Job 25_4-6      Worm Theology

Rev. David Holwick

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

January 22, 1995

Job 25:4-6


  I. Are you worth anything?

      A. Efforts to stress self-worth.

          1) Has to be more than positive thinking.

              a) Most American students feel they are good at math.

              b) Yet as a country we rank at bottom in math proficiency.

          2) Efforts to puff up ourselves usually end in deflation.

             There is a story told about the late Dorothy Parker

               -- a brilliant woman known for her sarcastic wit.

             She was at a cocktail party at which one of the guests

                praised another woman at the party.

             "She's very kind to her inferiors," said the guest.

             With mock disbelief Dorothy Parker asked,

                "And where does she find them?"


      B. Feelings of inadequacy more common.

          1) Woody Allen films.

          2) Young Christians to me:  I'm not good enough to be saved.

      C. Our two deepest needs, according to Dr. Larry Crab:

          1) The need for security.

          2) The need for significance.

              a) We want to feel like we count.

              b) When both are lacking, we feel like worms.  (Kid's song...)

II. More than you wanted to know about worms.   (Airline magazine?)

      A. Common critters.  More weight per acre than mammals.

          1) Those on ground after a rain are doomed.

          2) Almost pure digestive tract.  Literally eat through earth.

          3) Valuable resource as bait and hamburger extender.

      B. Worms in Bible.

          1) Actual crawly things.

              a) Jonah's worm that eats shady vine.             Jonah 4:7

          2) Image of death and decay.

              a) Job sees no hope in life.  Mom!  Siss!         Job 17:14

              b) Eternal torment:  worms don't die.  (Jesus)    Mark 9:48

          3) Despised people.

              a) In eyes of Job's friends.                 Job 25:4-6

              b) In eyes of God.                           Isaiah 41:14

          4) Worms are the lowest of the low.  Literally.

              a) Looking up to look down.

              b) Where can we turn?

III. Only God is truly worthy.                              Rev 5:2-5

      A. Feelings of inadequacy are valid.

          1) It puts us in the proper perspective, eternally speaking.

          2) If we feel lousy compared to others, imagine where we

                stand compared to God.

              a) Job literally had to put his hand over his mouth.   40:4

      B. True peace comes from accepting God's magnificence.    Rev 5:2-5

          1) It brings about balance.

          2) Usurpers (Satan, us) try to take his glory for ourselves.

IV. We ARE worms.

      A. Something is desperately wrong with people.

          1) Examples of unspeakable cruelty in history.

          2) Sometimes we feel we are completely bad.          Job 25:4-6

              a) Fully deserved?  "Hitting bottom"

              b) When people tell me they are unworthy, I take them

                    at their word.  It may be a hint of deeper realities.

      B. Even if we aren't totally bad, everything we do is tainted.

          1) Even our most spiritual efforts.

                Concerning the sinfulness of man, the Puritan

                    William Beveridge wrote:

                I cannot pray,

                   except I sin.

                I cannot preach,

                   but I sin.

                I cannot administer, nor receive the holy sacrament,

                   but I sin.

                My very repentance needs to be repented of;

                And the tears I shed

                   need washing in the blood of Christ.


          2) Problem of sin before a perfect God.

      C. Jesus, the ultimate worm.

          1) The Messiah is considered a worm by sinners.    Psalm 22:6

          2) He knew what it was to be despised.             Isaiah 53:3

          3) He became the lowest worm, for us.              Phil 2:7-8

              a) Actually "became sin" on cross.             2 Cor 5:21

  V. Made worthy.

      A. Justification - Just As If I had never Sinned.

          1) God accepts us as sinners.                     Rom 5:8

          2) He considers us forgiven.

          3) He will make us perfect in the future.

      B. Redeemed sinners.

          1) Until heaven, we remain imperfect.

          2) An honest assessment.

              a) Even Christians can sin gravely.

              b) Do not be paralyzed by guilt, but honest about your

                    weaknesses, and work on them.

VI. Living under grace.

      A. Be gracious toward others.

          1) The faults we see in them may be peanuts compared to ours.

          2) When people are down, your graciousness will mean a lot.

      B. Be thankful toward God.

          1) We can never make ourselves worthy enough for him.

              a) Thank him for his making us worthy.

          2) God loves us, no matter what.

             At the Pan American Games a few years ago, Greg Louganis was

                asked how he coped with the stress of international

                   diving competition.

             He replied that he climbs to the board, takes a deep breath,

                and thinks,

             "Even if I blow this dive, my mother will still love me."

                Then he goes for excellence.

             At the beginning of each day, how good it would be for each

                of us to take a deep breath, say,

             "Even if I blow it today, my God will still love me."

             And then, assured of grace, go into the day seeking a

                perfect 10!


      C. More than "acceptable," God makes us great!              Psalm 8

          1) How majestic is HIS name!

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