Rev. David Holwick P MOTHER'S DAY First Baptist Church Ledgewood, New Jersey May 8, 1994 James 1:19-27 SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR EARS? =============================== I. How families communicate. A. The magic test is phrase: "Take out the trash." Whenever I hear my beloved wife say that, I immediately drop everything and rush right down to do it. -Because as your pastor I must set an example. Some of you have reacted skeptically. So I'll be honest. In truth, if I were to do everything my wife asked, right away, she's have a heart attack then and there. Once she called out "Dinner's ready" and I came down immediately, only to wait 20 minutes for the food. Dads know what moms REALLY mean. #2637 B. Communication is a complicated affair. 1) Ways we speak: a) Some speak down to the other. (parent / child) b) Some speak on impulse. (child / child) c) Some speak all the time, and no one listens. d) And still others don't speak at all. 2) Ways we listen: a) Rapt attention, which is best faked during dating. b) Hear what we want to hear, forget the rest. c) In one ear, out the other. C. Communication is also central to our spiritual life. 1) Are we listening to God? When we hear him, do we obey? a) This passage in James focuses on how we hear God's Word. b) It may seem disjointed, but there is a definite flow. 2) Three aspects of spiritual communication are highlighted: a) How we listen. verses 19-20 b) How we receive it. verse 21 c) How we do it. verses 22-27 -2- II. Listening to the Word. 1:19-20 A. James: be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. 1) We all know that we say the dumbest stuff on impulse. 2) Bible's teaching on impulsive speaking: a) Proverbs 10:19- When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise. b) Proverbs 13:3- He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin. c) Proverbs 17:28- Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue. B. Good listening is a difficult trait to acquire. 1) Pastors are trained to listen carefully. a) (I didn't do too well in that department.) b) In tragedies, most people are uptight about what to say. c) It is far more important how you listen. 2) Listening is not passive, but active and difficult. In his book STRESS FRACTURES, Charles Swindoll gives a personal illustration: Some time back, he was in a period where he was caught in the undertow of too many commitments in too few days. It wasn't long before he was snapping at his wife and his children and choking down his food at mealtimes. All day long he was getting irritated at those unexpected interruptions that always seem to pile up. Before long, things around their home started reflecting the pattern of his hurry-up style. It was becoming unbearable. He distinctly recalls after supper one evening the words of his youngest daughter, Colleen. She wanted to tell him about something important that had happened to her at school that day. She hurriedly began, "Daddy-I-wanna-tell-you-somethin'-and- -I'll-tell-you-really-fast." Suddenly realizing her frustration, he answered, "Honey, you can tell me .... and you don't have to tell me really fast. Say it slowly." He'll never forget her answer: "Then listen slowly." #2166 -3- C. Listening slowly - to God. 1) A continual talker cannot hear. a) (Being trapped by a non-stop talker in high school.) b) If you can't hear what people say, you can't hear what God is saying. 2) Anger also closes the mind to God's truth. a) Righteousness doesn't flourish with angry attitude. b) Some feel anger shows you care. 1> You are not being wimpy. 2> You have convictions. c) Emotion is good, anger is not. 1:20 III. Receiving the Word. 1:21 A. Get rid of moral filth. 1) "Get rid" = strip yourself. Heb 12:1 2) Christian faith is not just something you add. a) You have to do some subtracting first. b) Each of us has something we have to strip away. B. Humbly accept the Word. 1) Humility comes from strength, not weakness. 2) We must realize we are not the greatest power in universe. C. Planted in you. 1) James is writing to people who are already Christians. 2) Now they must grow. IV. Doing the Word. 1:22-27 A. Paying attention is not enough. 1) Illustration of a mirror. Everyone here looked in a mirror this morning. - To make sure the lipstick went where supposed to. - To get those last minute pimples. - To get pillow stuffing out of hair. -4- Some say I look in mirrors a lot. I can assure you it's not because of vanity. I just don't want to gross you all out. 2) We look in mirrors to confirm and change our appearance. a) We want to look a certain way. b) Do you walk away and expect to look like a slob? No. c) We look in a mirror for results. 3) We look in the Bible to see the kind of person we want to be. a) We even imagine we ARE just like that. b) Then we turn and forget how they are supposed to live. 1:25 4) Examples: a) You know what Bible says about sexual sin. -Do you sin sexually? b) You know what the Word says about forgiving others. -Do you hold a grudge anyway? B. The purpose of listening to truth is to act upon it. 1:22 1) James 1:22 may be key verse of whole book. a) Knowledge and experience are always tied together. b) The responsibility of those who hear is far greater than that of those who have never heard. 2) Parable of Father and Two Sons. Matthew 21:28 a) One says yes, other says no. 1> "No" person changes mind and does it, other doesn't. b) Right actions gets the praise. 1> (Real parents would trash them both!) 2> Words, and intentions, by themselves are meaningless. C. Alternative - listen, do, be blessed. 1:25 1) He looks intently. a) Same word used of John peering into Jesus' tomb. b) Zealously search the Bible's meaning. 1> -Not for legalisms, but for rules of free living. -5- 2) He continues to do this. 3) He doesn't forget what he heard. 4) And he puts the truth into action. V. Three specific areas where truth should be put into practice. A. Speech. 1:26 1) "Religious" = external acts of religion. 2) One of easiest tests of spirituality: a) What kind of language do you use? b) How do you talk about other people, especially enemies? B. Concern for people who hurt. 1:27a 1) True religion is a life-changing force. 2) Inner, heart religion in view here. a) Religion must be more than external. b) It must spring from an inner spiritual reality. c) It must express itself in love to others and holiness before God. 3) Your treatment of the outcast is a litmus test. Sermon at Spring Rally made me feel guilty. I see flaws in people I assist. Then I wonder how I would do in their shoes. C. Concern for personal holiness (pollution by world). 1:27b ========================================= unused notes: I. Other ancient wisdom: A. Greek philosopher Zeno: we have 2 ears and one mouth, so that we can hear more, and speak less. B. Socrates: make sure your brain is in gear before your mouth is in motion. (Or something to that effect) II. SOURCE: Dynamic Preaching Disk, Spring 1992 "A" TITLE: Who Are You Trying To Impress? AUTHOR: PAGE: Jun 3 92 DATE: 4/1/92 Typist: ENTERED: 9/11/92 DATE_USED: ILLUSTRATION__________________________________________________________________ : A ball-point pen salesman persuaded a small business owner to order five hundred pens. He was writing the order in his sales book when suddenly the business owner exclaimed, "Hold on! I'm cancelling the order!" With that, the business owner turned to wait on a customer and ignored the salesman. The salesman left the store angry and confused. Later, the business owner's bookkeeper asked, "Why did you cancel that pen order?" "Why?" responded the man. "Because that salesman talked ball-point pens to me for a half-hour. He described the benefits. He showed me how I could use them to expand my business. He had me convinced that I could not get along without those ball- point pens. Then he turned around and wrote my order with a lead pencil. He doesn't even use his own product!" There is nothing in the world that will defeat us in life like saying one thing and doing another. It is still true, what we do speaks louder than what we say. People today are tired of phonies. #2282 A. What do we look in the Bible for? 1) Bible gives practical advice, spiritual truth, eternal promises. 2) It isn't a rule book, but a law of Liberty. 1:25 3) You can know whole Bible, even love it, but still not be in God's will, because you aren't doing what it says. B. We have to let it have impact on us. III. Jesus says those who have ears, need to hear. Mark 4:9 A. Many know they're saved, know Bible. B. But act no different than anyone else. IV. Perfect Law. A. Reveals Jewish background. B. But not OT law or legalism. 1) It isn't enforced by external compulsion. 2) It is fulfilled with glad devotion under the enablement of the Spriit of God.