Isaiah 19_12-25      Walk Like An Egyptian

Rev. David Holwick  O

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey                            

May 19, 2002

Isaiah 19:12-25


     SERMON SUMMARY:  This sermon follows a spur-of-the-minute trip

           I took to Egypt with my in-laws.

  I. My trip to Egypt.

      A. Pyramids - I explored the insides of two of the biggest.

      B. Luxor - vast ancient temples dedicated to worship of Sun.

      C. Cairo.  Police on every corner, every-man-for-himself drivers.

II. What makes Egypt special.

      A. First writing.

          1) Hieroglyphics - I can read a few of them now.

      B. Many beautiful objects preserved.

          1) Golden treasure of King Tut's tomb on display.

          2) Tomb paintings with vibrant colors.

          3) Hard to believe some objects are 4,500 years old, but

                still look new and fresh.

      C. Association with the Bible.

          1) Huge stele in Cairo Museum lists Israel as an enemy.

              a) Egyptians still use mud bricks, just like the

                    Israelites were said to make.

              b) They also have a museum for the more recent war with

                    Israel in 1973 - they celebrate the first few days,

                       when they were winning.

              c) (We also watched MTV-style videos about Jenin, with

                    scenes cut from a movie about the Crusaders being

                       vanquished by the Muslim general Saladin.)

          2) Several churches in Cairo commemorate visit by baby Jesus

                and his family.  (apparently Jesus and his family did

                   something on the site of every church in Egypt!)

III. What was important to Egyptians.

      A. Eternal life.

          1) They focused on death as soon as they were born.

              a) Pyramids took 20+ years to complete.

              b) Even common people spent much of their savings on tombs.

          2) They wanted to take it with them.

              a) Tombs had food, furniture, models of normal life which

                    included lots of servants.

          3) The body had to be preserved.

              a) Mummies in Cairo Museum.

              b) Body must be preserved to have a future life.

              c) Most of the mummies had been plundered, then re-rolled

                    and hidden in forgotten caves.

      B. Judgment Day.

          1) It is not easy to get to heaven - you must pass a test.

              a) Balance weighs heart against Truth.

              b) Bad hearts are eaten by crocodile god.

                  1> They were optimistic - hearts are never portrayed

                        as eaten.

          2) To pass the test you need help.

              a) Various answers are needed.

                  1> This is origin of "Book of the Dead," which is

                        painted onto tomb walls.

                  2> In effect, it is a cheat sheet.

              b) Special dolls called "wawabi" are left in tomb to give

                    more help.

IV. Christians are different.

      A. We focus are living for God here and now.

          1) Past Christians perhaps had too much emphasis on death.

          2) Jesus stresses eternal life begins NOW.   John 5:24

              a) The benefits of a life filled with joy and blessings

                    are available to believers.

      B. We do not seek to be morally balanced, but Christ-like.

          1) Egyptians settled for better-than-even.

              a) Almost every other religion weighs soul in balance.

              b) Even Muslims.

          2) Christians must seek to be like Christ in everything.

              a) "Even" is not good enough.

              b) Christians see everyone as a sinner in need of grace.

      C. Our resurrection depends on God, not embalmers.

          1) Tombs of most Pharaohs' were desecrated.

              a) The best embalming jobs still look pretty scary.

              b) Most of our bodies will be destroyed as well.

          2) God can resurrect us, no matter what.   Revelation 20:13

              a) It is done by God's power.

              b) You don't need a $15,000 bronze casket.  The cardboard

                    model will do just fine.

      D. Eternity is a very long time.

          1) Egypt represents 5,000 years of human history.

              a) We have come a long way, but much is unchanged.

          2) This is a flash in the pan before God.

              a) Are you ready now?

  V. God still has a plan for Egypt.

      A. Isaiah's remarkable promise.

          1) In that day - describes End Times, before Second Coming.

          2) Passage begins with a standard description of punishment.

      B. The hint of conversion.

          1) Five cities will speak Hebrew language.              19:18

          2) An altar of God will be raised.                      19:19

          3) God will send them a savior.                         19:20

              a) Exact language used in Judges for Israel.

              b) They will acknowledge God, and worship him.      19:21

          4) A plague with a twist.                               19:22

              a) In Exodus, plagues hit Egypt but not Jews.

              b) Here they hit Egypt but cause healing.

      C. God's ecumenical highway.

          1) Egypt (past enemy) and Assyria (present enemy) are linked

                to Israel.

          2) Each will be blessed.  Each will be a blessing.

          3) Enmity with God does not have to be eternal.

              a) He is willing to be reconciled to his worst enemies.

              b) His vision of salvation is for the whole world.

                  1> Growth of church through missionary outreach in

                        Africa and Asia over last 200 years.

                  2> The missionary impulse is fading and the

                        consequences will be dire.

VI. Getting close.

      A. Pyramids are surrounded by other tombs.

          1) The leader was everything, God on earth.

          2) Others wanted to be buried close to him.

      B. Jesus is truly God on earth.

          1) No mummy exists - he is resurrected.

          2) We can live close to him, then when we die we will be

                with him forever.

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