Romans 3:21-26      All Fall Short

Rev. David Holwick                                   Book of Romans series

First Baptist Church    [beginning needs to be beefed up, made

West Lafayette, Ohio               more interesting.]

April 2, 1989 

Romans 3:21-26


I. Human need - All have sinned.           3:10-18

      A. Just how bad are we?

          1) Sin goes through every part of our lives.

              a) Mind, throat, lips, mouth, feet, eyes

              b) Turn away from God.

      B. Don't we have some good thoughts, actions?

          1) Fall short is what matters.                       3:23

              a) "sinned" - past tense.

              b) "fall short" - present tense.  Continual.

                  1> School kids can relate (report cards).

          2) God's glory.                                      3:23

              a) The glory we once possessed.

              b) Perfection of God, nothing less.

                  1> No "curve grading".

                      A> Differences in degree of sin, but not kind.

      C. Whole world is accountable before God.

          1) Religious people and slimy pagans.

              a) Religion (law) does not save us.             3:19-20

              b) Instead, it makes us knowledgeable about sin.

          2) No one good enough on their own.                 3:19-20

II. God's Response:  Good news.

      A. He sends Righteousness.  (emphasis on God's action)      3:21

          1) Father is main subject, not the sinner.

          2) Standing or lifestyle?

              a) Standing.

                  1> Bad Christians are justified.

                  2> Opposite is not unrighteousness, but condemnation. 5:18

      B. Grace - free gift.                                3:24

          1) God's initiative.

              a) Not really free.

              b) Costly - his Son.

          2) Just as all have sinned, all can be justified.    3:24

              a) Not universal salvation, but all stand on same level in

                   both cases.

III. Word Pictures (Metaphors)

      A. Practice of Law.         "justified"         3:24

          1) Acquittal of the guilty.  (transfer of righteousness)

              a) All charges dropped.

                  1> Unfair?   (unless we are the criminal)

                  2> Application to modern courts.  (example)

              b) Legal fiction or reality?

                  1> Reality.   He gives us right-standing.

          2) Free and unmerited.

              a) No joint effort in salvation.

              b) Our pride resists this.

      B. Buying slaves.           "redemption"        3:24

          1) Redemption.

              a) Basic idea of word is ransom for a slave.

                  1> 1 Cor 6:19-20, Mark 10:45

              b) Marriage - men redeem wife (=slave, property)

                  1> Meaning of wedding ring.

              c) Hostages in Lebanon.

                  1> Terry Anderson (an American Baptist).

                       Five years of waiting.

                     Reagan's "Arms for Hostages" deal was a ransom.

          2) Passover lamb, Communion

      C. Ritual of sacrifice.     "atonement"         3:25

          1) Atonement.

              a) Appeasing anger.

                  1> OT - Wrath put on animal instead of person.

                  2> Actually, wrath is against sin.

              b) A sacrifice always takes the place of another.    #343

          Right after World War II.  Big effort to use minimum amount

             of U-235 in bombs.

          Louis Slotin was one of these scientists.

          On May 21, 1946, he was experimenting to find the lowest

             critical mass by using two chunks of radioactive uranium.

          He pushed them together, then separated them with a screwdriver

             at the last minute.

          One day, the screwdriver slipped.

          Instead of ducking, he tore the hemispheres apart with his hands,

             saving seven others in the room.

          He died nine days later in agony.

          Nineteen centuries ago the Son of the living God walked directly

             into sin's most concentrated radiation.

          He allowed himself to be touched by its curse,

             and let it take his life.

          By that act he broke the chain reaction.

             He broke the power of sin."

              a) Atonement as covering of sin.

                  1> LXX - mercy seat, cover of ark.

                  2> Jesus is our mercy seat.

IV. Our response:  Faith.

      A. "Easy believism"?

          1) Demands our whole life.

          2) Must be in Jesus.

      B. No grounds for boasting.

          1) Salvation is a gift, not a reward.

          2) Anyone can qualify.

      C. Humbly take God at his word.

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