James 4_ 1- 3      What Rages Within?

Rev. David Holwick  ZE                                    James series #10

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

September 23, 2007

James 4:1-3


  I. The problem that hasn't been solved.

      A. Is anyone immune to it?

         Tacoma, Washington.  1987.

         Daniel Lynam's brother had called the police because he knew

            something was wrong.

         When the police arrived, Lynam warned them to stay back because

            he didn't want to hurt them.

         About 10 minutes later the police heard a noise.

         They went into the comfortable home and discovered that Daniel

            had taken his life.

         They also found his wife.

            - and his 2-year-old daughter.

            - and his 5-week-old son.

         All were dead of gunshot wounds.

           There was no sign of a struggle.

         A few hours later they found Daniel Lynam's parents.

            They were in their 60's, and had been shot while sitting.

         The same scene unfolded at his in-law's house.

         In all, eight people were dead.

         What do his neighbors remember about Daniel Lynam?

            According to the newspaper account:

         "Neighbors said the Lynams exchanged waves and smiles but

             generally kept to themselves.

         An owner of their condominium described Daniel and Linda Lynam

            as born-again Christians."


      B. Violence is an issue around the world.

          1) Consider murder rates:

             Pakistan - 5 murders for every ten million people.

             Japan -   53 murders for every ten million, 10 times higher.

             U.S.A. - 570 murders, 100 times higher.

             Columbia - 5,860 murders, or 1,000 times higher.

                                                [1998 figures, Wikipedia]

          2) Notorious crimes, like the execution slaying in Newark,

                seem to fill the newspapers every week.

          3) Abuse and fights are so common we don't even count them.

              a) One third of police calls are for domestic violence.

              b) Rarely in paper, to save embarrassment.

                  1> Exception - a Catholic priest in Morris County

                        who was sentenced for wife abuse last year.

                  2> The fact that a priest could have a wife got more

                        attention than the abuse.

              c) The real issue should be that too many Christians

                    cannot control their rage.

                  1> Some estimate that 10% of all Christian families

                        are abusive on regular basis.

II. Violence among *us*?

      A. James is talking to Christians.

          1) He uses strong language:  "wars" and fightings.          4:1

              a) These words were used for national wars.

          2) As bad as church was, were they napalming each other?

              a) Some do believe an actual murder had taken place.

      B. Probably exaggeration for effect.

          1) Otherwise it would be anti-climactic since "covet"

                follows "murder."                                     4:2

          2) Jesus also ties anger and murder together.      Matt 5:21-22

III. Where does violence come from?

      A. An inside problem.

          1) We blame outsiders - "She drove me to it."

          2) The problem is really inside us.

              a) Karen Mains - abusive Christian said, "If I can control

                    myself, my wife cannot make me hit her."

              b) Control and power are key in most abusive relationships.

                  1> We must have last word and final decision.

                  2> We want our own selfish needs satisfied.

      B. Self-seeking pleasure and lust.

          1) Pleasure is good - God made it.

          2) Like all good things, outside God's will and time, it destroys.

              a) Here, the pleasures are purely selfish.

              b) Their motivation was all wrong.

          3) Unrestrained pleasure results in frustration.  Always.

              a) Even Christians can get caught up in this.

              b) Selfish pleasure-> frustration-> violence.  (King David)

IV. A self-seeking attitude will warp your spirituality.

      A. People stop praying.                                         4:2

          1) In our hearts, we don't want to be hypocrites.

          2) Stop praying long enough, and you won't ever want to.

      B. People pray wrong.

          1) God refuses to answer selfish prayers.

          2) Overcoat of religion not enough.

              a) Most molesters are regular church attenders, devout,

                   conservative in beliefs, and even moralistic.

              b) "Spare rod" and "wives, submit!" mentality.

      C. James calls it "spiritual adultery."                         4:4

          1) When we hate and lust like the world, we become like

                the world, and turn from God.

          2) God hates abuse.                            Malachi 2:16

          3) It's never an adequate excuse.  Confess and change!

  V. God loves you and can heal your rage.

      A. Today's passage presents three basic truths:

          1) Conflict is worse than you think, because all people have

                a tendency to excuse their part in it, rather than

                   acknowledge their sin.

          2) Conflict is simpler than you think, because the source of

                the conflict is inside you.

          3) Conflict can be resolved easier than you think, because

                God provides a two-step process:

              a) You must humble yourself before God because your issue

                    is above all with him.

                 Do this by confessing your sins to God.

              b) The second step is to humble yourself with the one you

                    are fighting with.

                 You should confess your sin to them as well.


      B. Our church should be a reconciling family.

          1) We should esteem people not for their power, but their love.

          2) Aggressive attitudes and behavior need to be checked.

      C. God understands, because Jesus was beaten and abused.

          1) Perhaps we cannot forget, but God can take the pain away.

          2) By his stripes, we are healed.

      D. Abusers are loved by God as well.

          1) God is in the changing business.

          2) Even if other person is partly at fault, deal with yourself.



#2699  "Christians Are Not Immune To Violence," from an Ohio newspaper

          article in 1987.

#33590  "Resolving Relational Conflict," by Garrett E. Wishall, Baptist

           Press, http://www.baptistpress.org, November 7, 2006.

These and 30,000 others are part of the Kerux database that can be

downloaded, absolutely free, at http://www.holwick.com/database.html


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