Hebrews 4:12      I Am Not Sure About the Bible

Rev. David Holwick   W                         I Believe in God, But...

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

July 9, 2017

                                               Hebrews 4:12, Colossians 3:16


  I. It is owned more than used.

      A. The Bible has permeated our society.

          1) 85% of our households have one, and the average family

                has 4.3 of them.

          2) One-third search for verses on their cell phones.

          3) 80% of Americans think it is holy.

          4) 79% say they are knowledgeable about it, but only

                54% can name the first five books.

          5) And almost half of Americans think the Bible, Koran and

                Book of Mormon speak the same spiritual truths.

      B. The new generation is more questioning.

          1) "The Simpsons Movie" of 2007 skewers a lot of American

                church pieties.

             At a crisis moment in the film, with his family in church

                beside him, Homer riffles through a pew Bible and

                   exclaims, "This book doesn't have any answers!"   [1]

              a) Lots of Americans agree.

              b) They like God, they have sampled the Bible, and they

                    don't get it.

          2) Of course, the Bible does have answers, if you know where

                to look, but modern people don't like those answers.

              a) They see it as too anti-sex.

              b) It has too much violence.

              c) The ancient history is too obscure.

              d) Much of it doesn't seem historical - a garden of Eden,

                    a floating ark, people rising up our of graves.

              e) And it is way too long.

      C. What do you think about the Bible?  Really??

II. The Bible is a hard book.

      A. Christians can agree on this.

          1) After years of study, it can still stump you.

          2) Even sincere Christians have erred in their understanding

                of it.

          3) There are passages and principles that every Christian

                will struggle with.

          4) For some, those struggles result in a loss of faith.

      B. The Bible has been under attack for a long time.

          1) Modern critical studies of the Bible began 400 years ago.

              a) Scholars began to question the traditional authorship

                    of various books of the Bible, and how they were

                       put together.

              b) They often concluded that the books were cobbled

                    together from a multitude of sources, over centuries.

                  1> Different sections would contradict others.

                  2> Scholars began to see the Bible not as the inspired

                        Word of God, but a very human book about God,

                           from many different perspectives.

          2) This attitude has had a negative impact on many.

             Jessica Misener grew up in a non-churchgoing family,

                but accepted Jesus as her savior at age 16.

             In her teen and college years she says she was in a

                "Bible bubble."

             She was the chaplain for her college sorority.

             Jessica then went to graduate school to study religion

                at Yale.

             They took a secular approach to the Bible, treating it

                like Shakespeare or any other work of literature.

             The attitude began to rub off on her.

                She saw discrepancies and contradictions in the Bible.

             Her doubts grew rapidly and she concluded she couldn't

                take the Bible literally any more.

             As she wrote in an essay, if you toss out a literal

                meaning of the Bible, then what does it mean to talk

                   about Jesus literally dying for your sins?

             She lost her faith - and she misses it.

             She liked who she was when she was born again.

             She was more selfless back then and put others first.

                She was a more caring friend.

             Now that she no longer believes God has a plan for her,

                she wonders if life has any meaning after all.


             This is where questions about the Bible can lead - but

                it doesn't have to.

III. The Bible presents itself as a Divine Book.

      A. Almost all the authors make this claim.

          1) Jesus himself referred to it as the Word of God.

          2) The Bible was his ultimate source of authority and he

                consistently used it to defend his teachings.

              a) He believed the prophecies.

              b) He accepted the moral teaching.

                  1> His apparent contradictions of the Old Testament

                        are actually intensifications.

                  2> Anger is the root of murder, and lust is the

                        root of adultery.

      B. The Bible has a better track record than many realize.

          1) We have a wealth of manuscripts of the Bible, some of which

                are within 25 years of the original writing.

              a) There are variations within these manuscripts, such as

                    you see in the notes in your Bibles.

              b) However, we have enough sources that we can confidently

                    believe we are close to the original writings.

              c) Muslims don't have this option - they destroyed any

                    copies of the Quran that had differences.

                  1> Which could mean that the original text is forever

                        lost in some cases.

          2) Some books of the Bible were written hundreds of years

                after the events described, but others are close.

              a) The gospels were probably written 20 to 60 years after

                    the death of Jesus.

              b) Paul's letters can be dated quite precisely, as well

                    as many of the prophets of the Old Testament.

IV. What should we do with the Bible?

      A. Read and study it.

          1) It doesn't do you any good if you don't crack it.

             Writer Kathleen Norris visited a man named Arlo.

             He was a rugged, self-made man who was fighting terminal


             During their visit, Arlo started talking about his

                grandfather, who was a sincere Christian.

             On his wedding day, he gave Arlo and his bride a present:

                an expensive leather Bible with their names printed in

                   gold lettering.

             Arlo left it in the box and never opened it.

             For months after the wedding his grandfather kept

                asking if he liked the Bible.

             Arlo said that his wife had written a nice thank-you note

                and they had thanked him in person.

             But grandpa wouldn't leave the subject alone; he frequently

                asked about it.

             Finally, Arlo grew curious enough to open the Bible and

                found that his grandfather had placed a twenty-dollar

                   bill at the beginning of the Book of Genesis, and

                      at the first page of every book.

             When he added it all up there was over $1,300 in that


             Arlo then said, "And he knew I'd never find it."


          2) It helps to have a plan and a habit.

              a) Read the Bible systematically, not randomly.

              b) Join a Sunday School class - mine is going through the

                    entire Bible.

      B. Apply it to everyday life.

          1) Wedding yesterday, with Colossians 3:12-17 as its text:

              a) Forgive each other.

              b) Put on love.

              c) Let the peace of God rule in your hearts.

              d) And let the word of Christ dwell in your richly.

          2) Expect the Bible to get under your skin, as Hebrews 4:12

                promises it will.

      C. Consider the one the whole Bible points to - Jesus Christ.

          1) The Bible is an extension of Jesus on this earth.

          2) He called himself the Word, and says the purpose of God's

                Word is to direct people to believe in him.     John 5:39

  V. Millions have been transformed by this book.

      A. A Chinese scholar's testimony.

         Tao Lu grew up in a large city in China.

            In the first 26 years of his life, he never saw a Bible.

         One of his English textbooks mentioned Christmas and

            Christianity as a part of "Western festivals," but that

               was about it.

         Tao wasn't hostile toward Christianity or any other religious

            faith; they just seemed irrelevant to his life.

         At the age of 26 he attended a college in Richmond, Virginia.

         When he arrived he wanted to practice his English and socialize

            with other Chinese, so he went to a Chinese Baptist church

                near the university and began attending a Bible

                    discussion group.

         Since he had grown up as a communist, Tao considered the

            concept of God to be ridiculous.

         But the more he read the teachings of Jesus Christ, the more

            intrigued he became.

         He was amazed by Jesus' command to "love your enemies and do

            good" to them (Luke 6:35).

         The question Jesus asked in Luke 6:41 -- "Why do you look at

            the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice

               the log that in your own eye?" -- challenged him to stop

                  judging others so harshly.

         He was moved deeply by Christ's teaching not to be anxious

            about our needs, since God takes care of the lilies of the

               field and loves us much more (Matthew 6:28-32).

         Tao thought those teachings were not only persuasive, but


         But becoming a believer is not easy for a modern Chinese


         If Christianity was correct, that meant the things he had

            learned in China were wrong.

         He dug deeper.

         He read a book by Lin Yutang, a renowned Chinese author who

            embraced faith in Christ.

         Tao systematically listed the teachings of Jesus and found

            he agreed with all of them.

         A Christian lawyer named Jim Fiorelli volunteered to help him

            with his English by studying the Gospel of John with him.

         Jim said, "There's almost no substitute for giving someone the

            chance to read Scripture, think about it and talk through it.

         If you can get people into the Word, to read it for themselves,

            the Word will speak for itself and go deep into a person's


         The time had come for Tao to make a decision, and in June 2015,

            he made it.

         He prayed the sinner's prayer with his pastor and immediately

            shared the news with Jim the lawyer.

         Soon after this, Tao's wife was saved.

         Tao reflects that he came to believe in Jesus not just on his

            rational, logical consideration.

         There was also emotion.  He knew that he was a sinner.

         He believed that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died for him

            and that Jesus's blood cleansed his sins.


      B. Do you believe these things?



1. WikiSimpsons; <link>.

#64915  Why I Miss Being A Born-Again Christian, by Jessica Misener,

           BuzzFeed Staff, May 21, 2014; <link>.

#65181  Chinese Scholar Finds Bible persuasive, Beautiful, by Erich

           Bridges, Baptist Press, http://www.baptistpress.org,

           April 12, 2016.

#65646  He Never Cracked His Bible, Rev. Ken Larsen, Kerux Sermon

           #65626, quoting from Kathleen Norriss book, Amazing Grace:

           A Vocabulary of Faith.

These and 35,000 others are part of the Kerux database that can be

downloaded, absolutely free, at http://www.holwick.com/database.html


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