Revelation  4, study notes      Vision of God's Throne

Rev. David Holwick

Study Notes

July 1991

Revelation 4


  I. Vision of God's Throne.             Chapter 4

      A. Overview of chapters 4 and 5.

          1) New break in prophecy of book.

          2) Single theme - the God of Creation is also God of Redemption.

          3) Many aspects have already taken place.

      B. "open door"

          1) Rapture?

          2) Common theme in prophecies (Jewish apocalyptic).

      C. "throne"

          1) Not necessary to determine whether palace or temple.

          2) "God's work consists in the fact that he reigns."

          3) Points of contact with Ezekiel's vision.    Ezek 1:26f

      D. "twenty-four elders"                         cf Isaiah 24:23

          1) Variety of identifications:

          2) 12 patriarchs (old Israel) and 12 apostles (new Israel).

              a) Jewish targum on Isaiah 24:23 saw elders as human.

              b) Early Christian interpretation.

              c) Parallels gates and foundation of new Jerusalem. 21:12

          3) 24 priests.

              a) Israel had 24 orders of priests and Levites.

              b) Those here have priestly functions (direct worship).

              c) They each have a harp in 5:8.

              d) However, they present the prayers of God's people to him.

          4) 24 members of an exalted angelic order.

              a) They function like the four living creatures.

              b) Human representatives would prob. not be called "angels."

              c) Humanity doesn't seem to be in view in chapter 4.

      E. "flashes of lightning"

          1) Reminiscent of theophany at Sinai.       Exod 19:16ff

              a) Other biblical images:   Ezek 1:13; Heb 12:18ff; cf Ps 18:9

          2) Meaning of storm theophanies:

              a) God coming in judgment.       1 Sam 2:10

              b) God coming in salvation.       Ps 18:16; Job 37:12 (both)

          3) Occurs in Revelation at conclusion of each series of

                judgments.                8:1ff; 11:15ff; 16:17ff

      F. "sea of glass"

          1) Idea comes from sea above firmament.        Gen 1:7; Ps 104:3

          2) Denotes holiness and separatedness of God.

      G. "four living creatures"

          1) Closer circle than 24 elders.

          2) Imagery drawn from Ezekiel 1 and Isaiah 6 (but modified).

              a) Sentinels rather than bearers as in Ezekiel.

              b) Living creatures are full of eyes, rather than wheels of


          3) "lion, ox, man, eagle"

              a) May have derived from four principle signs of Zodiac, thus

                    the four quarters of heaven, four winds, four seasons.

              b) Representatives of entire animal creation.

                  1> Rabbi Abahu (AD 300):

                  "There are four mighty creatures.  The mightiest among

                   the birds is the eagle, the mightiest among domestic

                   animals is the ox, the mightiest among wild animals

                   is the lion, the mightiest of them all is man; and God

                   has taken all these and secured them to his throne."

              c) "cast crowns" - either continually or on notable occasions.

              d) "by thy will" - literally, "because of your will."

              e) "our Lord and God" - not in LXX, but exact rendering of

                    Emperor Domitian's title, "Dominus et Deus noster."

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