Mark  3_31-35      Believers as Family of God

Rev. David Holwick      ZP

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

November 26, 1989

Mark 3:31-35


  I. Families at Thanksgiving dinner.

      A. My favorite meal of the year.

      B. With Celeste's parents in New England.

          1) Six inches of snow.

          2) Surrounded by woods.

          3) Family & friends of 25 around tables.

              a) Norman Rockwell painting.

      C. First Baptist calls itself "The Family Church."

          1) Does our church reflect a Norman Rockwell painting?

II. Lone Ranger Christianity.

      A. Many believers do not experience church as a family.

          1) Rejected by church.

              a) They don't fit in with regular programs.

                  1> College students.

                  2> Single parents.

                  3> Elderly.

          2) They do the rejecting.

              a) American emphasis on self-reliant individual.

                  1> Recent discussion:

                       "I don't need church.  I can pray in woods."

      B. Many live in isolation.

          1) George Gallop finds many unchurched people are very religious.

              a) But they have not found a church home.

          2) They have faith, but no effectiveness.

      C. Fruit of being a Lone Ranger Christian.

          1) No pain, but no gain.

          2) Little influence on others' lives.

          3) Little contribution to Jesus' Kingdom.

      D. What is the most important aspect of being a Christian?

          1) Mostly personal (and private)...

          2) Or, Fellowship and commitment in a family?

              a) Jesus went for the family.

III. Terms Jesus used for the family of believers.

      A. "Church" is rare.

          1) Only two passages.                 Matt 16:18, 18:17

      B. However, other images are used.

          1) Flock.                                 Luke 12:32

          2) Wedding party.                         Mark 2:19

          3) Net.                                   Matt 13:47

          4) Members of the new covenant.           Mark 14:24

          5) God's vineyard.                        Matt 13:14; 15:13

          6) God's building.                        Matt 16:18

          7) God's city.                            Matt 5:14

          8) God's family.                         * Mark 3:31

              a) God as father, Jesus as master.

                  1> Believers as brothers and sisters.

              b) Table-fellowship with Jesus.

IV. Advantages of Community.

      A. Strength in numbers.

          1) Mutual encouragement.

              a) Pray for one another.

              b) Help those in need.

          2) Evangelism two by two.             Luke 10:1

              a) They were only isolated when they abandoned Jesus.

      B. Discipline.                Matt 18:15-17

          1) Even Christians can misbehave and cause difficulties.

             Sheryl Geartz thought her young son Jason needed the good

                influence of church, so she took him every Sunday.

             But he threw spitballs and other objects, fought, yelled and

                set off a fire alarm in Topeka's Grace Episcopal Church.

             The church tried to help them but nothing worked.

             They finally asked Mrs. Geartz to stop bringing Jason.

                She refused.

             Three times she found men blocking the doors.

                Once the police were called to escort them away.

             Finally church officials filed a temporary restraining order.

                She has decided not to hire a lawyer.                #175

          2) Challenge one another.

              a) Discipline is not always punishment.

              b) Bring out best in others.

  V. Remnant motif.

      A. Common among Jews of Jesus' day.

          1) "Elijah complex" - I alone am left to serve God.    1 Kg 19:18

          2) Examples:

              a) Pharisees.  (separated ones)

              b) Essenes.  (Qumran)

          3) Become good like us, or forget it!

      B. Common among modern evangelical Christians.

          1) Hide in self-made culture.

          2) Others are cast out.

              a) Jack Van Impe experience at separation.           #1060

VI. Jesus rejects remnant attitudes.

      A. Jesus did not come to separate, but to gather.

      B. He calls for a world-wide community of God.

          1) All are invited.         (Mother hen -  Matt 22:14)

              a) No one, with repentant heart, should be rejected.

                  1> God's grace, not our goodness, is what counts.

              b) However, some don't make it in.            Matt 8:11-12

                  1> They choose not to enter.

              c) Even some in church do not really belong.

                  1> Wheat and chaff separated in End Times.     Matt 13

                  2> God will do the separating.

          2) Shows importance of missions.

              a) God wants every nation in his family.

              b) But few Christians have a world view.

                  1> What do events in Eastern Europe mean for believers?

                  2> What is happening in China in the church?

VII. Attributes of local church as a Family.

      A. Close.

          1) Stronger than human ties.

              a) Totally dedicated to God.

          2) But closeness is often lacking.

              a) Close relationships require commitment.

              b) Commitment takes time.

                  1> Don't expect spiritual warmth if you commit one hour

                        a week.

      B. Mission.

          1) Inviting and accepting.

              a) Don't wait for them to find us.

                  1> Gallop - unchurched are often waiting to be invited.

              b) Ohio - don't invite trailer park kids to S.S.

                    They won't give much money.

          2) Serving.

              a) Find a need, and meet it.

              b) Gallop:  only 10% of church goers make a difference.

      C. Joy.

          1) Where the true family of God is, there is joy and contentment.

****************************  NOTES  *******************************

     Joachim Jeremias,  New Testament Theology               Pp 167 ff

           "Gathering together the community of salvation"

  I. The followers of Jesus form concentric circles.

      A. Disciples who accept him but stay in their area.

      B. Disciples who follow him in his travels.

      C. Apostles.

II. The gospel terminology for community.

      A. "Church" occurs in only two passages.

      B. However, other images are used.

          1) Flock.

          2) Wedding party.

          3) God's vineyard.

          4) Net.

          5) God's building.

          6) God's city.

          7) Members of the new covenant.

          8) God's family.

              a) God as father, Jesus as master.

              b) Table-fellowship with Jesus.

III. Remnant.

      A. This concept was fundamental to contemporary Judaism.

      B. Biblical background.

          1) 1 Kings 19:18

          2) Isaiah 7:3

          3) Isaiah 10:21

      C. Jewish remnant groups.

          1) Pharisees.

          2) Essenes.

          3) John the Baptist.

              a) Open remnant - not just for Jews, but also for sinners.

                  1> He gives a special call to the poor, as does the


              b) God's judgment is taken seriously.

IV. Boundless grace.

      A. Jesus differed from the Essenes and other remnant groups.

          1) He did not try to separate.

          2) The poor, blind and crippled are invited.

      B. Jesus differed from John the Baptist.

          1) Jesus offers salvation before repentance.    Luke 19:1-10

              a) John accepted them only after they committed themselves

                    to a new life.

          2) Jesus stresses God's grace.

              a) It is boundless.

              b) It is unconditional.

  V. Jesus gathers a community of God, not a remnant.

      A. He opens the doors wide, as a mother hen.

          1) All are invited.     Matt 22:14.

      B. However, some won't make it in.

          1) Fellowship with Jesus does not guarantee salvation.

          2) They will be winnowed out later.

              a) God will do the separating.

VI. Summary:

     "The chief characteristic of the new people of God gathered together by

     Jesus is their awareness of the boundlessness of God's grace."

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