Proverbs  3_ 5-7      The Wisdom of Knowing God

Rev. David Holwick  ZT                                      CHRISTMAS DAY

First Baptist Church

West Lafayette, Ohio

December 25, 1988

Proverbs 3:5-7; 30:7-9


  I. Magi, wise men, come from East to worship Jesus.

      A. Most high officials rejected him later:  Herod, Pilate.

      B. Simple folk tended to come to him.

II. Is it still wise to come to Jesus?

      A. Many get along just fine without religion, much less Jesus.

      B. Religion associated with low intelligence, low drive.

      C. Educated people take life as it comes.

          1) No reference to a Higher Power.

          2) Christmas embarrassing, except as quaint party time.

III. Proverbs teaches there is no wisdom without God:

         "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."   9:10

      A. Questionable religious features of Proverbs:

          1) Thin religious content?

          2) Ulterior motives?

              a) Fear God - "get in good" with powers-that-be?

              b) Note effectiveness of ungodly actions - bribes in 18:16.

      B. Foundation of genuine faith:

          1) God is shown by sense of sin.  20:9

          2) Men are responsible, not puppets.   24:12

          3) Sin must be put away by:

              a) confession          28:13 (good for both)

              b) repentance                (=forsaking in 28:13)  (16:6)

          4) Godly morality is more important than "what works".

              a) Bribes work, but pervert.     17:23

              b) Justice is better than success.

              c) Good -> wise -> godly.        Prov 8

IV. Religion in Proverbs is personal and deep.

      A. Covenant with God is assumed.

          1) Negative form:  adulteress.                    (2:16-17)

          2) Positive form:

              a) "know God"

              b) Personal bond - "my God"               30:7-9

      B. Commitment is involved.

          1) Trust.                                     3:5-7

              a) "Lean" = depend, not just inclination.

              b) "Acknowledge" = know, have fellowship with.

              c) Concrete expression - use of wealth.         (3:9)

          2) Plans committed to God.                    19:21

          3) Faith is not useful habit or last resort.

              a) It is your way of life.

  V. The place of religion.

      A. Revelation.

          1) No vision, people perish.     29:18

              a) High goals?

              b) No, Scripture in view.    28:4

      B. Prayer and sacrifice.

          1) Assumed.

          2) Not magical.  Can be perverted.

              a) Prayer         28:9

              b) Sacrifice      15:8; 21:3

      C. Most emphasis is on everyday life.

          1) Godliness in working clothes.

          2) Hard facts of life are God's facts.

              a) God made our eyes and ears.        20:12

              b) God uses events in life to discipline us.    3:11

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