Acts 16_31-34      Spirituality In Your Family

Rev. David Holwick

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

November 11, 1990

Acts 16:31-34


  I. Make spiritual issues important in your family.

      A. Try to have a "household of faith."

              Acts 10:2 (& 11:14);  16:15, 31-34;  18:8;  1 Cor 16:15

      B. Open up your home to God's work.        1 Corinthians 16:19

          1) Invite leaders and missionaries.

          2) Have Christian friends over.

          3) Host Bible studies and prayer meetings.

      C. Be spiritually concerned about each one in your family.  1 Cor 7:14

II. Use the resources of the church.

      A. Show your kids (and spouse) you enjoy going to church.

          1) If you don't enjoy it, fake it.

          2) Talk about church activities during the week.

      B. Speak highly of others in the church, especially the leaders.

          1) Kids can pick up on dissension.

      C. Become involved in at least one activity other than worship:

          1) Bible studies, prayer meetings, family night...

      D. Encourage the church to deal with issues that are important to

           your family.

III. Use the Bible.

      A. Read it yourself on a regular basis!

          1) Then encourage your family to be committed.      2 Tim 3:14-15

      B. Use easy translations or cartoon versions for small children.

          1) Make it concrete by letting them "act out" the passage.

          2) Explain what it means in simple terms.

              a) Encourage questions that relate the Bible to life.

      C. Share your insights from God's Word with your spouse.

IV. Use prayer.

      A. Un-can your "canned" prayers:  Grace at meals, prayer at bedtime.

      B. Establish family traditions, like praying in a special spot.

      C. Pray as a family in times of trouble.

      D. Pray for special missionaries and other people.  Put their

           pictures on the refrigerator.

  V. Live your faith.

      A. Much Christian education comes from how you handle events.

          1) Crises like death.

              a) Talk to each other about your feelings.

              b) Relate those feelings to your faith in God.

          2) Financial problems.

              a) Include the whole family in prayer during hard times.

                   (But don't give children fear that you are destitute)

          3) Emotional turmoil.

              a) Forgive each other as God forgives you.

                  1> David and Absalom.           2 Samuel 14:14,33

                  2> Hosea and his family.        Hosea 3:1

                  3> Forgiving a "brother".       Matthew 18:21-22

                  4> Forgive grievances.          Colossians 3:13

                  5> Bear each others burdens.    Galatians 6:2

              b) Make your love unconditional like God's.   2 Sam 13:39

              c) Admit your mistakes to your family.

      B. Remind each other of past spiritual lessons.

                  Exodus 10:1-2;  Deuteronomy 16:12;  32:7-8

          1) How you found Christ.              2 Timothy 1:5

          2) Dramatic answers to prayers.

          3) What you learned from mistakes and successes.

VI. Utilize special holidays.               Exodus 12:14

      A. Christmas.

          1) Special Bible readings.

          2) Traditions like Advent candles, cresh stories.

          3) Christmas story (in part) at opening of presents.

          4) Special speech and prayer at Christmas dinner.

      B. Easter.

          1) Focus on Jesus more than Easter Bunny.

          2) Talk to your children about life and death.

      C. Thanksgiving.

          1) Refer to faith of America's founders.

          2) Place a special emphasis on being thankful to God for your


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