Matthew 6_19-24     Money, Money, Money

Rev. David Holwick   ZF                        Sermon on the Mount series

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

September 10, 1989

Mark 10:17-31


  I. Money hits us at the core.

      A. People hate sermons on money.

          1) In West Lafayette, Ben Hartsock only seemed to attend when

                I was preaching on it.

      B. Money is an important Biblical topic.

        "One verse in every six in the first three Gospels relates,

             either directly or indirectly, to money.

         Sixteen of our Lord's forty-four parables deal with the use or

             misuse of money.

         A loving, joyful, liberal giving to the Lord's work is an acid

             test of a spiritual heart, pleasing to God."


      C. If we are to be blessed by God, we must obey his instructions on


II. Storing up treasure on earth.                Matt 6:19

      A. Many people find their value in their material possessions.

          1) They measure themselves by how much their job pays in a year.

          2) How much their house is worth.

          3) How much they have in stocks.

      B. But earthly wealth can corrode and be taken away.     Matt 6:19

          1) Possessions get eaten up.  (Literal meaning of "rust.")

         Vic and Lillian Cooper of Maltby, England, lived on welfare

             all their married life.

         Then they won $77,481 in a bingo jackpot.

         They spent $6,300 on a car, $7,200 on a vacation trailer,

             $7,200 on furniture, and $56,781 on miscellaneous.

         Most of this was gifts for relatives and toys for their

             son Darren, 4.

         Four months later it was all gone and they applied for

             welfare again.

         Vic and Lillian are now $144 behind in rent and living on $49 a

             week, including a $13 government allowance and a loan.

         "It's very difficult when you get money for the first time in

             your life not to go out and spend it," said Vic.

         "We used to look in the shop windows and never be able to

             afford anything."

         Welfare authorities said it would be a cold day in Gehenna

             before they get any more help.


              a) John Osborne's pot of pennies.

                  1> Saving up for a vacation.

                  2> But the pot is broken - they are all draining out.

              b) Most of the stuff we buy does not have much value or

                    does not last.

          2) Possessions eat us up.

              a) Wealth can be a replacement for God.

                  1> Most charitable giving is done by middle class,

                        and lower.

              b) Possessions can control our lives.

                  1> Debt.

                      A> Christian family budgeted by credit agency.

                  2> Credit cards.

                      A> Only on lasting possessions.

                      B> Not food, perishables.

                  3> Bible principle: no debt, except love.   Rom 13:8

                      A> Freedom from debt a sign of God's blessing. Dt 15:6

      C. You can't take it with you.             1 Tim 6:7 (-10)

          1) Campolo on crane operator burying a rich person in a sports

                 car, with a scarf around his neck and a cigar in his mouth.

             "Man, that's living!"                                  #994

          2) You can't take it with you, but you can send it on ahead.

III. Storing up treasure in heaven.          Matt 6:20

      A. Spiritual wealth lasts forever, doesn't depreciate.

          1) Spiritual wealth cannot be bought.

              a) Baptist preacher offered $100,000 by man who had neglected

                     God.  He gives him "right hand of fellowship."   #995

          2) However, earthly wealth can be used for God's glory and work.

      B. Principle of tithing.

          1) All our wealth comes from God.

          2) He expects 10% back.

              a) OT and Jesus.                      Matt 23:23

                  1> Tithe is foundation, 100% is ultimate.

                  2> Cheerful, generous attitude is important.

              b) Not tithing is stealing from God.      Mal 3:8-10

      C. Compassionate help for the poor.       Luke 16:9

          1) Those who are blessed should help the less fortunate.

          2) OT: partly from tithe, but also beyond.

IV. Our use of money shows where our heart is.

      A. Nicols Fox, writing in Newsweek editorial:

         What we spend our money on shows our values.

         Our values are expressed by what we really do,

              not by what we wish for.

         Churches have failed to mold our values because they have

              capitulated to the relativism of the world.


      B. What do your possessions show about you?

          1) Men, how many ties are in your closet?

              a) How many do you wear?

              b) Dr. Albert Schweitzer - "You only have one neck."

          2) What does God see in your checkbook?

  V. Competition:  Two masters.                   Matt 6:24

      A. Will serve one.

          1) Cannot serve both.

      B. Money has a sinister nature.

          1) It demands our loyalty.

              a) Rich young ruler put it ahead of salvation.

                  1> He was a good person in every other area.

          2) Wealth has a seductive quality.    (Most people give in.)

VI. Wealth or love of wealth?

      A. Possessions themselves are not evil.

          1) All good things are from God.

          2) Rich people occur throughout the Bible.

              a) Joseph, Solomon, Daniel, Nicodemus.

      B. But wealth tempts us to be obsessed.     1 Tim 6:7-10

          1) Which do we really love more?

              a) God or money?

VII. The proper place of money in our lives.

      A. Is there a formula?

          1) Spiritual people do not buy BMW's.

          2) Spiritual people do not wear expensive fur.

      B. No, there is no magic number.

          1) Materialism is a matter of the heart, not a figure.

          2) John Wesley pushed the sensible formula:

                      "Make all you can,

                        save all you can,

                        give all you can."                           #872

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