Revelation 20_11-15      Great White Throne Judgment

Rev. David Holwick   ZH

First Baptist Church

West Lafayette, Ohio

September 25, 1988

Revelation 20:11-15


  I. Visit to county courthouse.

      A. Evidence weighed.

      B. Usually found guilty.

      C. Sentenced to slammer.

      D. Preview of God's court.

II. Common theme in Bible.

      A. All will give an account of their lives.

      B. Not just deeds, but thoughts.                Matt 12:36

      C. Your eternal destiny depends on outcome.

III. Nature of judgment in Bible.

      A. Judgment in history  (this life).

          1) On nations.

          2) On people.

              a) Bad guys get theirs.

              b) But righteous can be vindicated.

                  1> (Judgment is not always negative.)

      B. Judgment at end of history.

          1) Eternal destiny at stake.

          2) No second chance.

IV. How many judgments?

      A. Dispensationalism.

          1) Christians judged at Second Coming.          2 Cor 5:10

          2) Nations judged at beginning of Millennium.   Matt 25:31

          3) Wicked judged after Millennium.              Rev 20:11

      B. Others.

          1) Bible speaks of one great judgment.          Rom 2:6-10

              a) Wicked and righteous judged at same time.

              b) Individual salvation in view.

                  1> Even judgment of "nations" in Matt 25 focuses on

                       individuals, not nations.

          2) Judgment said to take place on one "day."    Matt 12:36

              a) Day can be a thousand years, but it would not be

                   separated by a thousand years.

  V. Timing of Judgment.

      A. Moment we believe.

      B. Moment we die.

      C. At rapture.

      D. After millennium.

VI. Testimony of Revelation 20.

      A. Called "Great White Throne" judgment.

          1) "Great" - his power.

              a) Early in Revelation, throne is focus of heaven.

              b) Here, throne is focus of all creation.

          2) "White" - his holiness.

      B. Judge is on throne.

          1) Who is Judge?

              a) God the Father.

                  1> Normal in for Father to be on throne in Rev.

                  2> Bible says God will be the Judge.

                      A> Matt 6:4

                      B> Matt 18:35

                  3> But Jesus says the Father judges no one.  Jn 5:22

              b) Jesus is Judge.

                  1> He claims judgment is given to him by Father. "

                  2> Bible describes him as Judge.

                      A> Matt 7:22-23

                      B> Matt 25:31-46

          2) Better, both cooperate.   John 8:16

              a) Duality concerning the Judge is common in the NT.

                  1> Judgment seat of God.

                      A> Rom 14:10

                  2> Judgment seat of Christ.

                      A> 2 Cor 5:10

              b) Father and Son are seated together.

                      Rev 3:21, 5:6, 22:1,3, 21:22-23.

      C. Who is judged here?

          1) Dead, great and small.

          2) Even dead from sea, death, Hades.

              a) Wicked only?

                  1> Reference to Hades.

                  2> Christians are "alive," not dead.

              b) Wicked and Christians.  (Perhaps martyrs are excluded)

                  1> Presence of Book of Life.

                  2> Testimony of dual judgment in other verses.

                  3> Not just Hades, but "Death" judged.

                      A> All Christians die.   Rev 2:10

      D. Basis of Judgment.

          1) Books

              a) Books are opened.

                  1> Record of deeds.  "What they had done."

                  2> No record of being saved by this basis.

              b) Book of Life.

                  1> Belongs to Lamb.

                  2> Record of being chosen by God.

          2) Books reveal essence of salvation.

              a) Jesus must chose us to be saved.  His decision.

              b) Proof we are chosen shows up in our life.

          3) Any saved?

              a) Only Lake of Fire mentioned.

              b) But Rev 21 focuses on salvation.

      E. Verdict

          1) Salvation.

          2) Lake of Fire.

              a) No middle ground.

VII. Reason for judgment.

      A. Justice must prevail.

          1) The way we live makes a difference.

          2) We reap what we sow.

          3) We cannot run from God.

      B. God's ultimate act of love - freedom for us to choose.

          1) It is not God's desire to condemn, any more than it is

              the purpose of light to cast shadows.  But shadows are

              inevitable when someone stands in the way of the light.

          2) We must chose to be saved.

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