Acts  2_ 1-18      Too Much Wine?

Rev. David Holwick  W

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

July 18, 1993

Acts 2:1-18


    I. The vision of a New Testament church.

        A. Baptists are "restorationists" - we want to go back to the pure

              form of worship in the time of the apostles.

        B. We oppose drifts away from Bible in doctrine and traditions.

        C. Yet is our worship truly like that of the first century?

   II. The ecstatic element in Christian worship.

        A. The "signs and wonders" of the Early Church.

            1) Miracles and supernatural events pervade New Testament.

            2) Tongues still practiced in second century, but increasingly

                  frowned upon.

                a) Montanists were a splinter group that stressed ecstatic

                      prophesying and tongues.  Also celibacy.

                b) Later condemned as a heresy.

            3) By middle ages, supernatural gifts were "institutionalized."

                a) Leaders held positions of spiritual authority.

                b) Individual spiritual gifts were disregarded.

            4) Reformation period saw ecstatic outpourings such as in

                  Munster, which everyone condemned.

        B. Modern times.

            1) Birth of Pentecostalism.

                a) Revival in 1901 in Topeka, Kansas, experienced speaking

                      in tongues.

                    1> Today, 30 million Americans identify with movement and

                          5 million claim to have gift of tongues.

                    2> Assembly of God and Full Gospel are largest groups.

                b) Receiving Spirit is a second experience following


                    1> Must have Spirit (and tongues) to be truly saved.

                c) Sees movement as only genuine New Testament style of

                      worship.         (Full Gospel on Route 10)

            2) Charismatic renewal.

                a) Mainline churches experience it in 1960's.

                b) Fastest growing segment of Christian church, especially

                      in Latin America.

                c) Many have had occasion to be in such a service, which

                     is often very unsettling.

  III. Baptists are most resistant to the "charismata."

        A. Some claim supernatural gifts have ceased.     1 Cor 13:8-10

            1) "Perfection" is seen as completion of New Testament.

            2) But passage defines it as knowing all things.

        B. Baptists are leery of irrationality.

            1) Some tendency of charismatics to elevate personal

                  experience over Bible.

            2) Renews some churches, splits others.

        C. However, some in our own church identify with movement.

            1) I myself worshiped with Pentecostals as a young


            2) Since it is a vibrant force - and in the Bible - we need

                  to understand it.

   IV. The status of the Spirit in the OT.

        A. Only prophets and selected leaders received the Spirit.

        B. When they had it, they often acted differently.

            1) King Saul acted ecstatically.                  1 Sam 10:6-11

        C. In the future kingdom (=millennium) even average people

              would have the Spirit, but not until then.      Joel 2:28

    V. Pentecost is the beginning of fulfillment of Joel 2.

        A. Every single Christian received the Spirit.         Acts 2:4

            1) Tongues were the ecstatic sign of a change within.

            2) Irrational behavior?  Charge of drunkenness.

                a) Foreign languages would sound like gibberish.

                b) But tongues is not "of the mind."           1 Cor 14:14

            3) Our worship is not just rational (us reaching out to God),

                  but ecstatic (God reaching down to us).

        B. Instead of disunity since Babel, there is unity under

              God's Spirit.

            1) Every Christian is equal before God.

            2) Christians are "kingdom people."  We belong to God's future

                  rule, which is right now.

        C. But Spirit is secondary - Salvation is primary.

            1) Peter's sermon contains the key.                 Acts 2:37f

            2) Repent, be baptized, receive the Spirit.

            3) Spirit is part of salvation, not the whole.

VI. New Testament development of spiritual gifts.

        A. The testimony of Acts.

            1) Prophecies and visions throughout book.

            2) God intervenes directly on their behalf, even with miracles.

            3) Tongues - on special occasions only, as new groups enter

                  the church.

        B. 1 Corinthians.

            1) Mentions supernatural gifts in ordinary worship.   1 Cor 14

                a) Paul notes their tendency to be abused and misunderstood.

                b) Worship should stress understandability.

                c) Non-ecstatic gifts (mercy, administration) are also from


            2) Tongues can be "angelic" as well as human.

                a) Singing can also be "spirit-filled."         1 Cor 14:15

                b) Onlookers will not understand tongues, unless interpreted.

                c) Not all Christians will speak in tongues.    1 Cor 12:30

            3) Gifts are not due to human enthusiasm, but are from God.

        C. Overall, spiritual gifts are important but not main focus.

            1) Many New Testament books are silent about supernatural gifts.

            2) There is danger they will puff up leaders and cause dissension.

            3) Jesus may be neglected.

            4) A gifted Christian can still be carnal.

VII. What happens when the Spirit is present "in power."

        A. Worship becomes exciting.

            1) Our worship is often less than exciting.

               A mother wrote in READER'S DIGEST that she once asked her young

                  son what was the highest number he had ever counted to.

               He replied, "537."

                 She asked, "Why did you stop there?"

               He replied, "Church was over."


               We would never be accused of being drunk!

            2) Church is boring because it is not "immediate."

                a) We don't expect things to happen, and they don't.

                b) Perhaps we need less emphasis on understanding and more

                      on experiencing God.

            3) Genuine worship is exciting because it is shared.

                a) Every Christian participates.  (Testimonies?)

                b) Every Christian is empowered by God.

        B. God uses us in spite of our talents.

            1) Spiritual gifts are not just enhancements of human abilities.

            2) God can give us power we cannot predict.

            3) We must be open to using this power.

        C. Lives are changed, and growth occurs.

            1) Peter's hearers were "cut to the heart."           Acts 2:37

            2) Thousands responded and accepted Jesus.

                a) They were from many cultures and backgrounds.

                b) The true gospel is a universal gospel.

            3) Greatest testimony of Morristown Gospel Mission is change

                  in lives of residents.

            4) Christians shared everything.  (not really Communism)  2:44

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