Acts  1_ 1- 9      Our Great Mission

Rev. David Holwick      ZS

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

December 17, 1989

Acts 1:1-9


  I. Last instructions of Jesus.

      A. He has been crucified and resurrected.

          1) He has taught his disciples his last instructions.

          2) Last ones are often most important.

      B. His disciples will have passion, power, and a plan.

II. Passion. (Vision/goals.)

      A. We need a vision (goals).  "Be my witnesses."     Acts 1:8

          1) No vision, the people perish.               Prov 29:18

              a) Many Christians are bored, depressed.

              b) Many Churches are boring, no vision or goal.

                  1> No challenge, no conviction.

                  2> ABC-NJ:  if commitment enforced, 1/3 of churches will


          2) Wrong vision, they go astray.   (Prophecy)    Acts 1:6-7

              a) Startling events in Europe.

                  1> "Late Great Planet Earth", 10 nation confederacy.

              b) Too many people worry about things that won't happen soon.

                  1> Nothing gets done.

      B. Challenges give vitality to Christians.

          1) We have a vision already, the commands of Jesus.

              a) Content from Acts 1.

                  1> Reach the world.

                  2> Transform our lives with God's power.        Acts 1:8

              b) (We're already supposed to be doing this.  Why aren't we?

          2) Solution:  challenge yourself with a goal.

              a) Put yourself in a situation where you must grow in the

                   faith - or perish.

                  1> A sociological study interviewed fifty people over

                        the age of 95 on one question:

                     "If you could live your life over again, what would

                         you do differently?"

                     Three answers dominated:

                     1. If I had it to do over again, I would reflect more.

                     2. If I had it to do over again, I would risk more.

                     3. If I had it to do over again, I would do more things

                          that would live on after I am dead.


              b) Churches also need challenges to thrive.

                  1> This church:  thrive, or just survive?

                  2> Thrive:  evangelism, etc.

III. Power.

      A. Early disciples had to wait for it.  We do not.      Acts 1:4

          1) It is available now.                  Acts 1:8

          2) It is for all believers.

      B. Yet the Spirit and its power must be sought.

          1) Requires consecration, commitment to God.

          2) Must desire and work for it.

      C. How many are really seeking?

          1) Most think they're doing God a favor by showing up.

IV. PlansHow are we going to do these things?

      A. Early church:  Methodical agenda for missions in Acts 1.

          1) Jerusalem.

          2) Judea.

          3) Samaria.

          4) Ends of the earth.

      B. Personally.

          1) Do we have plans for our life?

          2) How are we attaining them?

              a) Profession.

              b) Family.

              c) Faith in God.

      C. Church.

          1) What are our plans?

              a) Keep the bills paid; roof from falling in?

                  1> What else?

              b) This church is declining in almost every important area.

                  1> Baptisms down 2/3 in thirty years.

                  2> Real income is down.

                  3> Attendance in church and Sunday School is down.

          2) What can we do to reverse this?

              a) Pray about it?

                  1> Only one came to pray with me before church last week.

                  2> Few come to prayer meeting, which lasts one hour.

              b) Make plans for growth.

                  1> Evangelism.

                  2> Discipleship.

                  3> Stewardship.

                  4> Missions.

                      A> Christmas food baskets.

          3) We need accountability to sharpen our lives.

  V. Jesus taken up into heaven.              Acts 1:9

      A. We think of first coming of Jesus.

          1) People were stupid to miss out on significance.

          2) Second coming will be no different.

              a) They are related themes.

      B. He will return in like manner.           Acts 1:9

          1) Will he catch us sleeping, unprepared?

              a) Same old rut, merely existing?

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