Micah 3:5-12; 5:2       The Politicians Stink

Rev. David Holwick  G

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

February 17, 1991

Micah 3:5-12; 5:2-3


  I. Failings of current political leadership.

      A. Roxbury officials.

          1) Eat at "Tom's Diner" on Saturday.

              a) Disappointment - no politicians.

          2) Ledgewood sewers.

              a) Don't need to go to Diner to hear complaints.

          3) Congress - we complain about them, then re-elect them.

              a) (Newspaper editorial castigating Bush and Saddam?)

              b) "Keating Five" trials.

              c) Are they problem - or us??

      B. Cynicism rampant.

          1) Politicians say anything to get elected.

          2) They only line their own pockets.

          3) Thus my title:  "The Politicians Stink!"

II. Micah's condemnation of national leadership.    [WEAK SECTION]

      A. Power at expense of people.

          1) Eat people up.                     3:2-3

              a) Figurative cannibalism.

                 Only one American has ever been convicted of cannibalism.

                    His name was Alfred E. Packer.

                 While on a hunting expedition in Colorado, his party of

                    trappers got lost.

                 Six went into the wilderness; only Alfred came out.

                 The gruesome details came out in the trial.

                    At the sentencing of Packer the judge thundered,

                 "There were only 5 Democrats in this county, and you

                    ate 4 of them!"

                 The Colorado University, Denver campus, has an

                    "Alfred E. Packer Memorial Dining Hall."


          2) It's wrong to eat people, either literally or figuratively.

              a) People are not just means to an end.

      B. Self-serving attitude.                 3:5

          1) "Peace" if they are fed.

          2) War if they are opposed.

              a) Rev. Charles Spurgeon:

                 "Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.

                   Resist the deacons, and they will fly at you."


      C. Whole system corrupted.

          1) Political and religious leaders.         3:11

              a) Self-assured of their position with the Lord.  3:11b

          2) Only Micah spoke the harsh truth.          3:12

              a) His prophecy later saved Jeremiah's life.   Jer 26:18-19

      D. No power, sense of justice, or perception of God.   3:6-8

          1) God therefore cut them off.

          2) Soon he will judge the whole nation.

              a) Head is rotten, body goes next.

      E. Better leadership is coming.

III. Promise of the Messiah.

      A. What ideal king is going to be like.              5:4-5

          1) Humble yet strong.

              a) To be born in small village of Bethlehem.     5:2

              b) Later confusion:  from Bethlehem or sky?

          2) Concern for people.                           5:4 a

              a) "Shepherd" nature.

          3) Security for people.                          5:4 b

          4) Peace.                                        5:5

              a) Not just give peace, but "be" it.

      B. Predicted Messiah is Jesus.                Matt 2:1-6, John 7:42

          1) Breaks mold of earthly leaders.

              a) They are only interested in getting ahead.

              b) (like disciples!)

          2) Humbly died on cross.

          3) Will return as glorious King of earth, perhaps soon.

IV. The Shepherd model of leadership.   [STRONGEST SECTION]   Micah 5:4

      A. Serve instead of being served.             Mark 10:45

          1) Think of others ahead of self.

          2) In this way we imitate Jesus.

      B. Illustration from the Russian Gulag.

         An image that exemplifies what the servant posture means.

         The image comes from a true account of an American who was

            imprisoned in Soviet Russia's concentration camps for 45 years.

         It is told by Victor Herman in his autobiography,

            "Coming Out of the Ice."

         His first imprisonment was in Cell 39, five-and-a-half feet wide

            and ten feet long with a boarded up window at the far end.

         Along each wall were two benches on which 16 men sat.

         Closest to the door was a round vat called a Parasha, a latrine

            that was emptied once every ten days.

         Existence in Cell 39 was nothing but torture.

            The stench from the Parasha was choking.

         The men were forbidden to talk or move.

         From dawn to darkness they were forced to sit silent and

            motionless and stare at a hole in the cell door.

         At night they lay on the cold stone floor like eggs in a carton.

         Every inch of space was occupied; the slightest movement to

             relieve an ache was purchased at a cell mate's expense.

         After only 24 hours, Herman was on the verge of madness.

         He doubtless would have gone mad had he not sensed that one of

            the cellmates was looking out for the others.

         The cellmate was known simply as "the Elder".

            He sat closest to the Parasha, where the stench was strongest.

         And he sat nearest to the door, which exposed him to the senseless

            blows of the guards.

         The Elder did two things every day.

         He counted out 16 bowls of soup as they came through the feeding

            hole in the cell door to insure that no one received less than

               his share.

         He also allowed no one to begin eating until all had been served.

         His second task was to give a signal twice each night for the

            men to change sleeping positions.

         This prevented unbearable cramping when morning arrived.

         Herman knew nothing more about the Elder, but his role in Cell 39

            restrained 16 men from erupting in a mad dogfight for food,

               space, and air.

         Cell 39 is a model of Christian leadership.

         It tells us that in every situation in life, no matter how

            plain or grim, there is need for a servant-leader.

         But it tells something more:

            Only the person who sits closest to the Parasha, as it were,

              and who is most exposed to the blows of the system,

                  can claim authority to lead and serve.

         The authority of a servant stands in inverse proportion to his

            claims for himself.                                       #30

  V. Leadership in our lives.

      A. Most of us are leaders.

          1) Home life.

              a) Dissatisfaction of wives with husbands.

                  1> Vacant leadership, especially spiritually.

                  2> Often abusive relationships.

              b) "Control" is seen as key to leadership.

                  1> Many men are fearful because they are out of touch.

          2) Workplace.

              a) Tyrants harsh on everyone.

              b) Do we stand up for what is right?

                  1> Or are we quiet till it hits us?

          3) Church.

              a) How committed are leaders?

                  1> Prayer.

                  2> Visitation and concern.

                  3> Study.

                  4> Outreach.

              b) Church is weak because leadership not taken seriously.

      B. Not enough to have Jesus as our leader.

          1) We must be leaders after his example.

VI. How well are we imitating Jesus?

      A. Cynicism is easy.  Setting an example is hard.

      B. Seek opportunities to serve.


(old sermon, 1983)

  I. Desire to be President.

II. Micah on leadership.

III. Israel's future leadership.

IV. Jesus as our leader.

  V. Are you a follower of Jesus?

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