Isaiah 30:27-29      God's Festival

Rev. David Holwick   Z                                     Hot Potatoes, #4

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

August 10, 2014

Isaiah 30:27-29


  I. How can you top the Peach Festival?

      A. I was going to originally preach on divorce this week.

          1) It was the continuation of my "Hot Potatoes" series.

              a) But I wondered if that was most appropriate following

                    our lively festival.

              b) On Friday night the Blewetts told me it was appropriate

                    because all the festival work had destroyed their

                       marriage [fortunately they were somewhat joking].

          2) Even if it is appropriate, I have decided to follow the

                Lord's leading and take a different tack today.

      B. Festivals have quite a heritage with us.

          1) Gala Day with its booths and races and parade started

                around 100 years ago.

              a) Back then they had marching bands and floats and events

                    on multiple days; the whole town took part.

              b) They invested a lot in it - the church actually left

                    the frames of the outdoor structures up all year.

          2) During Gala Day, Model-Ts lined up on every street,

                much like yesterday.

II. Why go to all the trouble?

      A. Decent festivals are an awful lot of work.

          1) Just ask Trinka Sullivan.

          2) At least twice in our history we have shut down the

                festival because people were burned out.

          3) Festivals need a focus.

      B. There are practical reasons to have them.

          1) We used these festivals to pay off this church's huge

                mortgage - $14,000 - and that of the parsonage.

              a) Yesterday's $7,000+ profit will go to pay off the

                    Fellowship Center.

              b) If we relied only on the Peach Festival, it would take

                    us 200 years to do it.

              c) (St. Therese brings in 20 times as much at their

                    festival but it has a whole different flavor than

                       ours - we are much more homey.)

          2) But money has never been the only motive.

              a) We enjoy bringing the community together.

              b) It can be a wonderful way to reach people who would

                    never set foot inside a church's doors.

III. God must like festivals.

      A. Three of them were mandated in the Old Testament.     Exod 23:14

          1) Passover, also called the feast of Unleavened Bread, when

                they celebrated their deliverance from Egypt.

          2) Pentecost, also called the feast of Weeks, when they

                celebrated the early barley harvest.

          3) Tabernacles, when they celebrated the main harvest.

          4) They also had festivals for other occasions like New Moons.

      B. The early Christians put a new twist on these.

          1) Passover was transformed by Easter.

              a) We aren't just delivered from Pharaoh, but from sin

                    and death.

              b) Every communion service is actually a form of a

                    Passover meal.

          2) Pentecost became the harvest of souls into the church.

          3) Later Christians developed Christmas into a major festival.

IV. What festivals have always been about.

      A. Food.

          1) Food has always had a central place.

              a) Sometimes the focus was on the rich food you got to

                    eat, compared to the drab diet the rest of the time.

                  1> The feast when the Messiah returned was supposed

                        to be especially delicious.

                  2> It would never run out and everything was free.

                  3> (No $9.00 for pulled pork and corn on the cob.)

              b) At other times, like Passover, more emphasis was put

                    on abstaining from foods like yeast.

                  1> They also ate bitter food to make a spiritual point.

                  2> Food always meant something at biblical festivals.

          2) Food can get out of hand.

              a) Some of the Old Testament priests hoarded the food

                    so the worshippers had to do without.

              b) Even in the New Testament, Paul mentions gluttony

                    and drunkenness at their love feasts.     1 Cor 11:21

                  1> These were special meals they had before communion.

                  2> It set a pretty bad example and Paul had to shame

                        them to make some changes.

                  3> I am glad to report I saw no drunkenness or food

                        fights at the Peach Festival.

      B. Fun.

          1) Not so much fun and games, but enjoyment of God's blessings.

          2) The Bible mentions the singing and good feelings that

                accompanied their festivals.

              a) When King David was depressed, he would remember the

                    joy of the festivals and it perked him up.

              b) He wrote in Psalm 42:4-5:

                 "These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I

                    used to go with the multitude, leading the procession

                      to the house of God, with shouts of joy and

                        thanksgiving among the festive throng.

                  Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed

                     within me?

                  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my

                     Savior and my God."

          3) It is not a sin to enjoy life, or even church.

              a) Exuberance is appropriate because of what God promises


      C. Fellowship.

          1) The very nature of a festival requires lots of people.

              a) They energize one another, just like David's fond

                    recollection in Psalm 42.

              b) Some of the best effects of the Peach Festival happen

                    before a single neighbor shows up.

                  1> On the setup days I saw kids running around,

                        husbands working with wives, and everyone just

                           cooperating in general.

                  2> It is wonderful to see people working side by side

                        and getting along (most of the time).

          2) Getting a group of people together is not enough.

              a) They need to have the right focus.

              b) Paul - our fellowship is with God, and you.   1 John 1:3

              c) Isaiah 30:27-29 makes the same point.

                  1> Its description of God is rather fearsome - he

                        burns with anger and wrath.

                  2> This is because Isaiah is talking about God coming

                        to destroy Israel's enemies.

                      A> They will find God is not to be trifled with.

                  3> How will the Jews themselves respond?

                      A> They will sing their hearts out.

                      B> They will have musical instruments, just like

                            the early worship service band.

                      C> They are going up to see God, their Rock.

                          1: Is he your Rock?

  V. Festivals should celebrate the "us" instead of the "me."

      A. An interesting article in Charisma magazine.              #35969

          1) Joseph Mattera argues we have confused the American Dream

                with God's way.

          2) Many of the things we associate with biblical Christianity

                is really just a celebration of our particular culture.

      B. Some specific areas where we have gone astray.

          1) Individualism.

              a) Americans focus on individual salvation and destiny.

                  1> The most important thing is for me to accept Jesus

                        and go to heaven when I die.

              b) The Bible focuses on God's people as a whole.

                  1> Paul emphasizes we are the organic body of Christ.

                  2> We need each other, just like a head needs hands

                        and feet.

                      A> No one can do it all.

              c) The idea of community is very important in the Bible.

                  1> They were concerned about everyone's salvation.

                  2> And when you got saved, you became part of a dynamic


          2) Comfort.

              a) American Christianity uses faith to attain stability

                    and comfort.

              b) The Bible encourages believers to risk life and limb

                    to advance the Kingdom.

                   Two American Christian medical workers went to

                      Africa to help victims of the Ebola disease.

                   They ended up getting the disease themselves and

                      were flown back here at great expense.

                   Conservative commentator Ann Coulter wrote a column

                      arguing they never should have gone there.

                   America has enough problems of its own.

                   A Jewish commentator said what they did was beautiful

                      and biblical.

                   The Bible teaches that God loves the whole world

                      and he wants the whole world to love him.

                   It is worth the risk to try to reach them all.   [1]

          3) Reason.

              a) The American apologetic focuses on human reason.

              b) The Bible's apologetic focuses on the power of God

                    and our experience of him.

          4) Entertainment.

              a) American churches promote a culture of entertainment.

                  1> Worship needs outstanding music and energetic

                        sermons that keep us awake.

                  2> And of course we don't want the Peach Festival to

                        be boring, so we have putt-putt and dart guns.

              b) The Bible promotes the pursuit of God.

                  1> There's nothing wrong with having some fun, but

                        there are some more serious matters in life.

                  2> It's not just about us being happy.

                      A> It should be about us honoring God.

                      B> Some of you really do.  Others are just giving

                            him lip-service.

VI. What do you have that's worth celebrating?

      A. We have a God who can save us and give us a purpose.   [expand]

      B. We have a church we can share our life with.

            Years ago, the famous preacher Harry Emerson Fosdick received

               a letter from a young mother.

            She wrote about what happened when she moved into a new

               subdivision in the suburbs:

            "We tried everything we could think of to make this place

               something other than a real-estate development.

            We tried organized recreation, community picnics, and

               square dancing.

            We formed a women's club and held bridge parties, and

               started a garden club.

            We had a parents' organization and evening discussion groups.

               We tried everything.

            But it was not until the church came that we changed from

               a subdivision into a community and became real neighbors

                  to one another."




[1] Ann Coulters article is Ebola Doc's Condition Downgraded To

      'Idiotic', August 6, 2014, <>

      Among the best responses: Dr. Albert Mohler, Are Christian

      Missionaries Narcissistic Idiots? A Response to Ann Coulter,

      August 7, 2014, <>;

      also Nicholas Kristof, Fighting Ebola for Us All, The New York Times,

      August 6, 2014. <>

#26869  It Wasn't Until the Church Came, James W. Moore, Rev. Brett

           Blair's Illustrations by Email,,

           February 22, 2004.  Original source is James W. Moores book,

           You Can Get Bitter or Better [out of print].

#35969  13 Contrasts Between American and Biblical Christianity,

           Joseph Mattera, Charisma magazine, August 8, 2014,


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