Rev. David Holwick  K
First Baptist Church
Ledgewood, New Jersey
March 17, 1991

                         "GIVING UP ON GOD"

  I. The prophet Malachi.
      A. One of last Old Testament prophets (400's B.C.)
          1) Name means, "my messenger".

      B. Many were losing faith due to unfulfilled promises.  Heb. 11:13
          1) Cynicism resulted.
          2) This cynicism tore up their relationship with God & people.

      C. Theme of relationships is key to Malachi.

 II. God's relationship with his people.
      A. God is motivated by love.               1:2-5
          1) God chose to love Jacob.
              a) Jacob didn't deserve it.
          2) God chose to "hate" Esau.           1:3
              a) Sounds harsh to us.
                  1> Exaggerated Jewish language.
                  2> Drastic difference in relationships in view.
              b) Esau first hated God before God rejected him.
                  1> Esau belittled his inheritance as of little worth.
                  2> The nation of Jordan (=Edom, descendants of Esau)
                        confirmed this attitude by way they hated Israel.
                  3> This has been re-confirmed in recent war between
                        Iraq and Israel.  Jordan sided with Iraq.
          3) We wonder about predestination aspect, but unmerited love
               is real meaning of verses.

      B. God is father and implies Israel is his son.  1:6   (2:10, 3:17)
          1) God wants intimacy with us.
          2) He wants to bless his son with good things.    3:10-12
          3) But God as our father must be treated with respect. 

      C. God must also be Master and King.      1:6
          1) Realize we have an obligation to worship and serve him.
          2) God must be taken seriously.

      D. Covenant is main expression of relationship in Malachi, & Bible.
          1) Relationship of peace and love.         2:5
              a) Requires peaceful living and repentance.   2:6
              b) Sinful living is condemned.                3:5
          2) 47 out of 55 verses are God's first-person address to Jews.

      E. Main sin of humans is in jeopardizing relationship with God.
          1) Twice sin is specified as covenant-breaking.  2:8, 2:10-11
          2) There are consequences:
                     He will one day judge all people on earth.

III. How the Jews despised God.
      A. Bored worship reflected the breakdown in relationship with God.
          1) Sacrifices were wounded, diseased animals.           1:8
              a) They wouldn't offer it to a politician, but they would
                    to God.
              b) They may not have actually said, "God is contemptible,"
                   but their actions showed it.         1:12-13
          2) Bad worship is worse than no worship at all.    1:9-10
              a) Their attitude didn't honor God.               2:2
              b) Are you giving God second-best?

      B. They ripped off God with short tithes.       3:8
          1) They had a tit-for-tat view of giving:
              a) The wicked are getting theirs....            3:15
              b) ...I'm giving to God, and starving.          3:14

          2) God saw short tithes as robbery.       3:8
              a) It should be done cheerfully, but is also an obligation.
                  1> Tithing taught by Jesus as well as in OT.
                  2> Tithe is 10%, offerings are more.
              b) Tithes should come to the storehouse.
                  1> Tithe should come to church, let God's people use
                        it wisely.
                  2> Offerings can go to any good cause.

          3) Tithing is hard.

             Illustration of "Lord's Lottery."

             Put offering envelopes in a bin at front.
               Ushers draw one out.
             Winning person gets double their money back.
             Excitement and prosperity for the church will result.
               It will become the main event of the morning worship.
               Limit participants to members, and membership will rise.

              a) Tithing identifies those who are serious in commitment.
                  1> Impossible in our day?
                  2> No!  We have much fat compared to Malachi's day.

      C. Rich blessing results from heart-felt giving to God.      3:10
          1) Blessings on individuals.
          2) Blessings on society.
              a) Not just the overflowing of generous spirits.
              b) God will physically bless those who trust in him.

 IV. Failure with God resulted in failed relationships with people.  2:14
      A. Jews despised God, and they also failed to love people.
          1) Broken relationships in society.        2:14-16
              a) God hates divorce.   2:16
          2) Malachi had a high view of family life.
              a) God's ideal:  one man, one woman.
              b) Keep faith with each other.
          3) Bad attitude toward family closes God's blessing to you.

      B. Be careful how we treat others, because it reflects on how much
            we truly know and love God.

  V. Getting right with God.
      A. It is possible to return to God.
          1) Experience his material blessing.
          2) Experience healing in families.       4:6

      B. Scroll of remembrance is kept by God.      3:16
          1) Similar to Book of Life.
          2) Those in it are God's possession.
              a) Are you written there?

      C. Messenger of a future covenant is promised.       3:1
          1) Similar to prophet Elijah.                4:5
              a) Messenger was John the Baptist.         Matthew 17:10-13
          2) The covenant was initiated by Jesus Christ.
              a) Salvation is not through personal merit.
              b) Only fear God and honor him.  3:16
              c) God wants us to have personal relationship with him. 2:6

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"Pastor Holwick's Sermons"

Copyright © Rev. W. David Holwick, 2000

First Baptist Church; Ledgewood, New Jersey

This document last modified July 26, 2000