning of time.

          2) Rigged election?

              a) Scary moment for me was hearing the son of the late

                    Chicago mayor Bill Daley was in Florida.

                 (Dad was powerful political boss, suspected of fraud

                    in 1960 election between Kennedy and Nixon.)

              b) Some believe God is not much better.

                  1> Divine election seems arbitrary, unfair.

                  2> It will be shown to be completely fair and just.

      C. Election is God's eternal choice.

          1) God doesn't change his mind.

          2) When he chooses us, he keeps us.

      D. Election is God's choice of individuals.

          1) Groups are chosen (Israel, Church) but individuals saved.

          2) Sinners to be saved in and through Christ.

III. Significance of election for believers.

      A. Reveals to us our salvation is all of God.

      B. Assures us of eternal security, removes fear.

          1) If God votes for you, you cannot fail.

              a) We are in grace now, and in grace forever.

          2) Recount possible?

              a) Issue of losing salvation.

                  1> Can you lose it, or find you never had it?

                  2> Both options (from Arminian and Calvinist

                        perspective) have same dire result: Damnation.

              b) Promises of Jesus that if we belong to him, he will

                    never lose us.

      C. Spurs us to ethical living.

          1) Doesn't allow wild living.

          2) It is supreme incentive to humble, joyful, thankful love.

IV. Making your election sure.

      A. If God elects us, how will we know?

          1) No press conferences will be announced.  No CNN interview.

              a) Your spiritual yearnings reveal what God has done.

          2) An elected person will have fruit as evidence.

              a) Seeing that fruit reassures us.

              b) Doesn't make God sure, but makes us sure.

          3) Fascinating interplay of God's sovereign choice and our

                obedient response.

      B. Positive effort makes a difference.

          1) "Make every effort."

          2) Accumulation of virtues.

              a) Starts with faith, progresses...

              b) Faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance,

                    godliness, brotherly kindness, love.

      C. Add to your spiritual character.

          1) "Increasing measure" means growth is goal.

          2) Effectiveness is key (not our own assurance).

  V. Don't take it for granted.

      A. Danger of complacency.

          1) Candidates who are ahead tend to "coast."

          2) Israel became complacent, presumed God favored them.

              a) Nothing bad will happen to us!   Micah 3:11

      B. Blessings are forfeited through unbelief and disobedience.

          1) Remnant theology.

VI. How has the election turned out for you?

      A. You have more to say about it than you think.

          1) Since we cannot look at God's "ballot" until the Judgment

                Day, we can be torn by uncertainty.  If we have a desire

                to be part of God's Kingdom, we can safely assume He has

                voted for us because He has given us that desire to begin

                with.  Your positive response of faith in, effect, seals

                the election.

          2) Although the theology behind the following story has some

                holes, it makes a valid point about our freely chosen



           A pastor was once asked to explain the doctrine of election.

           He said, "People, it is this way:

              The Lord is always voting for a man,

              and the Devil he is always voting against him,

           then the man himself votes, and that breaks the tie!"


      B. Believe in Christ today.


This sermon borrows heavily from the commentary in the Tyndale Old

Testament series, "Psalms 1-72," by Derek Kidner.


#15129   "How to be Elected," Fredericksburg Bible Illustrator

            Supplements, 5/1997.101, in Holwick's Access 97 database.

            Originally from "The Sunday School Times."

#16814-15  Not quoted directly but a helpful article on assurance and

            election: "Reflections On Christian Assurance

            (compatibilism)," by D. A. Carson, in Westminster Theological

            Journal, 54:1, Spring 1992, from The Theological Journal

            Library CD by Galaxie Software.

These and 16,500 others are part of a database that can be downloaded,

absolutely free, at http://www.holwick.com/database.html


  The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, "election," by J. I. Packer

  I. OT background.

      A. Chose = elect.

      B. Israel was God's chosen nation.

          1) He chose Abraham.

          2) He chose Abraham's seed:  Moses, Exodus, Promised Land.

      C. Meaning of Israel's election.

          1) SOURCE was God's free omnipotent love.

          2) GOAL was salvation of the people and, ultimately, glory

                to God.

          3) RELIGIOUS and ETHICAL OBLIGATIONS were far-reaching.

              a) Was a motive to praise and law-keeping.

              b) Irreligious Israelites complacently despised other

                    nations and presumed upon God's protection.

                                          Mic 3:11; Jer 5:12

                  1> False prophets stressed this.

                  2> However, national election implied a strict

                        judgment of national sins.  (note Exile)

          4) GOD CHOSE INDIVIDUALS for specific tasks.

              a) Moses, prophets, kings, even Cyrus.


              a) Remnant theology.

II. NT background.

      A. We join Abraham through faith.

      B. Election presented in following forms:

          1) Jesus is elect one.

          2) "Elect" denotes Christian community.

          3) Verb used of Christ's choosing of apostles.

      C. Theological development.

          1) Election is a gracious choice.

          2) Election is a sovereign choice.

          3) Election is an eternal choice.

          4) Election is a choice of individual sinners to be saved in

                and through Christ.

      D. Significance of election for believers.

          1) Shows salvation is all of God.

          2) Assures us of eternal security, removes fear.

              a) We are in grace now, and in grace forever.

              b) It is desirable for us to make sure our election is

                    a fact.   2 Pet 1:10

          3) Spurs to ethical endeavor.

              a) Doesn't sanction license.

              b) Is supreme incentive to humble, joyful, thankful love.

Derek Kidner's commentary on Psalm 30 from "Psalms 1-72" in the Tyndale

Old Testament commentary series was also very helpful.

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