James 4_13-17       Where Does God Fit In?

Rev. David Holwick  ZB                                 Book of James series

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

July 31, 1994

James 4:13-17


  I. Making plans.

      A. Americans plan more than anyone else.

          1) Business; vacations run like military exercises.

          2) Jim Carey, "Ace Ventura - Pet Detective" star.

                Came to Hollywood a few years ago.

                Wrote a check for $10,000,000, put in wallet.

                   "For acting services."

                Next movie will pay him $7,000,000.

                   You might say he is right on target.

      B. Something is wrong.

          1) Is profitable business wrong?

              a) Some would see verse 13 as condemnation of "Greedy '80's."

              b) But many businessmen are found in the Bible.

          2) Is planning itself wrong?

              a) Church "Grow by Caring" long-range plan.

              b) Some Christians say this approach is arrogant.

              c) They also say plans are rigid and stifling.

          3) Go-with-the-flow versus disciplined expectations.

              a) Above attitude can be a cover-up for laziness.

              b) Bible says planning is not sinful.

                  1> Luke 14:28, "count the cost."

                      A> Building contractors.

                      B> What it costs to be a Christian.

                  2> Many plans are made throughout the Bible.

          4) Planning is not sinful, if it's done right.

II. One thing must not be left out of our plans- GOD.

      A. This is difference between valid and invalid plans.

          1) Example of atheist-oriented plan:

              a) Rich farmer and anticipated crops.      Luke 12:16-21

          2) Examples of God-oriented plans in Bible:

              a) Paul's anticipated return to Ephesus.   Acts 18:21

              b) A visit to Corinth.                     1 Cor 4:19

              c) Longer stay if permitted.               1 Cor 16:7

              d) Reaching spiritual maturity.            Hebrews 6:3

      B. Are we willing for Lord to be willing?

          1) Superstition or foundation.

              a) For many, "Lord willing" is like saying, "Knock on wood."

                  1> [knocking appeases demons in wood]

                  2> Say it in front of pastor - pause - knock wood.

              b) People in Bible often make plans without this phrase.

          2) The right mindset is more important than the right words.

III. Believing atheists.

      A. The empty hole.

          1) One writer said of Americans, "98% believe in God and 100%

                are humanists."

              a) To really trust in God is considered naive.

              b) We believe and do what we want.

          2) The United Nations "Meditation Room."

             Charles Colson is one of the foremost Christian thinkers

                in America today.

             A while back he visited the United Nations in NYC.

                The complex is very impressive.

             After a tour, Colson asked to visit the chapel.

             Since all nations will bow before God, Colson wanted to

                see the room where the representatives worshipped.

             The person he asked had a puzzled look.

                "Chapel?  We don't have a chapel.  Try across the street."

             He dodged the infamous New York taxis and crossed the street.

             The security officer told him there was a chapel, but it

                had nothing to do with the U.N.

             He looked through a directory, and told Colson, "Oh, I see.

                It's back across the street.

             Tell them you're looking for the meditation room."

             Colson went back, only to be told that the room was not open

                to the public due to a personnel cutback.

             But since he was so persistent, a guard would show him the


             The door was unmarked.

                The room itself was small and had no decoration.

                   There were no windows.  The walls were stark white.

             A large square rock stood in the center of the room, but

                no other religious symbol.

             Bright ceiling lights illuminated a piece of modern art on

                the front wall:  steel squares and ovals.

             The lights were actually focused on a void, which Colson

                perceives as the soul of the brave new world.


          3) Western society is turning away from religious faith.

              a) Religion is for weak people.

                  1> We are labeled as dangerous kooks.

                  2> New law - no religious message, or symbol, on desk.

              b) Ironic that some atheists - Gorbachev - acknowledge God.

      B. Most Americans don't factor God into their lives.

          1) What was last time you prayed for God's guidance?

              a) Do you ever commit business decisions to him?

              b) Ask yourself, "What would Jesus do?"

              c) Does your belief have any practical influence on how

                    you live?

              d) Augustine said, "Love God and do as you please."  We

                    change it to, "Do as you please and say you love God."

          2) If our plans don't work out, we blame Him.

              a) [Celeste's uncle's funeral.  Died soon after retirement]

              b) If God were to tell you that this was your last day on

                   earth, would you be able to put aside your human plans?

IV. Life holds no guarantees.

      A. Life is uncertain.

          1) No one knows the future.

              a) Stock market and monkeys with darts vs. professionals.

              b) Harold Camping and Second Coming.

          2) Our plans must be flexible to absorb unexpected.

      B. Life is short.

          1) We expect to live to 70's or 80's, but don't know.

              a) [Celeste reads obituaries for young deaths.]

              b) Most here have had brushes with death.

          2) James - life is a vapor.

              a) OT - count your days.

              b) They are limited, make them matter.

      C. Plan like you'll live to be 200.  Live like today is your last.

          1) Get your physical house in order.

              a) Most don't have wills.

          2) Get your spiritual house in order.      2 Cor 6:2

              a) Personal salvation certain.   "Today is day..."

                  1> Don't put off.

              b) Spiritual goals done.    (Reconcile, read Bible...)

  V. Including God in your life.

      A. By all means, make plans.

          1) "If God wills, we will live and do this or that."     4:15

          2) Plans are acceptable, even necessary.                 4:15

              a) Christians, and churches, need to think ahead.

              b) Generally, we just react.  Have spiritual goals.

      B. Work God into every area.

          1) We are witnesses wherever we go.

          2) God's rules are not just for Sunday morning.

              a) Be a Christian businessman, teacher, housewife.

              b) Commit every action to God.

      C. Remember that we are not self-made.                       4:16

          1) Arrogance is disease of modern society.

              a) We can do it on our own.

              b) We can make as much money as we decide to.

          2) Arrogance is wrong, even if nothing bad is done.      4:17

              a) Sins of omission.

                  1> Blatant sins are only half of battle.

                  2> What we don't do can get us in bigger trouble.

              b) Deliberately include God, or he won't be.

     Original sermon:  January 3, 1988

  I. Making plans.

      A. Americans plan more than anyone else.

          1) Vacations, business.

          2) (illust - rocket motor failure test)

II. James - many of our plans are a sin.

      A. Is planning itself wrong?

          1) Church "Grow by Caring" long-range plan.

          2) Some Christians say this approach is arrogant.

          3) They also say plans are rigid and stifling.

      B. Above attitude can be a cover-up for laziness.

          1) Bible says planning is not sinful.

          2) Luke 14:28, "count the cost."

              a) Building contractors.

              b) What it costs to be a Christian.

      C. James believes in plans.

          1) Plans are acceptable, even necessary.        4:15

          2) But one thing must not be left out - GOD.

              a) This is difference between valid and invalid plans.

              b) Example - Paul's plans in 1 Cor 16:6.

III. Superstition or foundation.

      A. For many, "Lord willing" is like saying, "Knock on wood."

          1) [appease demons]

          2) People in Bible often make plans without this phrase.

      B. Many believers live like atheists.

          1) [98% believe in God and 100% are humanists - quote??]

              a) Yet even some atheists - Gorbachev - acknowledge him.

          2) We don't consider God in our plans.

              a) If our plans don't work out, we blame Him.

                  1> [Celeste's uncle's funeral.  Died after retirement]

              b) If God were to tell you that this was your last day on

                   earth, would you be able to put aside your human plans?

      C. Life holds no guarantees.

          1) We expect to live to 70's or 80's, but don't know.

              a) [Celeste reads obituaries for young deaths.]

              b) James - life is a vapor.

          2) Life can catch us by surprise.

              a) [1987 Stock Market crash]

IV. How to handle uncertainty in life.

      A. Two important areas to control:

          1) Commit your life to God.

          2) Commit daily plans to God.

              a) Ask God for guidance.

              b) Ask for his approval.

      B. Sins of omission.

          1) Blatant sins are only half of battle.

          2) What we don't do can get us in bigger trouble.

          3) Include God, or he won't be.

      C. Application to church.

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