Luke 12:13-21      The Rich Fool

Rev. David Holwick  ZA

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

July 26, 1992

Luke 12:13-21


  I. Hearing what we want to hear.

      A. I put time into my sermons.

          1) But no matter how well-researched, exciting or challenging,

                some people will miss the point entirely.

          2) Usually it is due to some personal problem.

      B. Jesus had the same dilemma.

          1) He had been preaching on hypocrisy, hell and unforgivable sin.

          2) But a young man in the crowd didn't hear a word of it.

              a) He had a problem that so gripped his attention he could

                    think of nothing else.

              b) (Hungry for publicity?) he shouts it out, "Teacher, get

                    my brother to divide my inheritance with me."

II. Few problems arouse as much intensity as money problems.

      A. It appears that this man had been cheated out of his share,

            or at least wasn't satisfied with what he got.

      B. Jesus flatly answers him, "Man, who make me a judge or divider

            for you?"

          1) May seem callous, as if Jesus doesn't care about our problems.

          2) Actually, Jesus sees through to the deeper issue.

      C. The core of the man's problem is that he thought his inner needs

            could be satisfied with money.

         FORTUNE magazine recently reported the results of a series of

            nationwide surveys.

         According to these studies, the number one goal of 53% of

            college graduates in 1980 was "being very well off financially."

         A decade later, that number jumped to 93 percent.

         In 1980, over 65 percent of college graduates were concerned

            about developing a philosophy of life.

         Only 43 percent of the class of '89 felt that a philosophy of

            life was important.


          1) We know that money can't buy everything, but what it can't

                buy, we don't need!

          2) Many people have a dissatisfied view of life.

III. A parable that cuts to the heart of the matter.

      A. A successful farmer ran out of storage space for his crops.

          1) He decides to pull down his old barns and build bigger ones.

          2) Then he would sit back and enjoy himself for many years.

          3) That night God cuts short his life, and his bold plans are

                shattered forever.

      B. Where did the dumb rich guy go wrong?

          1) In the things he remembered.

          2) In the things he forgot.

IV. He went wrong in the things he remembered.

      A. He remembered himself.

          1) The words "I" and "my" are used 11 times.

          2) Conversations reveal what people are like.

             Eleanor Roosevelt, the president's wife, could talk for

                two and a half hours without referring to herself.

             At the other extreme, it's been said that Elizabeth Taylor

                refers to herself every 90 seconds.


          3) The rich fool planned his life without even the remotest

                thought for anything except his own pleasure.

              a) To himself, he was by far the most important person in

                    the whole world.

              b) Who do YOU really think of the most?

                  1> Yourself, or others?

                  2> Do your actions show this?

      B. He remembered the world.

          1) In his way of thinking, no other world existed.

              a) There were no eternal values to consider.

              b) His philosophy of life is summed up as:

                 "Take it easy, eat, drink and be merry."

          2) Things haven't changed much in 2,000 years.

              a) A great influence on young people today is Rock music.

                 Perhaps the most successful group of the last 35 years

                    has been the Rolling Stones.

                 Back in the 1960's they made $350 million and blew it.

                 They still make a bundle, but invest it in fine silver,

                    modern art and European mansions.

                 Mick Jagger, the leader of the group, is now 50 years old.

                 While sipping Napoleon brandy in an expensive French

                    restaurant, he told a reporter:

                 "Right now I'm happy.  Eating a nice meal without pressure.

                    To an old-fashioned existentialist, that's all that


                 While he said this, a diamond set in his front tooth



              b) Food and drink are NOT all that count.

                  1> Our basic needs can never be met by material affluence.

                    "Life does not consist in the abundance of possessions."


                  2> Our inner emptiness can only be met by Jesus Christ.

  V. He went wrong in the things he forgot.

      A. He forgot his neighbors.

          1) If his barns were too small to hold his surplus, there must

                have been others more than willing to share it.

              a) Instead, he determined to use it all on himself.

          2) Some Christians approve of this attitude.

              a) We can keep whatever we earn.

              b) Private property is good.

          3) But Bible teaches that what we have, we have to share.

              a) Produce, and share with those in need.   Eph 4:28

              b) Generosity will be reciprocated.         2 Cor 8:13-15

      B. He forgot time.

          1) His whole attitude was that he had unlimited time.

          2) William Barclay - the most dangerous word in the English

                language is "tomorrow."

              a) No one knows if tomorrow will ever come for them.

                 There is an old story of 3 apprentice demons who were

                     to be sent to earth on a mission.

                 They were telling Satan what they proposed to do.

                    One said, "I will tell everyone there is no God."

                 "It won't work," Satan said.  "In their hearts they know

                    there is.

                 The second one said, "I will tell them there is no hell."

                    "That won't work, either," Satan said.

                 "Even in this life they have tasted the agony and sorrow

                    of hell."

                 The third one said, "I will tell them there is no hurry."

                    "Go," said Satan.

                 "Tell them that and you will ruin them by the millions."


              b) If we are to change, we must change NOW.

                 About 100 years ago, Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel awoke

                    one morning to read his own obituary in the newspaper:

                 "Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, died yesterday.

                  He devised a way for more people to be killed in a war

                     than ever before, and he died a very rich man."

                 Actually, it was Alfred's older brother who had died; a

                    newspaper reporter had bungled the obituary.

                 But the account had a profound effect on Nobel.

                 He decided he wanted to be known for something other than

                    developing the means to kill people efficiently.

                 He also felt guilty for amassing a fortune in the process.

                 So he initiated the Nobel Prize, the award for scientists

                    and writers who foster peace.

                 Nobel said, "Every man ought to have the chance to correct

                    his obituary in midstream and write a new one."

                 Few things will change us as much as looking at our life

                    as though it is finished.


      C. He forgot God.

          1) The Bible's definition of a "fool" is found in Psalm 14:1 -

             "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God."

          2) This doesn't just apply to atheists, but to everyone who

                lives as if God doesn't exist.

              a) James 4:13-15 warns about keeping God in perspective

                    in your plans for time.

VI. Our attitude toward this life shows our commitment to God.

      A. Do possessions have a stranglehold on you?

          1) Is God your first priority?

          2) Would you be considered rich toward God?

      B. Are you ready for judgment now?

          1) Life is a loan which must be returned to God.

          2) Are you putting off a commitment to Jesus Christ?


    Borrows heavily from William Barclay commentary

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