Hebrews 4_14-16      The Temptation of Jesus

Rev. David Holwick     ZC

First Baptist Church

West Lafayette, Ohio

August 21, 1988

Hebrews 4:14-16


I. "Last Temptation of Christ" movie.

     A. Controversial.

         1) Long lines.

         2) Boycotts, our petition.

     B. Legitimate issues raised by controversy.

         1) Censorship, First Amendment

             a) Christians portrayed as "book-burners."

             b) But Hollywood often practices self-censorship:

                  "Birth of a Nation" never shown.

             c) Similar movie would not be allowed if it offended other

                  minority groups.  Open season on Evangelicals?

         2) But quality of movie's theology in view in this sermon.

             a) Episcopal bishop praises its integrity, says it is

                  "theologically sound," encourages faith.

             b) Evangelical Bill Bright wants to buy, burn it.

     C. What movie is all about:

         1) Jesus is very human, almost wimpy.

         2) He has doubts about his ministry.

         3) On cross he has a daydream about being a mere man.

             a) Sex with Mary Magdalene.

             b) (early version -

                  "Now I know God sleeps between your legs.)

         4) Resists dream, dies obediently on cross.

     D. Bold theology or blasphemy?

II. The True Temptations of Jesus.

     A. Movie temptation is hypothetical.  (Based on novel, not Bible)

     B. Real temptations in Bible.

         1) Ministry initiated with 3 temptations in wilderness.  Mt 4

             a) Hunger.                            -Bread

             b) Obedience, self-direction (?)      -Pinnacle of Temple

             c) Power, political authority.        -Kingdoms

         2) Peter's rebuke.                              Matt 16:22

             a) Avoid true mission.

         3) Gethsemane.                                  Matt 26:39

             a) Desire to avoid cross, but obedient.

         4) Cross.

             a) Forsaken by God.                         Matt 27:46

     C. Humanness of Jesus.

         1) Actual flesh.                                Phil 2:7

         2) Grew physically, intellectually, socially,

              and spiritually.                           Luke 2:52

         3) Suffered physically.

         4) Suffered spiritually (weeping at Lazarus)    John 11:35

         5) Possibility of sin, from human angle?

             a) Temptation does not have to result in sin, but would

                 seem to require the possibility to be real.

     D. Deity of Jesus.

         1) Actual likeness of God.                      Col 2:9

         2) Eternal, existed before creation.

         3) Perfect obedience.

         4) No possibility of sin, as God.

               (Who also cannot be tempted)              Jam 1:13

     E. Synthesis in Hebrews.

         1) Jesus developed

              - he was perfected through suffering.      Heb 2:10

         2) Real temptations.

         3) Never sinned.    (Consistent Bible claim,

               made by Jews who had a tough view of sin.)   Heb 4:15

         4) High priest, perfect in obedience.

III. Comparison with movie:

     A. Bible-Jesus grew in maturity, but never doubted his

          mission, as in movie.  Movie shows him as a wimp,

          Bible shows him as strong and aware of goal.

     B. Dream sequence would be actual sin, not a mere temptation,

          according to teaching of Jesus himself:

         1) Thoughts can be sinful.

         2) Lustful thoughts are equivalent to physical adultery.

                                                         Matt 5:28

     C. Movie trivializes temptation of Jesus.

         1) Director is a lapsed Catholic.

IV. Importance of Temptation of Jesus to Christians.

     A. Jesus was just like us.                            Heb 2:17

         1) Experienced the full range of our weaknesses.  Heb 4:15

         2) He understands what it is like to be tempted.

         3) Understands our needs.

         4) Feels for us and loves us.

     B. Jesus is greater than us, so he can help us.

         1) Never sinned.   (emphasis)

         2) Perfect obedience.

         3) Perfect sacrifice for us.

         4) Able to forgive us of all our sins.

         5) Able to take our needs to his loving Father.

     C. We should be as much like Jesus as possible.

         1) He was tempted, but chose obedience.

             a) Even when he did not feel like it.

                     (Parable of Two Sons  - Matt 21:28-31)

         2) We must also chose obedience in the face of temptation.

             a) Answer to drug use, fornication, etc:

                 1> Education?

                       Doesn't work.

                       Many intelligent people are wiped out.

                 2> Decision of the will.

                     a> Not to get high on chemicals or drugs, but

                          on Holy Spirit.

                     b> Priorities in life.

         3) We can have victory over temptation.           1 Cor 10:13

             a) No temptation has to overwhelm us.

             b) God will provide a way out.

V. Do you have a relationship with the true Jesus?

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