Romans 8:1-17      Who Controls the Switch?

Rev. David Holwick  X                                    Romans series #8

First Baptist Church                          

Ledgewood, New Jersey 

July 24, 2005

Romans 8:1-17


  I. Switches in the Holwick household.

      A. Everyone loves light switches - "on" only.

      B. Another popular switch - the TV remote.

          1) My father will click it every 7 seconds.

          2) Sarah inherited his genes, because she does the same.

      C. Switches give us control.

          1) What controls our own switches?

              a) What sets our priorities, values, goals?

          2) Thus far in Romans, the switches are negative.

              a) We are ruined by sin and darkness.

              b) Romans 7 - a classic description of futility.

          3) In Romans 8, we find the key for a victorious life.

              a) That key (or switch) is the Holy Spirit.

                    The Holy Spirit is barely mentioned in previous

                    chapters in Romans, but here it is highlighted.

              b) I would like to explore some aspects about the

                    Holy Spirit as it is presented in Romans 8.

II. Our condition in the Spirit.

      A. No condemnation.

          1) We are forgiven for everything.

          2) We are forgiven forever.

      B. We are "in" Christ Jesus.

          1) We don't just believe in him, we are bonded to him.

              a) Verse 11 - his Spirit is living in us.

              b) You might say we are Jesus-possessed.

          2) Jesus breaks our sin nature, by being a sin offering in

                our place.

      C. Are you "in" Christ?

          1) It requires a decision, and it involves faith.

              a) Key ingredient - real Christians have the Holy Spirit.

              b) No Spirit, no salvation.                            10:9

          2) The Spirit is the defining element in the Christian life.

             Dale Fincher makes the following observation:

             When we say a person has the Spirit of Christ, what do we


             In one sense, we could be speaking of someone who shares

               the passion of Christ to help the poor and suffering.

             If we meant it in this way, "spirit" would be used

                similarly to the way Gandhi used it.

             The "Spirit of Jesus" is simply a man to emulate - merely

                an example for everyone.

             But when the Bible talks the Spirit of Christ, it is

                referring to it in a very different way.

             This is what makes following Jesus unique to following

                anyone else.

             Romans 8:9 says this:

                "You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature

                    but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you.

                 And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he

                    does not belong to Christ."

             What is the Apostle Paul saying to the Christians in Rome?

             He is saying that "Spirit" is not an idea or an attitude.

                "Spirit" is a living person.

             In fact, Paul is saying that if we are not rightly related

                to this person, if this person is not part of our lives,

                   then we do not belong to God.

             When Christ came into the world he didn't come merely to

                give us an example in suffering, or a way to help the poor.

             Rather, he came to reconnect us with God.

             The Spirit of Christ is a Person who walks with all who

                choose to join as citizens of his Kingdom.


III. Our character in the Spirit.

      A. Liberated from dead legalism.                                8:2

          1) We don't need detailed rulebooks to know how to live.

          2) The Spirit will lead us in the way of love.

      B. Liberated from our sin nature.

          1) There can be victory over the struggle portrayed in Rom 7.

          2) Legalism can suppress the sin nature, but the Spirit can

                defeat it.

      C. Life-oriented focus.                                         8:6

          1) Positive focus on life and peace.

          2) We are open to God, not hostile.

          3) This focus comes from a new attitude...

IV. Our concentration in the Spirit.

      A. Our minds should be focused on what the Spirit desires.      8:5

          1) Work on your mind, and body will follow.

              a) Lance Armstrong's success in Tour de France.

              b) His victory is mental as much as physical.

          2) Train your mind.  (set it)

              a) Orient yourself toward God's way of looking at reality.

              b) We are not just products of chance.

              c) God has a purpose for us and we can discover it.

      B. Check your attitudes.

          1) For example, choose life and choose love.

          2) Revenge, greed and anger only diminish your life.

          3) Seek the new attitudes God wants you to have, and your

                life can be re-shaped.

  V. Our confidence in the Spirit.

      A. Jesus' Spirit is not just in us, it can empower us.         8:11

          1) Seek the power.

             Rev. A. J. Gordon, one of the founders of my seminary,

                once was walking by a house.

             Nearby he saw what looked like a man pumping furiously on

                one of those hand pumps.

             As Gordon watched, the man continued to pump at a

                tremendous rate.

             He seemed absolutely tireless, pumping on and on, up and

                down, without ever slowing in the slightest, much less


             Gordon was intrigued by this, so he walked toward it.

             As he got closer, he could see it was not a man at the

                pump, but a wooden figure painted to look like a man.

             The arm that was pumping so rapidly was hinged at the elbow

                and the hand was wired to the pump handle.

             The water was pouring forth, but not because the figure was

                pumping it.

             You see, it was an artesian well, and the water was pumping

                the man!


             Christians often think we have to do great things for God.

                Instead, God wants to do great things through us.

             He provides the spiritual power.

                You just have to keep your hand on the pump!

          2) Cooperate with the power.

              a) We remain divided creatures.

                  1> Our physical nature is still corrupted by sin.  8:10

                  2> Our spiritual nature is what is truly alive.

              b) We are obligated to live according to the Spirit.

                  1> Put to death the actions of the sinful nature.  8:13

                  2> Be led by the Spirit and "walk" in it.          8:14

      B. We are adopted into God's family.                           8:15

          1) We can call on God as our Father.  (Abba)

          2) We can feel the relationship.                           8:16

      C. We will inherit God's promises.                             8:17



Main points in my outline are borrowed from a sermon by Rev. Ed Wood,

"Does Christ Make A Difference?",, Kerux sermon #21314.

#26921  "Keep Your Hand On the Handle," Ted Sunderland,

  weekly newsletter, February 25, 2004.

#29191  "When Spirit Is A Person," Dale Fincher, A Slice of Infinity: Ravi

           Zacharias International Ministries;

           March 1, 2005.

These and 25,000 others are part of a database that can be downloaded,

absolutely free, at


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