Matthew 11_ 3- 5      Good News Or Bad News?

Rev. David Holwick  P

First Baptist Church                    

Ledgewood, New Jersey                              

May 2, 2004

Matthew 11:3-5


I. Where's the good news?

    A. Visit by a Jehovah's Witness.

       The young Jehovah's Witness girl tried to convince Richard

          Bennett of the Divine origin of her sect.

       For hours they talked about the Bible and God's promises of


       Finally, he decided to challenge her.

       "Tell me," he said, "by what authority do you come out on


       He knew her answer would be, "Jesus told us to go into all the

          world and preach the Gospel to every creature."

       "And can you tell me what the word 'gospel' means?"

          Exactly as planned, she replied, "Yes, it means good news."

       "You and I have been talking for a couple of hours.

        You told me that only 144,000 were going to Heaven, and that

           neither of us had much of a chance for that.

        You also told me I could not possibly be sure of salvation.

        Now, as I see it, this is all bad news, not good news.

        So why don't you go home and study your Bible, get some good

          news for folks, and then try again to preach the Gospel?"


    B. Much about religion comes across as bad news.

        1) Don't do this, don't do that...

        2) Tedious services and obligations.

        3) Money-grubbing preachers.

        4) Holy wars and sectarian violence (N. Ireland, India, Iraq).

           An Easter production for children by the Glassport, PA,

              Assembly of God church brought a big crowd.

           But "It was absolutely horrendous," said Melissa Salzmann,

              who left with her child when she realized what the show

                 was about.

           Performers told the kids "there is no Easter Bunny."

           Then they smashed eggs the kids thought they'd be looking

              for in an Easter egg hunt after the show.

           Finally they tortured a woman in an Easter Bunny suit.

           Salzmann said her 4-year-old son "was crying and asking me

              why the bunny was being whipped."

           The church's youth minister, who played the part of the

              Bunny, explained "The program was for all ages, not just

                 the kids.

           "We wanted to convey that Easter is not just about the

              Easter Bunny."


II. What is good about the Good News of Jesus.

    A. Jesus gave his own answer.

        1) Dramatic things are happening for the hurting.

            a) Blind, lame, lepers, deaf, dead, poor.

                1> You wouldn't choose any of these for yourself.

            b) But each were having their prayers answered.

                1> They were seeing, walking, hearing, living...

        2) Spiritually, we are in these categories too.

            a) Hindu woman's testimony:

       A formerly Hindu woman who is now Christian wrote the following

          to an American Baptist missionary:

       "Christianity offers me a simple and easy way of speaking to

          God and of God speaking to me.

        As a Christian I don't have to wait for a certain day to pray

          to God, or go to a certain place to pray.

        I can pray anytime and anywhere and I know He is just and able

          to answer my prayer.

       "Christianity also offers me a chance to repent of my sins and

          to know that my sins are forgiven.

        The Lord does not ask me to make any sacrifices to prove my

          love for Him.

        As a Christian I also love the fact that I have support from

          fellow Christian brothers and sisters who are there for you

             when you have difficulties."


    B. The good things that Jesus offers us.

        1) Forgiveness.

            a) Jesus can forgive anything we have done.

            b) We can escape the punishment and guilt of sin.

            c) He will accept us even if everyone else rejects us.

        2) Daily direction.

            a) We can have an intimate relationship with God.

        3) Peace which passes understanding.

        4) Eternal life.

        5) The opportunity to make a difference now.

            a) We can change the social order, like Jesus did.

            b) Haiti trip...

III. You can know the Good News is good for you.

    A. Hope you're saved?   (Assurance of salvation)

        1) Few people long for hell or annihilation.

            a) We all want to go to heaven.

        2) Jesus says we get there by believing in him.

            a) How can we be sure he accepts us?

            b) What if we blow it?

    B. Salvation is our response to what Jesus has already done.

        1) Your good life is a sign of gratitude to God, not a payoff.

        2) God the Father will not reject his Son's sacrifice for you.

    C. You can know you are saved.

        1) He promises it, he paid the price, so you can believe it.

        2) We call this the assurance of salvation.

            a) A Roman Catholic catechism in 1972 said if a person

                  feels assured of Heaven, they have committed the sin

                     of presumption.

            b) We say such a person has a firm grasp on the promises

                  of the Bible.

        3) Assurance is very good news!

IV. The bad news about the Good News.

    A. The blessings are not automatic.

        1) We must deliberately receive Jesus.

            a) It is only good news when you receive it with faith.

        2) We must be faithful and obedient.

            a) Faith is not just thinking it, but being changed by it.

            b) Repentance and faith always go hand-in-hand.

    B. Rejecting Jesus is the worst decision you could make.

  V. Good news or bad news - for you?

     They were shooting the movie "Yankee Doodle Dandy" on the day

        after Pearl Harbor.

     The cast listened as President Roosevelt announced on the radio

        that the United States was at war with Japan and Germany.

     At that point, director Michael Curtiz came on the sound stage

        with Jimmy Cagney.

     They all listened in silence for the national anthem to finish.

     As the women dabbed tears from their eyes, and the men were

        deeply moved, Curtiz said in his best Hungarian accent:

     "Now, boys and girls, we have work to do.

      We have bad news, but we have a wonderful story to tell the


      So let's put away sad things and begin."




# 3018  "We Have a Wonderful Story To Tell," by Peter Hay, "Movie

           Ancedotes" (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990), in

           Dynamic Preaching ( sermon  "A Time To

           Remember," May 1992.

#11861  "Which Will You Believe - Bad News Or Good News?" by Richard

           Bennett, from email submitted by Rick Swenson of Hopatcong,

           New Jersey on April 27, 2004.

#26581  "A Hindu Convert's Testimony," by Anita Gutiérrez, American

           Baptist International Ministries Update, April 2004.

#26586  "Torturing the Easter Bunny," McKeesport Daily News, Associated

           Press, referred to by Randy Cassingham in "This Is True" for

           April 11, 2004.

These and 25,000 others are part of a database that can be downloaded,

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