2 Timothy 2_15      Dispensationalism

Rev. David Holwick  *                                  Evening study

First Baptist Church                         

Ledgewood, New Jersey 

November 13, 2005

2 Timothy 2:15


  I. Origin of Dispensationalism.

      A. Definition by C. I. Scofield (Scofield Reference Bible):

           "A dispensation is a period of time during which man is

            tested in respect to his obedience to some specific

             revelation of the will of God."

          1) Others would stress different approaches to God rather

                than just periods of time.

      B. Long history of dividing up Bible periods.

          1) Early Church Fathers.

              a) Letter of Barnabas.

              b) Justin Martyr.

              c) Irenaeus.  (A.D. 120 - 202)

              d) Origen.

          2) Darby.  (mid-1800's)

              a) Devised modern system.

              b) Stress on literal interpretation - all Old Testament

                    prophecies are to be strictly fulfilled.

              c) Strong distinction between Israel and Church.

              d) Pre-Tribulation rapture of the church.

          3) Modern popularizers: Scofield, Walvoord, Falwell, etc.

II. How many dispensations are in the Bible?

      A. Four.  (Irenaeus)

          1) From the Creation to the Flood.

          2) From the Flood to the Law.

          3) From the Law to the Gospel.

          4) From the Gospel to the Eternal State.

      B. Five.  (original Scofield)

          1) Innocence (Adam)

          2) Government (Noah)

          3) Promise (Abraham)

          4) Law (Moses)

          5) Church (Christ)


      C. Seven.   (modified Scofield)

          1) Dispensation 1: Innocence.  Creation - Fall.   Genesis 1:28

              a) A perfect environment.

              b) Subjected to a simple test (don't eat).

                  1> Eve was deceived, but Adam chose to disobey.

              c) Warning of consequences of disobedience.

                  1> They were expelled from Eden.  Gen 3:24

                  2> They experienced death.

          2) Dispensation 2: Conscience.  Fall - Noah.   Genesis 3:7

              a) Accountable to do all known good.

              b) Must abstain from evil.

              c) Must approach God through blood sacrifice.

              d) Cursed with pain and hard labor.

              e) First promise of a Redeemer.  Gen 3:15

          3) Dispensation 3: Human Government.  Noah - Abraham.  Gen 8:15

              a) Begins with Noah's exit from ark.

              b) New test: communal moral responsibility.

                  1> Take human life when necessary.

                  2> Submit to fellow humans.

              c) Humans failed to rule each other with righteousness.

              d) Responsibility of government continues until Millennium.

          4) Dispensation 4: Promise.  Abraham - Moses.   Genesis 12:1

              a) Founded on God's covenant with Abraham.

              b) Individual blessing depended on obedience.

              c) God made an unconditional promise of blessings to

                    Abraham's seed (meaning Israel and the Church).

              d) A blessing on those who are good to Abram.

          5) Dispensation 5: Law.  Moses - Church.   Exodus 19:1

              a) Acknowledge the holiness of God.

              b) Acknowledge the sinfulness of sin.

              c) It is necessary to obey.

              d) God's grace is expressed through blood sacrifice.

              e) The law is not a means of justification, but a rule

                    of living.

                  1> It was a schoolteacher.    Gal 3:24

                  2> Jews misunderstood it as a way to become righteous.

              f) All requirements were fulfilled by Jesus.

          6) Dispensation 6: Church - Tribulation.   Acts 2:1

              a) The point of testing is the gospel of Jesus Christ.

              b) Humans are unable to save themselves.

              c) God's grace is absolutely needed for salvation.

                    (also true in all other dispensations)

              d) Believers are called into Christ's Church.

                  1> Church is distinct from Israel.  1 Cor 10:32;

                        Gal 3:27-28; Eph 2:11-18; Eph 3:5-6.

              e) Not all will be saved, and some in Church will be phony.

              f) Church age ends with the Rapture.

          7) Dispensation 7: Kingdom or Millennium.  Revelation 20:4

              a) Christ will be a literal king on the literal throne

                    of David for 1,000 literal years.

              b) This dispensation ends with final rebellion of Satan.

              c) Afterwards, Kingdom is delivered to God for eternity.

                 (Some add a further dispensation, Eternity)

III. Criticism of Dispensationalism.

      A. Extreme forms limit the amount of Bible that applies to us.

          1) For example, Gospels are for millennium, Revelation is

                for Tribulation church only.

      B. God's plan of salvation is divided up rather than unified.

          1) "Covenant Theology" sees one coherent plan with different


      C. Requires wooden application of Old Testament prophecies.

          1) Ezekiel's vision of Temple worship in millennium has

                animal sacrifices.  Obsolete due to cross?  Or just a

                tourist attraction?

          2) New Testament itself seems to "spiritualize" some Old

                Testament prophecies and does not anticipate future

                literal fulfillment.

IV. Scofield on covenants.  (p.7 of Scofield Reference Bible)

      A. Edenic.  Gen 2:16

      B. Adamic.  Gen 3:15

      C. Noahic.  Gen 9:16

      D. Abrahamic.  Gen 12:2

      E. Mosaic.  Exod 19:5

      F. Palestinian.  Deut 30:3

      G. Davidic.  2 Sam 7:16

      H. New.  Heb 8:8

  V. Key Bible passages and events.

      A. God's arrangment with Adam and Eve in Eden.

      B. Adam and Eve after their Fall.

      C. The covenant with Abraham.

      D. The law given to Moses.

      E. David becomes king (Messiah).

      F. Jesus on cross and empty tomb of Easter.

      G. Church age.

      H. [Rapture], Tribulation, millennium, age to come.

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