Mark  1_40-45      Jesus Cleanses A Leper

Rev. David Holwick  ZF

First Baptist Church

West Lafayette, Ohio

September 11, 1988


Mark 1:40-45


I. Leper.

     A. Ritually unclean.  Lev 13-14

         1) Not allowed in Temple.

     B. Socially unclean.

         1) People they touched became unclean.

         2) He was a prisoner, cut off from all normal life.

     C. Parallel with AIDS patients.

         1) Rejected by society.

         2) Put ourselves in their shoes.

     D. Leper asks to be clean.

II. Jesus touches him.

     A. Physical healing.

     B. Social healing.  (all four gospels mention it)

         1) Jesus gives him immediate social contact.

             a) In doing so, he violates ritual purity laws.

             b) Common theme:  Jesus welcomes outcasts.

III. The emotions of the encounter.

     A. The leper seems to know Jesus can; supernaturally?

         1) "If you want to."

             a) Perhaps is confrontational - puts Jesus on spot.

     B. Jesus reveals his heart - he cares.

         1) "I do want to."

         2)  He is filled with pity.

IV. Stern order not to publicize.

     A. Do not publicize.

         1) Mark is more severe than other gospels.

     B. Follow proper OT ritual for cleansing.

         1) A distinction is made:

             a) Shallow publicizing.

             b) Proper witnessing - ie, to a priest.

     C. Man is disobedient and tells others what happened.

         1) Lacks insight into Jesus' significance.

             a) Sensationalized healing.

             b) But did not proclaim Jesus' Kingdom.

                 1> Law of Moses could certify disease or death.

                 2> Jesus displays power to heal.

         2) Causes Jesus problems in his ministry.

     D. Nevertheless, whether wrong or right, the news about Jesus spreads.

V. Application:

     A. Modern leprosy - spiritual sin before God.

         1) Illustration from West Point:

         During his first days at West Point, Randall Fewel tried hard to

    achieve a perfect room inspection, and one morning he thought he had

    succeeded.  With white gloves on, the company commander checked every

    corner of the room, and the gloves came away clean.  He was feeling

    proud of himself.

         But then the commander said, "Raise your left foot, mister!" and

    ran a gloved finger along the sole of his shoe.

    None of us can pass God's inspection.

     B. Jesus is willing and able to cleanse us from sin.

         1) No sin is too great.

         2) But repentance, turning around, is expected.

     C. We must proclaim him in an obedient way.

         1) Not superficial.

         2) By our lifestyle.

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