Psalm  22      Why I Believe in the Cross

Rev. David Holwick      M

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

April 8, 1990

Psalm 22


  I. Psalm 22 brings us face to face with the crucifixion of Jesus.

      A. Yet written more than 1000 years before Jesus lived.

          1) Jews were expecting a conquering Messiah.

          2) This psalm shows different image.

      B. Reasons it is "Messianic:"

          1) End of psalm speaks of whole world being blessed because

                of sufferings of one individual.

          2) Details don't fit events in King David's life.

      C. Psalm is not a description of an illness, but an execution.

II. Truly prophetic?

      A. Some scholars reject application to Messiah.

          1) Details not precise enough.

          2) Problem with predictive prophecy in general.

      B. New Testament testimony.

          1) Psalm quoted by Jesus on cross.

          2) After resurrection, he says Psalms predicted his Passion.

          3) Psalm 22 used by apostles.

III. Explanation of Psalm.

      A. Rejection.

          1) By God.              22:1

              a) Yet still trusts in God, though he is silent.

              b) Compare Jesus on cross.       Matt 27:46

          2) By people.           22:6-8

              a) They mock his trust in God.

              b) Compare Jesus and crowd.      Matt 27:39,41

                  1> Jesus himself predicted this.       Matt 20:18-19

                  2> Note temptation - prove your relationship with God.

      B. Physical details of crucifixion.

          1) "I am poured out like water."             Ps 22:14

              a) Heavy perspiration from hanging in sun.

          2) "All my bones are out of joint."          Ps 22:14

              a) Most painful aspect of crucifixion.

              b) Ligaments stretch and bones pop out of joint.

          3) "My heart has turned to wax; it has melted away within me."

                                          [KJV - "bowels"]    Ps 22:14

              a) Doesn't make sense until crucifixion.

              b) Some medical experts say:

                  1> Probably refers to rupture of Jesus' heart.

                  2> Immediate death, then blood fills sack which holds

                        the heart.

                  3> Unique situation - the blood separates into its

                        constituent parts, watery plasma and blood clots.

              c) Cf. John 19:34, piercing of Jesus' side by soldier.

          4) "My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue

                 sticks to the roof of my mouth."         Ps 22:15

              a) John 19:28 -  "Later, knowing that all was now completed,

                           and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled,

                           Jesus said, "I am thirsty."

          5) "Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled

                me, they have pierced my hands and my feet."   Ps 22:16

              a) Dog was common Jewish slang for Gentiles.

                  1> (Jesus and woman - "dogs under table get scraps")

                  2> Jesus was surrounded by Gentile soldiers.

              b) Pierced hands and feet.

                  1> One actual victim has been found in Jerusalem.

          6) "I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me."

                                                          Ps 22:17

              a) Stare - crucifixion done in nude.  Shame.

          7) "They divide my garments among them and cast lots for my

                 clothing."                               Ps 22:18

              a) All four gospels mention this.

              b) Roman custom for executioners to get clothing.

IV. History of crucifixion.

      A. Not a form of execution in King David's time.

          1) Jews used stoning.

          2) Romans did not adopt it until 800 years after prophecy.

      B. Crucifixion was ultimate Roman punishment.

          1) Reserved for slaves, robbers, assassins and terrorists.

          2) Cicero said:

               "Let the very name of the cross be far away not

                  only from the body of a Roman citizen,

                But even from his thoughts, his eyes, his ears."

      C. Crucifixion was despised by the Jews.

             Deuteronomy 21:22-23 --

              "If a man guilty of a capital offense is put death

                  and his body is hung on a tree,

               you must not leave his body on the tree overnight.

               Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who

                  is hung on a tree is under God's curse."

              a) Impaling victim's body was final insult.

              b) This made it doubly difficult for Jews to accept Jesus.

      D. Summary:

          1) To Romans it was barbaric.

          2) To Jews it was worse, because it was proof of God's curse.

  V. Shame of cross brings out its meaning.

      A. Deep theological truth in this.

         Galatians 3:13

             "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law

               by becoming a curse for us, for it is written:

             'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.'"

          1) When Jesus cried out, "Why have you forsaken me?",

                he was experiencing the curse of sin.

              a) God, who is holy, cannot look on sin.

              b) Jesus removed curse by taking on our sin.

                 2 Corinthians 5:21

                   "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that

                      in him we might become the righteousness of God."

          2) The physical pain was terrible, but the spiritual

                pain of bearing our sins was worse.

      B. Jesus was paying our price.

          1) -Past, present and future sins.

VI. The meaning of the cross.

      A. No one can suffer like Jesus suffered on cross.

      B. But we don't have to.

          1) Jesus paid our price.

          2) Our duty is to commit ourselves to him.

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