Acts 20_17-37      A Pastor's Departure

Rev. David Holwick      X

First Baptist Church

West Lafayette, Ohio

June 25, 1989

Acts 20:17-37


  I. Paul's goodbye.

      A. Many have told me they hate goodbyes.

      B. I also hate goodbyes.

                (That's why I'm wearing my black funeral suit.)

      C. But if you have to do it, Paul gives a good way.

II. Spirit moves me to new city.       20:22

      A. Potential in NJ unknown, but I feel it is God's will.

          1) There will undoubtedly be obstacles.      20:23

              a) West Lafayette is hard to top.

          2) But ultimate task is following Spirit & preaching gospel.

III. Look back at past.

      A. Lifestyle.                    20:18

          1) You know how I lived.

              a) Not always an asset.

              b) But we have opened our lives to you.

                  1> You have done the same.

          2) Difficulty of being a preacher.         20:19

              a) Tears (I store it inside).      20:19

              b) Tension:

                  1> Faithfulness to God.

                  2> Acceptance by people.

      B. Preaching.                                    20:20

          1) Discuss sermon series and Bible studies.

              a) Sermon series:

                  1> John, Ephesians, Philippians, Sermon on Mount, James.

              b) Bible studies:

                  1> 1 & 2 Samuel, prophecy, Holy Spirit.

          2) Tried to stick to Bible.                    20:21

              a) Repentance and faith in Jesus is content of gospel.

              b) Apply it to real life.

                  1> Effective?

                  2> Sometimes I have my doubts.

                  3> But many have said they've learned about Lord.

          3) House to house - Bible studies.             20:20

              a) Lay leadership important.

              b) Inter-personal challenging, not just church services.

      C. Focus of the preaching.

          1) Innocent of blood - the necessity of the gospel.       20:26

              a) Salvation proclaimed.

              b) Have you accepted Jesus?

          2) Whole gospel - the difficulty of the gospel.           20:27

              a) Hard aspects of obedience to gospel.

                  1> Amazed me how people were convicted by sermons.

              b) Some have turned away.

                  1> Whole gospel says it is never too late (till death).

                  2> Even those who have fallen away may come back.

IV. Look to the future.                20:28

      A. Church leaders (deacons).          20:28

          1) Be on guard.               20:28

              a) Don't get a loser for a pastor.          20:29

              b) Watch out for false doctrine.            20:30

                  1> Much worldliness in our church.

                  2> Distortion of truth.                 20:30

                      A> Not just sin, but half-truths.

                      B> Easy believe-ism.

              c) Watch out for splits in body.      20:30

                  1> Keep love and unity.

          2) Be shepherds.                 20:28

              a) Great examples of shepherds in this church.

                  1> Bev Marshall.

                      A> Critical notes in margin of S.S. leader's book.

                  2> Howard Brown.

                      A> Missing World Series (?) to come to church.

                           Game went into extra innings.

                      B> Kicking through snow banks with artificial legs

                           to come to prayer meeting.

                  3> Merrill Beal.

                      A> Push screaming and kicking into being SS teacher.

                      B> Image of Apostle Paul:  short, bald, bowlegged,

                           looks like angel, then fierce.

                  4> Grover Taylor.

                      A> Preacher's voice, messages backed up by integrity

                           of life.

                  5> Glenna Hartsock.

                      A> Acting out raindrops of blessing as she teaches

                           young children.

              b) Shepherds must care for the sheep.

                  1> Love is mark of true church (Jesus).   John 13:34-35

                  2> This church has attracted many because of love.

              c) Only one shepherd is leaving.

      B. Life is a race for all Christians.                    20:24

          1) We know where we are going.

          2) We have gone far already.

              a) Physical changes in church.

              b) New people since we have arrived.     (raise of hands)

          3) We have far to go still.

  V. Commitment to God.       20:32

      A. Only He can build up.              20:32

          1) He can be trusted to hold us till the end.   Phil 1:6

          2) He has an inheritance waiting for us.      20:32

      B. Give, rather than receive (Jesus).      20:35

          1) Help the weak.

              a) Virgil Lutgen, Tom Daugherty, other shut-ins.

VI. Tearful goodbye.

      A. Future Fellowship.

          1) Paul thought it was his last visit.     20:25

              a) Wrong according to pastorals?         (2 Timothy 1:18)

          2) We intend to visit again.

              a) (Once things settle down.)

      B. We are attached to this life, though heaven is real.

          1) Other dear Christians have already said their goodbyes.

          2) Personal attachment:

              a) Grew up without sense of community.

              b) West Lafayette is only place I have lived where I was

                   made to feel I belonged.

              c) This church has treated me as family.

      C. End with prayer and embraces.

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